explanatory conjunctions



We explain what explanatory conjunctions are, their function and examples in sentences. Also, other coordinating conjunctions.

Explanatory conjunctions unite elements that clarify each other.

What are explanatory conjunctions?

In grammar Y syntaxIt is known as disjunctive conjunctions or disjunctive links to certain coordinating conjunctions, that is, conjunctions that link two or more syntactic elements in a non-hierarchical and interchangeable way.

Explanatory conjunctions link two elements that have the same meaning and / or meaning but different form, and whose repetition or reiteration fulfills the task of better explaining what is meant, or clarifying some detail of the message that is transmitted.

Generally, explanatory conjunctions are placed between commas, in the manner of a subsection, and there are those who consider them rather a particular case of disjunctives or copulatives. They are examples of explanatory conjunctions: "that is," "this is," "that is," "rather," and so on.

Examples of explanatory conjunctions

The following are examples of sentences with explanatory conjunctions:

  • My mother paints, that is, she is dedicated to painting.
  • I have migrant friends, that is, they were born in other countries.
  • The government opted for a tax hike, that is, to increase taxes.
  • I am going to buy shares, that is, to invest my capital.
  • We need more auditors, that is, more control over finances.
  • My sister has a bad temper, that is, she gets angry easily.
  • The problem is gone, or rather, we solved it.

Other coordinating conjunctions

Apart from explanatory conjunctions, there are the following types of coordinating conjunctions:

  • Copulative conjunctions, that link two or more terms from an addition or accumulation relationship. For example: “I am hungry and there is no food” or “I did not buy the books, nor the notebooks, nor the pencils”.
  • Disjunctive conjunctions, which introduce a relationship of mutual exclusion, that is, of choice between one and the other, between the linked elements. For example: "Do you want to order a pizza or do we cook something ourselves?"
  • Adverse conjunctions, which introduce a relationship of total or partial opposition or conflict between the linked elements. For example: "It's summer, but it's cool."
  • Distributive conjunctions, which distribute a specific meaning between the linked terms. For example: "I love to eat sushi, be it for lunch, be it for dinner."
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