Problems with the neck, back pain, the onset of a cold, headache: this is for people who “have almost everything” Acupressure often the right treatment method. Acupressure also opens up the possibility of effectively lending a hand. Acupressure is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It was created at the court of the Chinese emperor more than 2,000 years ago, and its origins go back as far as 6,000 years.
What is acupressure?
The definition for point is “acus” and for “premere” pressure. The medical scholars found out at that time that a pressure massage on certain points and channels is able to alleviate and heal diseases. Chinese family doctors still use this massage technique today. They are of the opinion that the life energy can flow better in the body. Nieji is the name of the one specially developed for children Acupressure-Method that is already transmitted in kindergarten in China.
Each point is located on one of the 14 energy paths, the meridians, which are named after organs of the body. Pressure from the acupressure points sends energy as a signal through the body's muscular membranes. They are reflected by various tissues and organs throughout the organism. There are 361 acupressure points in total.
The theoretical basis of pressure massage includes an understanding of Qi, Yin and Yang: within TCM, illness means deregulation, deficiency, congestion or an excess of energy. Conversely, recovery means the balance of energies. This can be achieved by massaging certain points that are spread over the whole body like switches.
Function, effect & goals
The Acupressure against acute illnesses. More serious or chronic illnesses should be treated by conventional doctors. Various methods are used within the therapeutic massage; the technique can be learned relatively quickly through practice. Most acupressure points are identical to the so-called trigger points. Trigger points are the starting points for muscle pain.
To prevent headaches, massage points on the back of the head and just above the eye. A slight pain when pressing shows that the right point has been hit. Firm pressure with the fingertip is the basis of acupressure. You use your thumb or other individual fingers. The edge of the hand can also be used to exert pressure. The pressure points should generally not go numb. The points are constantly pressed for 1 to 2 minutes until just before the pain threshold. This also has a positive effect on the eyes, tiredness and sinus problems.
A sensitive point on the top of the hand, exactly in the triangle between the index finger and thumb, can be worked on for all painful conditions on the head and for the onset of colds. With a little practice you will find the point, also because a nerve path runs right next to it. In addition, a rising foot bath pumps energy into the body. The temperature of the bath can go up to 42 ° C. This is supposed to put an end to the cold, of course in combination with the right acupressure points.
One of them is also on the forearm, another on the back of the hand. The pressure on points right next to the nostrils and just above the bridge of the nose also provides a lot of relief. Many suffer from tension in the back. This is where the most important acupressure point is on the foot, below the ankle. The simultaneous processing of these points on both feet is ideal, but processing gradually is also effective.
For laypeople, the foot points are far away from the back. Nevertheless, they are located on the so-called bladder meridian, which runs twice from the head through the back through the body. This meridian essentially determines the condition of the back. All tension and painful areas are treated via this meridian. There are also two pressure points on the back between the collarbone and shoulder blade. Your acupressure will relieve many types of headaches. Thanks to the relaxing and beneficial massage of these two points, a stiff neck will soon be a thing of the past.
How often and for how long can acupressure be used? In the case of mild, acute illnesses, you do not have to treat for weeks. The therapeutic massage is used for 2 to 3 days until the symptoms have subsided. Three times a day you can easily enjoy the beneficial advantages of pressure massage technology.
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➔ Medicines against tension and muscle painRisks, side effects & dangers
With regard to risks, side effects or dangers one can get an all round positive evaluation of the Acupressure make. Anyone who feels slightly dizzy after acupressure should lie or sit for a few minutes. After the healing massage you will feel relaxed and relaxed.
Whether for headaches, colds, sleep disorders, stomach problems or back pain, acupressure gently helps with many ailments.