technical knowledge



We explain what technical knowledge is, what it is used for, its characteristics and examples. Also, its importance in a company.

Technical knowledge allows modifying the environment to adapt it to our needs.

What is technical knowledge?

It is known as technical knowledge or simply technique to the type of applied knowledge that commonly implies skills manuals and intellectuals, as well as the use of tools and other knowledge secondary. Its name comes from the Greek Techné, which means "trade".

This type of knowledge is typical of the human being and arise from the need to alter the environment to make it more habitable. To adapt the world to our needs, currently technique and Sciences, that is, the technology.

Technical knowledge can be applied to various areas of knowledge and human life, from the use of tools, repair, commissioning of systems, to the various forms of art: the great painters of the history, for example, they have innovated in the pictorial techniques of their time.

Like many other forms of knowledge, technical knowledge must learn, that is to say, it is not innate of the human being. Therefore, it often requires the teaching, formal and / or informal, at the hands of someone who already knows the technique to be learned.

It differs from scientific knowledge in that it does not necessarily come from theorizing and experimentation, nor does it propose to explain the way in which reality operates. It is simply looking for the way in which we can manipulate nature for our own specific benefit.

Examples of technical knowledge

A variety of technical knowledge is required to repair household appliances.

Some simple examples of technical knowledge are:

  • The use of algorithms, formulas or calculation devices.
  • Plumbing, electricity and masonry, among other urban techniques.
  • Repair of household appliances.
  • The tuning of musical instruments.

Characteristics of technical knowledge

The purpose of technical knowledge is to resolve problems through the use or adaptation of human tools to the modification of the reality, all with a predetermined practical purpose. Techniques are the object of study of technology, and are one of the main allies of science.

Science, technique and technology often converge in the creation of artificial objects to solve specific problems. Finally, the performance of an individual in the application of technical knowledge will always depend on their understanding of it. It also depends on other physical talents such as dexterity, ability wave force.

Technical knowledge in a company

Computer skills are highly required technical knowledge.

The Business Y organizations in general, they value the specialized technical knowledge of their staff as one of their fundamental assets. Therefore, they often invest capitals on the training technique of their workers, so that they can face the various problems and challenging situations that may arise as part of the job.

Its importance is generalized, particularly with regard to technologies, rather than techniques. In contemporary times the management of complex tools and applied theoretical knowledge is an imperative need, much more than knowing how to use tools, as it was during the beginnings of the industrial world.

Other types of knowledge

Other forms of knowledge are:

  • Scientific knowledge. Use the scientific method to check the different hypothesis that arise from the observation of reality. Its objective is to demonstrate through experiments what are the laws that govern the universe.
  • Empirical knowledge. It comes from direct experience, repetition or participation, without requiring an approach to the abstract, but from the things themselves.
  • Philosophical knowledge. It follows from human thought, in the abstract. Use logical or formal reasoning methods. It is not always directly detached from reality, but from the imaginary representation of reality.
  • Intuitive insight. One that is acquired without formal reasoning, quickly and unconsciously, the result of often inexplicable processes.
  • Religious knowledge. Study the link between human being and the divine and is usually based on dogmas.
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