Eye pain - As multifaceted as they can be, the causes and the associated therapeutic approaches to effectively counter eye pain are just as multifaceted.
What is eye pain?
Eye pain is painful sensation that can be located in, on, or around the eye. The pain quality in eye pain can differ:
Eye pain can, for example, be dull and oppressive or sharp or burning. Sore eye pain is sometimes difficult to distinguish from headache:
Occasionally, eye pain is associated with pain all over the head, making it difficult to feel the pain trigger. In addition to the various types of eye pain, there are often other symptoms such as redness, increased tearing or visual disturbances (such as high sensitivity to light or the supposed recognition of double vision).
Eye pain can also affect both eyes or just one eye.
In most cases, the causes of eye pain lie inside the eye. For example, the cornea and dermis are particularly sensitive to pain - inflammations such as scleritis or episcleritis can occur here.
Visual defects such as nearsightedness or farsightedness or incorrectly adjusted optical reading aids and contact lenses can also lead to eye pain. Furthermore, so-called glaucoma, the glaucoma, as an inflammation of the optic nerve, can be the cause of eye pain - as well as external injuries to the eye from foreign bodies, insects or trauma.
And structures that directly surround the eye can also be the cause of eye pain: These include, for example, tear ducts, the eyelids, but also areas of the eye sockets (due to painful impairment of the muscles there).
Furthermore, eye pain can also conceal diseases or impairments in the head area: for example in the brain or upper jaw.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medicines for eye infectionsDiseases with this symptom
- Astigmatism
- Stye
- Corneal inflammation
- Hailstone
- Farsightedness
- Sarcoid (Boeck's disease)
- Conjunctivitis
- Glaucoma (green star)
- Wegener's disease
- myopia
- Pet hair allergy
- Iritis
The course of eye pain depends on the cause of the pain. While acute eye pain can often be relieved in the short term by appropriate behavioral measures or treatment options, other eye pain occurs long-term or chronically.
Eye pain associated with various ametropia can be positively influenced and eliminated, for example, by corrective measures (for example, optical aids). Eye pain caused by acute inflammation also usually decreases as the underlying inflammation progresses.
Untreated visual disorders such as glaucoma can lead to long-term eye pain, the course of which can be positively influenced either by treating the underlying disease or by using short-term pain reliever medication.
A variety of complications can occur with eye pain.
This includes:
- conjunctivitis (conjunctivitis); contagious in viral or bacterial form
- an increased flow of tears
- a follicle formation
- the optic nerve inflammation in the form of optic neuritis, retrobulbar neuritis or papillitis
- ocular myositis (inflammation of the muscles of the eye)
- a pseudotumor on the eye
- Orbital phlegmon (suppuration of the eye sockets)
- an eyelid swelling or eyelid swelling
However, complications can also occur far away from the eyes. There are often complaints about different types of short-term to long-lasting headache. A distinction must still be made between a forehead headache and a pounding pain in the temples. Many people affected also report earache and pain in the paranasal and frontal sinuses. The neck pain can occur in isolation or in combination with other symptoms.
Eye pain can lead to fatigue, concentration problems and memory problems for those who mostly sit at their desks and / or work at their PC. A decline in performance, problems coping with daily tasks in the workplace and, ultimately, psychological problems can create a vicious cycle.
Very specific complications can occur in diabetics, which can range from impaired vision to blindness. In detail this includes:
- diabetic retinopathy
- non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy
- the macular edema
- a clouding of the lens caused by cataracts
When should you go to the doctor?
Eye pain cannot always be clearly distinguished from headache in the same way, since eye pain often radiates into the wider head. The suspicion that the supposed headache originates from the eye is obvious if symptoms such as redness and increased tearing are added. Visual disturbances such as sensitivity to light or double vision also indicate eye pain instead of a headache.
Eye pain always has its cause in the eye itself or in the immediate vicinity of the eye. Therefore, they belong in the treatment of an ophthalmologist, to which a general practitioner who may first be visited will refer his patients. The causes of eye pain are diverse and can be comparatively harmless to dangerous. Incorrectly fitted glasses and contact lenses are a common cause of eye pain, as well as nearsightedness or farsightedness that has not yet been corrected by visual aids.
One should also think of the untreated glaucoma, which leads to blindness and is known as glaucoma. Since this disease is initially painless, eye pain is already an alarm. An inflamed optic nerve also needs immediate medical treatment.
In addition to these direct eye diseases, external influences from foreign bodies or violence can result in eye pain. There are also impairments to the eyelids, tear ducts and eye sockets.
With his experience, the ophthalmologist consulted will find out the cause of eye pain and treat it accordingly.
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Treatment & Therapy
And a suitable treatment for eye pain also depends primarily on the cause of the eye pain.
If eye pain is caused, for example, by a foreign body that has penetrated the eye, this can be removed by an ophthalmologist - depending on the extent of the foreign body penetration, this can be done with the help of local anesthesia. If eye pain is caused by a superficial and slight injury, for example, it is possible that this wound will close again on its own - cooling compresses, eye drops or eye ointments can relieve pain.
However, if such an injury and the associated eye pain persist for a long time, it may be necessary to have the affected area of the cornea planarized or lasered by a doctor with special equipment.
If the eye pain is based on inflammatory, bacterial processes - for example the conjunctiva - these can be countered, among other things, with the use of antibiotic ointments or drops. If a corresponding inflammation has been caused by viruses, then in some cases cortisone-containing eye drops can be administered to combat it and to combat the eye pain. These eye drops help reduce the swelling of the inflammation.
Outlook & forecast
Eye pain should always be monitored by a doctor. The eye is a very sensitive organ that can be seriously injured even if it is only slightly damaged. In addition to eye pain, visual disturbances or itching can occur if no treatment is initiated.
In most cases, the eye pain is caused by excessive strain on the eyes. The eyes need to be rested, which happens especially during sleep. Most of the time, the eye pain goes away when the eyes are rested. If the eye pain persists and the eye is not relaxed, visual disturbances often occur because the muscle has to work hard.
It is not uncommon for the eye pain to be confused with a headache. These often occur with stress and a heavy load. If the eye pain occurs after an accident, a doctor must be consulted urgently.
In most cases, no treatment is necessary. The healing can, however, be supported with eye drops and usually leads to success. Inflammation is relatively rare in the eye, but it can also lead to eye pain. Treatment should be carried out immediately to avoid long-term effects. In the worst case scenario, the patient can lose their eyesight without treatment.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medicines for eye infectionsprevention
To prevent eye pain, it is important to prevent the underlying diseases or injuries. Among other things, there is a possibility of not ignoring existing visual impairments that are associated with eye pain, but instead taking appropriate countermeasures. To avoid eye pain caused by injuries to the eye, it is recommended, for example, to wear protective goggles during critical activities.
You can do that yourself
Apart from serious underlying illnesses or the dangerous attack of glaucoma, simple changes in behavior in everyday life can noticeably alleviate problems with sore eyes. Ametropia puts strain on the eyes in certain situations. This can slowly increase the pain in the eyes. But the wrong choice of vision correction also leads to this phenomenon. Glasses and contact lenses must be perfectly adapted to the poor eyesight in order to avoid complications.
There is also physical irritation and thus a possible source of inflammation from contact lenses. The change in wearing times and regular disinfection according to specifications often improves in these cases. Working excessively long on screens until late in the evening is also considered problematic.The often unhealthy LED light with a high proportion of blue light affects the biorhythm and makes people sleep worse. In addition, a reduced blinking frequency leads to dry eyes. Conscious breaks and a reduction in such activities often have a beneficial effect on such ailments.
Sensitive, exposed teeth and an unhealthy posture while sitting or sleeping also have negative consequences for the well-being of the eyes. As an aid, neck pillows can prevent tension while sleeping. Thorough dental care with rinsing and flossing and avoiding foods that are too sugary can prevent attacks of pain. An examination for foreign objects or fallen eyelashes and their removal behind the eyelids is also advisable.
To relieve existing pain, cold or warm pads are sometimes useful. If you have migraines or severe headaches, it is advisable to retreat to a darkened room. Ordinary eye drops also support the flow of tears and hygiene of the eye.