


We explain what an article is and what its functions are. Also, what are the definite and indefinite articles and examples.

Article and noun are expressed in the same gender and number.

What is an article?

Ingrammar, an item is a class of word that accompanies thenoun within a prayer. Article and noun are expressed in the same way gender (masculine or feminine) and number (singular or plural), and the function of the article is to specify if the noun is known (definite) or unknown (indefinite).

There are two types of grammar articles:

  • Definite articles (el, la, los, las), for example: The most of the spectators applauded enthusiastically the number they rode the dancers.
  • Indefinite articles (one, one, ones, ones), for example: A night i heard a noise coming from nails cabins where they were staying some cyclists.

There is also a neutral article: "lo", which refers to that abstract and does not indicate gender. For example: It bad of all this is your disinterest.

What are the functions of the articles?

Definite and indefinite articles are part of most sentences, their main function is to accompany the noun and make information known to the reader or listener, since they define whether the noun is determined or indeterminate. It is not the same to say "Today I bought myself the dress "(defined or determined) that" Today I bought a dress ”(indefinite or indeterminate).

The noun can name subjects or objects and the article is in charge of specifying its gender (that is, if it is feminine or masculine) and its number (that is, if it is plural or singular). The noun and its article must always agree in gender and number. On the other hand, the article is always written before the noun, never after it.

In addition, the article allows to know the function that a noun has in a certain sentence, many times a noun can vary its meaning or weight within a sentence according to the existence or not of an article.

Defined articles

Definite articles are those that refer to something that is known or can be identified. Are:

  • THE. Refers to a masculine noun in the singular. For example: We will not be able to go in the car, because it is damaged.
  • THE. Refers to a feminine noun in the singular. For example: It is time to celebrate the arrival of the
  • THE. Refers to a masculine noun in the plural. For example: The months of the year are twelve.
  • THE. Refers to a feminine noun in the plural. For example: The San Ignacio ruins are located in the province of Misiones.

It is important to clarify that in the idiom Spanish when the prepositions “de” or “a” are followed by the article “el”, a contraction occurs and the articles “del” and “al” are formed. The form "from him" or "to him" is incorrect.

Undefined articles

Indefinite articles are those that refer to something that is not known or cannot be identified. Are:

  • A. Refers to an indefinite noun in masculine and singular. For example: I think we'll go to a bar before we go to the party.
  • A. Refers to an indefinite noun in feminine and singular. For example: Yesterday I ran into a woman on the street who asked me about you.
  • SOME. Refers to an indefinite noun in masculine and plural. For example: Some young people were caught on the corner of my house.
  • NAILS. Refers to an indefinite noun in feminine and plural. For example: We should get some screens for the end of the year event.

Sentences with articles

  • Guests must enter through this door.
  • He opened the curtains in his room to let in the sunlight.
  • We will go to know some southern beaches.
  • In the corner store they sell very pretty dresses.
  • A young man left today's newspaper at my door.
  • The editor of a sports magazine asked me to write an opinion piece.
  • I can't recognize what bothers me about you.
  • We ate some shrimp in a port restaurant.
  • Whales are mammals that live in the sea.
  • Some girls who dance ballet will be in charge of opening the end of the year show.
  • My dream was always to star in a play on Broadway.
  • My father will buy a dog.
  • The doctor read the names of the day's patients on the chart.
  • The days of the week are seven.
  • His brother is looking for a house to rent this summer.
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