Red spots, scales, nodules or vesicles - so diverse are the manifestations of Rash on the face The causes are just as different.
What is a rash on the face?
The technical term for skin symptoms such as nodules, pustules or blisters is efflorescence. The main efflorescences are spots, nodules, nodules, wheals, vesicles and pus vesicles. The word efflorescence is derived from the Latin efflorescere, which means something like to bloom.
In the vernacular, a rash on the face is therefore also referred to as a "blooming face". Skin inflammations that show up in the form of various efflorescences are called rashes. So if the doctor diagnoses an exanthema, he means a rash. Although there are differences, the term eczema is often used interchangeably with exanthema.
The causes of a rash on the face are many. A toxic facial rash is caused by chemical substances and poisons. This group includes skin rashes caused by environmental toxins, chemicals (especially dioxin), plant toxins or drugs.
The allergic rash is triggered by an excessive reaction of the immune system. Common triggers for allergic rashes on the face are cosmetic products. The problem with today's selection of cosmetics is often too much skin. Perioral dermatitis, also known as "stewardess disease", is particularly widespread among women. It shows up as a blistering rash around the mouth.
Due to the constant care with creams, lotions and serums, the skin loses its ability to produce the necessary oils for its own care. The result: dry and flaky skin. As a consequence, those affected often resort to the cream again, but this only worsens the clinical picture.
Numerous bacterial, parasitic, and viral infections also cause rashes on the face. Well-known representatives of this group are "childhood diseases" such as measles, scarlet fever and rubella. Other causes are skin diseases such as eczema, acne or psoriasis. Immune diseases such as lupus erythematosus or malignant diseases such as leukemia can also result in rashes on the face.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medicines for rash & eczemaDiseases with this symptom
- measles
- Contact allergy
- Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
- Scarlet fever
- Neurodermatitis
- leukemia
- rubella
- Ringlet rubella
- acne
Diagnosis & course
Home remedies ↵ for rash To find the cause, it is necessary to take a close look at the rash on the face. Does the rash only appear on the face or is it also affecting other parts of the body? Does the rash just stay in the same place or does it migrate? Typical of measles, for example, is a rash that starts behind the ears and then spreads over the entire face and the rest of the body. In rubella, too, the rash begins on the face, whereas in scarlet fever, the characteristic rash is first found on the thighs and not until much later on the face.
What do the individual lesions on the rash look like? Is it a single, separate patch or is it an extensive rash? Are the skin appearances flat or raised? Are they colorless or reddened? If there are vesicles, are they purulent or watery? In addition to the rash on the face, are there other skin symptoms such as itching, burning, or pain? If other symptoms occur in addition to the rash, such as Fever, fatigue, stomach ache, nausea, vomiting, sore throat or cough? Further information can be provided by blood tests or allergy tests, depending on the suspicion.
A rash on the face not only doesn't look pretty, it can have a number of causes. You can at least hide the rash in any other part of the body, but on the face? The causes can be very diverse, perhaps a skin cream is not tolerated or something “wrong” was eaten.
Sometimes a rash is triggered because the skin has come into contact with chemicals or the immune system is overreacting. Especially in women, the rash on the face is often due to cosmetic products, the skin is "over-cared for". Because by using different creams, the skin can no longer produce its own fats, which it urgently needs. However, if blisters or redness appear, many women turn to creams again, which only make the problem worse.
Skin diseases such as acne or neurodermatitis, for example, can of course also be the cause. Teething could also be behind it, measles, rubella or scarlet fever also cause rashes. Once the doctor has identified the cause, the rash can be treated quickly with an ointment, antibiotics, or cortisone. However, if the rash on the face is due to an allergy, the irritation will go away on its own.
However, the patient must no longer come into contact with the agent. Even with infectious diseases, the symptoms go away on their own, treatment is usually not necessary. The situation is different with psoriasis or neurodermatitis, maybe light therapy or an ointment containing cortisone will help.
When should you go to the doctor?
The skin in the facial area is particularly often and intensely stressed because it is exposed to the environment without protection every day. Sun rays can lead to noticeable skin reactions in spring or summer, as can wind and cold in winter or autumn. Because of this strain, the facial area is prone to slight rashes in many people. These are often harmless so that a doctor does not have to be consulted immediately.
The use of the wrong face cream is often a possible cause, so that it is sufficient to simply stop. The decision whether to seek medical advice because of a rash on the face is therefore a matter of weighing up. For this purpose, the specific circumstances of the individual case must be taken into account so that generally applicable statements can only be understood as mere guidelines. In case of doubt, the consideration should at least fail for a visit to the family doctor.
You should also be particularly careful with rashes on the face if other symptoms occur. A doctor must be consulted, especially if there is a complaint about pain, fever or general malaise. In addition, it is worth going to the family doctor if an existing rash changes or widens. The family doctor may refer you to a dermatologist (dermatologist). With children, care must be taken so that a visit to the pediatrician should not be hesitated.
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Treatment & Therapy
The treatment of the rash is always causal. Allergic and toxic rashes on the face usually go away on their own. It is important to avoid the trigger in the future.
The skin rash that accompanies infectious diseases also disappears again as the disease progresses. Medicines such as cortisone or antibiotics can be used as support, depending on the disease. Are parasites such as Mites cause the skin symptoms, antiparasitics are the means of choice.
If the rash is a symptom of a skin disease such as neurodermatitis or psoriasis, treatment is often difficult. Possible therapeutic approaches are light therapy, creams containing cortisone or herbal therapeutics such as evening primrose oil. Daily skin care with moisturizing oils and creams also plays an important role here.
Outlook & forecast
A rash on the face does not necessarily have to lead to medical complications, nor does it necessarily need to be treated by a doctor. In many cases, the rash on the face occurs due to allergies or intolerance. However, it also disappears after a few hours or a few days if the responsible ingredient has been completely removed from the body. If the rash on the face does not go away on its own and lasts longer, a doctor should be consulted.
The rash on the face can also appear from poor personal hygiene or, during puberty, alongside acne. In many cases, the acne and rash will go away on their own without treatment.
However, if the rash on the face leads to psychological problems and depression, a doctor should be consulted. Treatment can be carried out with tablets and creams; surgery is not necessary. In most cases, treatment is successful after just a few days. Whether the rash on the face goes away on its own without treatment depends heavily on the cause of the rash.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medicines for rash & eczemaprevention
Prevention of a rash on the face is not always possible. It is of course difficult to prevent an infectious rash. However, there are vaccinations against many infectious diseases that can cause rashes on the face (e.g. measles or rubella). Allergic rashes, on the other hand, can be prevented quite easily by strictly avoiding the triggering substance.
But nature also has some remedies ready that are suitable for preventing rashes on the face. Milk and honey or fatty oils such as almond or jojoba oil have a soothing effect on the skin and thus prevent rashes. Regular quark masks or face masks made from oat bran, olive oil, and rose water can also help maintain healthy skin. However, any care product should be used and dosed carefully to avoid an overreaction of the skin.
You can do that yourself
A rash on the face can often be decisively improved by consistent facial care in everyday life. In the hectic pace of everyday life, those affected often forget to take good care of demanding skin. A good skin cream that suits the skin type should be used in the morning. Regular re-creaming is important, especially in the winter months for dry skin. In the evening, the skin must be cleaned thoroughly to remove dirt and grease. Only then is the skin ready for care.
A rash on the face can also be alleviated by consistently avoiding stress factors for the skin. Heating air and cigarette smoke irritate the skin as well as friction from unsuitable materials in scarves and jackets.
In women in particular, reducing the amount of cosmetics used can improve the rash on the face in some cases. It is advisable to do without cosmetics in everyday life, especially at home, for a test. If the complexion improves significantly, a general reduction in cosmetic products on the face or the use of new products should be considered.
Regular visits to beauticians should be integrated into everyday life. Skin that is professionally cleaned is less likely to develop a rash.