comparative adverbs



We explain what comparative adverbs are, their function, examples and use in sentences. Also, other types of adverbs.

Comparative adverbs indicate similarities or differences between elements.

What is a comparative adverb?

It is known as comparative adverbs to one of the classes of adverb of the Spanish language, that is, the words that serve as modifier of the verbs, adjectives or other adverbs, and even from prayers whole. Its name comes from the Latin word adverbium, made up of the words ad- ("Towards") and verbum ("verb").

Adverbs are words of very little variable form and endowed with their own lexical meaning, which normally refers to the specific circumstances in which the actions of the sentence occur.

This may refer to the place, form or time in which the events occurred, or even the perspective from which they are viewed, or the comparison and comparison relationships. comparison that the issuer can establish between them. Comparative adverbs deal with the latter.

These adverbs make it possible to establish relationships of similarity, difference, superiority or inferiority between the terms of the sentence (or of several), and together with the exclamatory adverbs, of doubt and the affirmative and negative, they make up the so-called epistemic adverbs, which express a reality subjective or mental of the issuer, rather than an external, objective and concrete reality, as adverbs of place do.

Examples of comparative adverbs

The following are examples of comparative adverbs: more, less, equal, better, worse, much, so, as, in addition to the adverbial phrases less than, greater than, equal to, as much as, better than, worse than, and so on.

Sentences with comparative adverbs

Some sentences with comparative adverbs are:

  • My sister is stronger than me.
  • That building is as tall as a mountain.
  • I would like to be independent like him.
  • These shoes feel the same as the others.
  • My friend dances better than anyone.
  • Our team plays worse than the rival.
  • We couldn't practice as much as we wanted.

Other types of adverb

Apart from comparative adverbs, there are different types of adverb, such as:

  • Adverbs of place. Those that introduce a spatial relationship in the sentence, that is, that indicate where a referent is located or where an event occurs. For example: there, here, there, outside, up, down, inside, between, etc.
  • Adverbs of manner. Those that express the way in which something is done or the way things happen. For example: fast, good, bad, better, quick, regularly, etc.
  • Time adverbs. Those that incorporate a temporal relationship in the sentence, that is, when an action is performed. For example: before, after, later, while, formerly, etc.
  • Adverbs of doubt. Those who introduce a sense of probability, possibility or uncertainty, that is, a doubt from the issuer. For example: maybe, probably, possibly, maybe, etc.
  • Adverbs of order. Those that express a chronological or continuity relationship within the sentence, that is, what goes first and what goes after, or what is more important. For example: first, then, after, etc.
  • Affirmative and negative adverbs. Those who affirm or deny what is said in the sentence, that is, who express a degree of conformity of the issuer with respect to what is said. For example: yes, no, certainly, exact, never, never, etc.
  • Interrogative and exclamatory adverbs. Those that give rise to questions or exclamations. They are easily recognized because they should always be accentuated. For example: where, when, how, what, who, etc.
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