


We explain what agrarian is and what aspects it refers to. Also, agriculture in history and what is agrarian law.

The agrarian world is as old as humanity itself.

What is agrarian?

By the term agrarian is understood everything related to the life of the field and the rural economic exploitation: the sowing and cultivation of plants, the breeding of animals, harvesting fruits, etc. These aspects are commonly referred to asthe agro.

The agrarian world It is as old as the humanity herself. The discovery of the farming and the domestication of the first animals are foundational aspects of our civilization, and therefore date from the prehistory. Agriculture was an essential component of the first sociopolitical regimes and continued to be so until the medieval.

However, from the Industrial Revolution 18th century model of productivity The human body shifted fundamentally towards the cities, generating a massive exodus from agricultural regions, which sentenced them to impoverishment or large estates.

Since then, the need for aagrarian reform, term by which the set of political, economic, social and legal measures that must be taken in a country or a region to promote agricultural development, democratizing land tenure and improving the living conditions of those who cultivate it. This, however, has not been able to become a reality in all countries.

There is also an agrarian law, in most of the laws, which includes all the legal and legal provisions that regulate agricultural life and that contemplate the way in which a nation decides to deal formally with those matters.

There the possibility of agrarian cooperatives, agrarian associations, agrarian societies and other similar forms of rural organization is contemplated. The agrarian is, in principle, contrary to the urban as a concept.

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