jungle animals



We explain everything about the animals that live in the jungle, examples, what they eat and the characteristics that allow them to adapt to their environment.

The jungle has an enormous biodiversity including predators such as jaguars.

What are the animals of the jungle?

By animals of the jungle we refer to those that make their habitat tropical or temperate rainforests. That is, they live in places of weather humid and tending to hot, whose plants they usually grow to great heights and have leafy, abundant and evergreen crowns (evergreen).

In these jungles or jungles, especially around the tropics, an impressive amount of species which results in very high margins of biodiversity. In fact, in the jungles there are almost half of the known species of the planet.

Of course, this means that the animals that inhabit the jungle of a continent and those who inhabit the jungles of another are, essentially, different. However, they share many adaptive characteristics, given the climatic similarities, biotic and of other types that are between the different jungles of the world.

It should also be clarified that the terms "jungle", "jungle" and "tropical rain forest" are essentially synonyms, and there is no agreement on when to talk about Forest and when from the jungle, beyond that established by the speakers of each region determined.

Characteristics of jungle animals

Forest animals are adapted to life in trees.

The animals that inhabit the jungles are, more than any other habitat out of the sea, diverse. It is estimated that in a single hectare of rain forest some 1,500 different species of animals inhabit, among mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds, insects and even fish.

This very high concentration of animal species is not fully known, and they form complex, vast ecological circuits, of which man often has little. knowledge.

Given the important plant presence of the forests, which can reach up to 30 meters in height, animal species are highly adapted to life in or from trees. There they make their nests, they they feed of its bark, its products, its leaves or animals that feed on them.

The species are organized territorially among the leafy region of the treetops; the region lower or understory, overshadowed by foliage; and the terrestrial region most attached to I usually, amidst the abundant organic material decaying, like dry leaves.

The Trophic chains Of the jungle are usually fast, voracious and involve many possible combinations of species, since the jungles are abuzz with life in constant and mutual interrelation.

What do jungle animals eat?

Many jungle animals are carnivores like the anaconda.

In forests, as in many other biotopes, there are four main trophic groups of animals, which are:

  • Herbivores. They feed exclusively on plant matter, be it leaves, stems, fruits, flower nectar, seeds, bark, etc.
  • Carnivores. They feed on the meat of other animals, mostly herbivores, but also other smaller carnivores and omnivores.
  • Scavengers. They feed on decomposing organic matter, whether of plant or animal origin, such as animal secretions, dead animals, etc.
  • Omnivores. They combine all of the above categories as the opportunity presents itself, without being restricted by a specific diet.

List of jungle animals

Numerous birds live in the jungle, such as the toucan.

Here is a list of animals that live in the jungle:

  • Orangutan (I put abelii)
  • Jaguar (Panthera onca)
  • Leopard (Panthera pardus)
  • Piranhas (Pygocentrusnattereri)
  • Tapir (Tapirusterrestris)
  • Indian elephant (Elephasmaximus)
  • ChimpanzeePan troglodytes)
  • Sloth (Choloepusdidactylus)
  • Orinoco Cayman (Crocodylusintermedius)
  • Toucan (Ramphastos touched)
  • Gorilla (Gorillagorilla)
  • Lemur (Lemurcatta)
  • Tiger (Panthera tigris)
  • Armadillo (Dasypusnovemcinctus)
  • Leaf-cutter ant (Attasexdens)
  • Anaconda snakeEunectesmurinus)
  • Macaw (Ara macao)
  • Spider monkey (Ateles paniscus)
  • Emerald boa (Coralluscaninus)
  • Royal python (Python regius)
  • Tarantula (Lycosatarantula)
  • Red-eyed frogAgalychniscallidryas)
  • Harpy eagle (Harpiaharpyja)
  • Amazon vampire bat (Vampyrumspectrum)
  • Giant chameleon of Madagascar (Furciferoustaleti)
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