conclusion of a project



We explain what the conclusions of a project are, how they are made, what mistakes to avoid and various examples.

The conclusions of a project are the final reflections based on your findings.

What is the completion of a project?

The conclusions of a text are the section in which the reader is offered a closure, that is, in which the draft ends. This means that there is no more content going forward. In addition, there are the definitive findings of the project, the interpretation of the project results, in the light of the context specialized to which it belongs.

Put in simpler terms, the conclusions offer the reader the perspective that the author of the project now has, after having completed it and having understood what went well, what went wrong, and what it all means.

Therefore, the conclusions constitute a final reflection on the project, rather than a resume of results. In this section the author or authors specify how they contributed to the general knowledge of the humanity (or at least your specific technical area) after you have completed the project.

The conclusions and introduction, ideally, they should have some kind of dialogue, as opening and closing of the project.

How are the conclusions made?

Conclusions should start to be made when the body of work is ready and developed. Once reached the point of knowledge About the project, the conclusions allow us to look at everything in hindsight, to point out what went well, what went wrong, and why both. Thus, to write good conclusions we must follow the following points:

A. As in the case of the introduction of the project, the ideal is that the conclusions start from a set questions or premises that the project itself brings to light, and for this it is possible to interrogate it, that is, ask questions such as:

  • What did we learn once the project was completed? How has our understanding of your subject changed?
  • Were our suspicions regarding the result confirmed? Are the results obtained valuable, revealing or suggestive?
  • What things would we do differently if we had to repeat the project and why? What aspects of it had weaknesses and how could they be corrected in the future?
  • Once the result of the project has been observed, what new projects could we undertake? Where would a continuation have to go and why?

B. Once the pertinent questions are obtained, we must organize them according to their importance, to obtain a textual order that we will then fill in with information, until we obtain a text.

C. It is possible to structure them based on subtitles, addressing a different aspect of the same in each section.

Common mistakes to avoid in conclusions

Some of the common mistakes when writing conclusions are:

  • Talk about anything. The conclusions should certainly offer information more general, contextualized and put into perspective than a mere section on results, but that does not mean that we can beat around the bush. It is vital to have something to say by way of closing, just as it is by way of introduction. We cannot abandon the matter altogether, although we can return to a broader perspective, less attached to the realization of the project.
  • Do not add anything new. The conclusions are not a space to repeat what has already been said, nor to state the obvious, but to add additional information that could not be understood without having already read the project. In that sense, it forms the counterpart of the introduction: if it provided what was necessary to start reading the work, the conclusions provide what is necessary to understand what was read in perspective.
  • Limit ourselves to a scheme. The conclusions are not necessarily a set of premises that we can summarize in a scheme. It may well be several pages of explanations, revolving around a central finding of the project. So it is not necessary to fill a page with items in an outline, when we can perfectly write a readable text.

Examples of project conclusions

Below we will offer some possibilities of conclusion, which could be developed and adapted to the nature of various projects:

  • A common feature of all project results is highlighted, and explained by putting it in relation to other research, other theoretical texts and some background information, to offer it as the central finding of the research, which justifies everything read.
  • Starting from the fact that the results were not entirely as expected, the reader is offered an explanation of which aspects went "wrong" and whether it is possible that, despite not being the ones sought, these results are much more interesting. and more revolutionary for what they mean in the matter.
  • The results of the project are related to the traditional ones or those obtained by previous researchers, and an attempt is made to find the differentiating element, to offer future researchers a way of anticipating them, or a new way forward.
  • From the experience of the project, the method employee, to try to propose a new and better one, or to dismiss it as invalid, at least on the specific topic of the project.
  • An explanatory summary of the results found is offered, which establishes the similarities and differences between them, in order to finally offer a reading or a deeper or more creative vision of the project topic, which will serve as the basis for new research to come.

Introduction of a project

Unlike the conclusions, the introduction is intended to offer the reader all the concepts, data contextual, clarifying or general framework of the issue. That is, it provides all the information necessary to get on the right foot in the subject of the project.

In other words, just as the conclusions are the closing, the introduction is the opening. However, it should be written even after having obtained the conclusions.

Scope and limitations of a project

The scope of the project indicates how far we want to go with it, that is, how far we will go in a subject that we know is more vast and complicated than what we plan to tackle. If the project is about the huge task of removing fossil fuels it stands to reason that only some of the alternatives will be explored.

The scope of the project also depends on its limitations: budgetary, from weather, complexity, etc. In other words, limitations are the factors that prevent further progress. Taking them into account, it will be possible to explain what we intend to do and within what limits.

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