


We explain what an analysis is, the types that exist and what each one consists of. Also, some examples of this observation process.

From each analysis made, conclusions and clues are obtained for future analyzes.

What is an analysis?

The meaning of the word analysis is noted by observing the origin of it, which goes back to the Greekanalysiss, composed byAna ("Up" or "completely") andlisys ("Dissolution", "rupture"): to analyze is to observe something entirely dissolved in its smallest components.

This dissolution is not literal, clearly, but rather seeks to convey an idea of ​​an exhaustive, meticulous review, whether of an object, topic or theme, considering even the tiniest of details.

The analytical capacity of the human being is one of his greatest talents, which has allowed him to distinguish and verify many of the rules that govern the operation of the universeboth on a large and small scale, and even in areas that cannot be observed directly.

From each analysis made, ideally, conclusions, and in turn, clues for future analyzes of greater depth and scope. Depending on the field of knowledge to which they belong, they may be done using specialized instruments, or through the use of the mental faculties only.

Analysis types

A theoretical analysis examines the fundamental concepts.

In principle, we will distinguish the following types of analysis according to their nature:

  • Structural analysis. As its name implies, it focuses on the structure of the analyzed, that is, of its external area, taking into account the parameters and measures that condition the result.
  • Exhaustive analysis. Is the methodology analysis that dismembers or breaks down what has been analyzed to be able to analyze each of its components separately, tending to the minimum, to the totality, until the available options are exhausted.
  • Formal analysis. It refers to the revision of the form, the whole, rather than the content and the particular.
  • Theoretical or conceptual analysis. As its name suggests, analysis of fundamental or base concepts, equivalent to a theoretical analysis.
  • Experimental analysis. Just the opposite of the previous case: seeing is believing. A experiment It is nothing more than the reproduction of a natural phenomenon in a laboratory, under controlled conditions.
  • Quantitative analysis. He who takes into account mainly (or only) the quantity, the proportion, the volume, etc.
  • Qualitative analysis. One who takes into account quality, not quantity, that is, the nature of things, not their accumulation in categories.

Analysis examples

A financial analysis conducts debt and asset balances.

Some possible examples of analysis are:

  • Chemical analysis. Using laboratory techniques and specialized instruments, chemical analysis proposes the understanding of the matter from their particles elementals, as well as the reactions that occur or can occur between these.
  • The artistic analysis. Fundamentally interpretive, artistic analysis makes use of great gifts of subjectivity, so that it is not exactly scientific knowledge, as well as an interpretive knowledge.
  • The clinical analysis. In medicine, clinical analyzes are experiments or probes carried out with the patient's body to determine the source of his ailments and to remedy them, if possible.
  • In discourse analysis. One of the most specialized aspects of the Linguistics, systematically studies verbal language and especially the speech Oral and written.
  • Financial analysis. Carried out annually by the Business and the services from investment, These are exhaustive balances of goods and money, debts and assets, to determine the general state of the finances of the organization.
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