decomposing organisms



We explain what decomposers are and the types that exist. In addition, its ecological importance and some examples.

Decomposers occupy the bottom rung of the food chain.

What are decomposers?

Decomposers are called all those living beings heterotrophs, whose main source of sustenance is organic matter in a state of decomposition, which they help to reduce to its minimum usable components (decomposition). Decomposers occupy the bottom rung of the food chain, because they guarantee nutrients and fertilizers to primary producers.

Decomposition is a common and important process in the life cycle. life, and it is what follows the death, either total (a complete individual) or partial (parts, remains or members of an individual). This process is carried out by a diverse community of decomposing microorganisms, composed of numerous species of mushrooms Y bacteria.

Some consumers, called detritus consumers or detritivores, are often considered decomposers. They feed on detritus, which is organic material dead that includes carcasses, leaf litter and feces. Debris eaters and microbial decomposers destroy dead organisms and waste products.

Types of Decomposers

Detritivores feed on the body remains of other organisms.

Depending on the type of decomposing organic matter on which they feed, we can speak of three fundamental types of decomposing organisms:

  • Detritivores or detritófagos.They are consumer organisms that feed on detritus, that is, on the body remains of other organisms, such as plant residues (dry leaves, decomposing fruits, withered flowers, etc.). All this organic material falls to the I usually of the different ecosystems and generates, by decomposing, a layer of decomposing organic matter called "humus".
  • Coprophagous. They are the consumer organisms that feed on the feces of other more complex organisms, that is, their excrement. There they find usable organic matter that the other animals they cannot digest totally or partially, taking advantage of what has already been used in the first instance.
  • ghouls. They are the consumers that feed on corpses, that is, the body of dead organisms. Once life has ceased, different microorganisms begin a digestion of organic matter, aided before by insects, scavenger animals and other organisms that devour the body or kill the remains of the hunt of other larger animals.
  • Saprotrophs. They are the decomposers themselves. They are microbial heterotrophs that supply themselves with energy by breaking down organic molecules in the remains (carcasses and bodily waste) of all members of the food chain. They release simple organic molecules, such as carbon dioxide and mineral salts, which can be reused by producers. Most bacteria and fungi are important decomposers.

Ecological importance of decomposers

Decomposers are vital organisms for the transmission circuit of energy and matter in all ecosystems. They are the guarantors of the total use of biological resources: they break down organic matter into more basic and elemental substances, each time closer to those necessary for the flourishing of plants. producing or primary organisms (like the floors).

Without them, the decomposition of matter would be a much longer and more laborious process, especially in the case of those predators endings that are not usually prey to anyone.

Examples of decomposers

Bacteria are the first activated front of decomposition of matter.

Some examples of decomposers are:

  • The bacteria. A veritable fauna of heterotrophic microorganisms lives in the intestines of animals and freely in the nature. When life has ceased, they are the first front activated for the decomposition of matter, since they ferment, oxidize and consume the tissues.
  • most of the fungi. Saprophytic (non-parasitic) fungi usually grow in places rich in humidity and decomposing organic matter, such as the soil of a deciduous forest or painting a bathroom with poor ventilation. There they chemically break down matter to obtain energy and nutrients with which to grow and reproduce.
  • Earthworms. The various species of earthworm lead a blind existence underground, tunneling as they go, feeding on organic matter in its last stages of decomposition.
  • insect larvae. Various insects, especially flies, lay their eggs on carcasses or other decomposing organic waste, to take advantage of the organic matter as a food source for their larvae. These are the worms that appear on dead animals and devour them from the inside, preparing for death. metamorphosis that will lead them to adulthood.
  • coprophagous insects. Other insects, such as the different "dung beetles" (Scarabaeus viettei and Scarabaeus laticollis, generally) take advantage of the defecation of various mammals, making small balls that they bury to form a warm and conducive nest for their eggs.
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