


We explain what sincerity is and how this value can be taken as something negative. Also, how is sincerity in children.

Being sincere implies being true to who you are.

What is sincerity?

Sincerity is a value very important in people, since it is the ability not to be untrue. Being a sincere person means not lying in any area of ​​the life. Facing life with this value will help us to be trustworthy people and for others to see us as noble people.

Being sincere implies being faithful to what one is, always showing the outside what we are inside in any situation or person, since pretending or pretending is also lying, and to act in this way would be to be hypocritical.

A person who is sincere is accepting himself as he is, has a good self esteem and that's why it has no problem showing itself as it is.

Someone missing the truth, not only do you do it because you probably are not comfortable with your personality, that is, he is very shy, but also because it is likely that he has received humiliations or degradations that have caused damage to his personality and caused him to be ashamed of himself.

It was always said that children, crazy people and drunkards always tell the truth. This is because they are not subject to the same social norms than the rest, the children because they do not know them yet, and the other two subjects because due to their state or situation they cannot abide by them.

It is true that sometimes these social norms want us to act in a certain way, but if we did not think it was right, we would not be obliged to do so, especially if it goes against our values ​​or beliefsWhether or not to be governed by them is an option and if we comply with them it is to conform and locate ourselves in weather and shape.

Nowadays honesty is hard to find because people have become more superficial and already have other interests that, according to them, outweigh relationships with other people. At the beginning of a relationship it will always be difficult to tell whether or not someone is being sincere, but it is something that will be found out over time.

Sincerity as a negative

It is important to think before acting and thus measure the consequences of actions.

Although we said that it is an important value and good to be sincere, also excess of sincerity can be counterproductive. We must have a filter, we cannot always go around saying what we think or responding as we want.

For example, if we have a dinner with our future family Politics and whoever cooked ask us about the food and it turns out that it has not been to our total liking, we should not say that it was ugly or that we did not like it, because we would hurt the feelings of the other person. The situation is different if they offer us meat and we are vegetarians, there being honest is not bad.

The important thing is to think before acting or speaking to measure the consequences of our actions, in many cases it is annoying for people that we are very sincere, because it can happen that a friend loves an article of clothing, but that it really does not favor them. . So if he asks us, we should give him some compliment in the form of "white lies" or "white lies", which are those that really don't hurt anyone.

Children and sincerity

As we said before, children tend to be too sincere. It is important that we teach them the difference between lying and not saying certain things.

For example, if someone who is overweight has sat in a fragile chair and has broken it, it would be important to emphasize that we must not hurt other people and that we must take care of our words in some cases.

Another typical case is when someone in the house does not want to open the door and the child comes out announcing "my mother says she is not here", what a shame for the parents.

It is always important to educate children in values, because in this way they will grow up to be men and women of integrity and uprightness. They have to understand some situations that are incorrect so as not to imitate them, although it is obvious that children sometimes do not have enough mental tools to be able to do it, but it is good to teach them little by little.

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