


We explain what the oligarchy is, the relationship between the corporate oligarchy and the aristocracy. Also, what an oligarchic person is like.

The oligarchy is a government made up of a minority of people.

What is oligarchy?

The oligarchy refers to a form of government that was implemented during the Contemporary age, represented by a group of people belonging to the same social classIn other words, it is a government made up of few people.

The word oligarchy comes from the Greek «olives»Which means« few »and«archos«, Means to command or govern. An example is the Soviet Union where only communists had the opportunity to vote. The word oligarchy is usually associated with a dictatorship for their similarities more than with the democracy.

The oligarchy is not only a government composed of a minority of persons, but also, those who are in command, have a lot of economic power. These are owners of large properties and lands, all that can they have almost a hundred percent influence in obtaining subsequent political office.

It is not possible to define exactly when was the beginning of this type of government, since it is foreseen that it exists from the first movements and structuring of the Humans, that is, from the beginning of the history there have always been those who, because they possessed a little more than others, came to command, perhaps not of a government but of a small social group. In ancient times, African and Amerindian civilizations were led by ancient sages.

The oligarchy not only refers to obtaining political positions, but we can also say that in various types of institutions it has its place. There are oligarchic groups in various commonly used services such as sports clubs, commercial areas and others. All of them are made up of a small group of people who are in charge of the activities carried out in each one of them.

The corporate oligarchy and the aristocracy

Plato was one of the many authors who were in charge of talking about the oligarchy.

The corporate oligarchy refers to a form of power that, as in the previous definition, is made up of a small group of people, the difference is that these usually occur in educational institutions such as schools, economic entities such as banks, among other. Many times i know make decisions own that ignore the decisions of the country in general, that is to say, the official ones. An example are the Business multinationals.

This form of government began to be applied more often in ancient Greece. Many historians claim that it was due to the deformation of another type of government called the aristocracy. In those days, ruled by those with the best ability to be in command of a societyHowever, when the oligarchy began to emerge, they began to rule not by ability but by blood offspring, that is, children or relatives of those who had been in command, in addition to having great financial power. In this form of government, other types of lower-level social groups are not accepted under any circumstances.

The well-known and prominent philosopher Plato belonged to one of the many authors who were in charge of talking about the oligarchy, this one, in particular, made reference to the government of the thirty tyrants that took place in his town. The name of this government arose because it was composed of a total of thirty magistrates who possessed absolute power after the Peloponnesian War. These were in charge of imposing a complete oligarchy as a form of government.

What is an oligarch?

An oligarch is a person who has great economic power, and does not pay attention or care to act under actions ethical Y moral as anyone should do and even more so if it is someone who is in political office.

The oligarchs are also known to engage in totally violent and corrupt acts where the only thing they achieve is their own benefit and maintain status. His objective The main thing is not to benefit people, but to themselves, and in this way permanently extend their wealth, no matter what the form.

The oligarchy is considered the opposite of democracy, since in the second it is characterized by the full participation of the people when making political decisions in search of their benefits, such as electing those who want to govern them in a near future.

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