Of the valerian is a rather inconspicuous plant that has been known for many centuries and was known as a medicinal plant in ancient times due to its significant medicinal effectiveness.
Occurrence and cultivation of valerian
Of the valerian is a plant that lasts for several years and occurs both as an herb or among the many different species as well as a shrub.
Valerian, which grows in Central European latitudes, is mainly found as an undemanding plant on paths and the edges of meadows and forests.
The valerian plant is one of the typical plants that thrive in European zones, in the temperate latitudes of Africa, Asia and America.
Effect & application
The medicinal herb valerian is contained in many medical preparations and applications. Valerian is processed into appropriate medicaments both individually and together with other medicinal herbs.
Due to the special ingredients that are found in valerian, the extracts of the plant are considered to be calming and promote sleep. This is why special plant-based sedatives and sleeping pills contain these ingredients.
The calming and sleep-promoting effects of valerian are mainly due to the alkaloids and essential oils it contains. In this context, the essential oils are mainly represented by the so-called monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes. The intensity of these substances is shown by the fact that dried valerian has a typical odor.
The sesquiterpenes are the active ingredients that are considered sleeping pills. They influence the transmission of stimuli and the excitations based on the nervous system as well as the activities of the so-called GABA receptors. These stimulus sensors are located in the nerve cells and can be influenced and soothed by the essential oil, so that people can fall asleep better and find rest more easily. In addition, the valerian tincture is also known in pharmacy.
Importance to health
There valerian brings calming with it and is beneficial for falling asleep and staying asleep, people can do without addictive and chemically produced sleeping pills and obtain relief and mental calming on herbal basis. In addition, valerian is known in the group of psychotropic drugs that it brings about a significant improvement in specific mental illnesses.
Valerian is a balm for the soul and is used both as a sole drug that is free from side effects or in combination with other preparations often as a substitute for synthetic psychotropic drugs. This is also because valerian can have a relaxing and anxiolytic effect.
Different types of valerian, which occur in Asia or Africa, for example, show a great effect in the context of homeopathy and are considered useful in the treatment of nervousness, poor concentration and, due to their antispasmodic effect, in pain of various kinds.
Many medical professionals use valerian-containing medication to treat painful gastrointestinal complaints and to provide helpful therapy for inflammation in the large intestine, also known as colitis.
The drug, which is extracted from the valerian plant and has no addiction-inducing properties, is considered to be helpful for symptoms related to menopause and is often recommended before the onset of menstruation. Valerian can have an astonishing effect on muscle tension if appropriate preparations are added to the bath water.
Valerian was also popularly known for the fact that the roots of the plant help against the plague. Valerian is useful for strengthening the cardiovascular system. With regard to the plague, the mild germicidal effect of the valerian tincture may have been helpful.