


We explain what construction is, its history and what types of constructions exist. Also, other uses of the term.

The construction uses the knowledge of engineering, architecture and design.

What is construction?

Construction is the very act of building, that is, of making lasting works, especially buildings, using for this the knowledge of the engineering, the architecture and the design. In the same way, buildings manufactured in this way are also known as constructions.

The word construction, from the verb to build, is an inheritance of the Latin verb I will build, formed by the prefix with- (“together”, “united”) and the verb smash (“stack up” or “gather”). The word is old because so is the construction trade, which the human being he learned as he settled down and abandoned the nomadic existence.

The older cultures construction was put into practice. They used stones and primitive materials to build temples, palaces and houses in their main ceremonial centers, many of which remain in ruins today.

In fact, in the Antiquity In classical times, great works of engineering were built, such as the pyramids of Egypt and Mesoamerica, the Greek temples or the Roman coliseum, to name just a few legendary buildings.

Currently, construction is one of the industries most thriving and important on the planet, responsible for the construction of houses, public spaces and engineering works.Not only engineers, architects and designers take part in it, but also workers and day laborers who carry out the physical work, manually or through specialized machines, to place a construction on its site.

Therefore, depending on the usefulness of the completed work, we can distinguish between:

  • Residential construction, responsible for making homes and buildings.
  • Commercial construction, dedicated to building shopping centers, office buildings and stores of all kinds.
  • Tertiary construction, responsible for building universities, schools, colleges and other types of buildings for the sector services.
  • Industrial construction, dedicated to building buildings for industrial use, that is, for factories, steel mills, etc.
  • Construction of public works, in charge of works of general enjoyment, which are part of urban planning, public roads, infrastructure hydraulic etc

Other uses of the term construction

The term construction has been borrowed, literally or figuratively, in other areas of human knowledge and other disciplines. For example in linguistics Y grammar a grammatical construction is a syntactic string of words, which can be as simple as a complex lexeme or as complex as a prayer whole.

Similarly, in geometry construction is the drawing of geometric figures. Thus, for example, the construction of triangles would be the set of steps to draw a desired triangle; while the construction of solids refers to the drawing of figures endowed with volume (three-dimensional), such as a cube. As in engineering, these finished figures can also be called constructions.

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