


We explain what coexistence is, the question of whether human beings are selfish or supportive by nature and the guidelines for coexistence.

Coexistence is the relationship of people with the social groups that they make up.

What is coexistence?

Coexistence is the physical and peaceful coexistence between individuals or groups that must share a space. It is then about the life in common and the harmony that is sought in the relationship of persons that for some reason they must spend a lot weather together.

The etymology of the term refers to Latin, the prefix ‘with'And the word'experience', Which means the act of existing. In the same way that confuse or compare These are words that presume, at least, the existence of more than one entity that takes the place of another or has some kind of link, for there to be coexistence a plurality of people is needed.

By experience is understood set of actions, feelings, worries, values and ideas that constitute the essence of a human being. When the two words are combined, the relationship of the people with the social groups that they comprise is reached, in a framework in which contradictions or tensions will necessarily appear.

Medicine, psychology and the sociology consider that a good coexistence is a fundamental factor for good emotional health, but also for the integrity physics of people.

Psychology is responsible for determining the coexistence disorders that individuals may have and helps to solve them, trying to interpret if there is any internal cause that leads to this situation.

Is the human being selfish or supportive by nature?

Thomas Hobbes started from the premise that people are by nature selfish.

The first contradiction will surely come when the question in the title of this section is asked.

  • The philosopher Thomas Hobbes, when he postulated how people and people should behave state, started from the basis that people are by nature selfish.
  • Other thinkers, such as Robert Sussman, affirm that the human species is inherently supportive and cooperative, and may be selfish according to the personal and cultural path it takes.

Beyond philosophical positions, almost all the ways in which people have organized themselves over time include, with different nuances, the two notions, since we live combining ambition and interest individual with needs and pursuits of collective achievements.

This fine balance arises as a product of many patterns, which are passed down through the generations. Coexistence between people must adapt to these guidelines.

Coexistence guidelines

There are many areas in which people must live together (jobs, schools, public spaces, neighborhoods, buildings, groups of friends, families), so it is important that appropriate standards and codes of behavior are established, which make for good coexistence.

Let's see some of the coexistence guidelines that are usually applied:

  • Responsibility. Those that arise from the sense of responsibility, among which are meeting schedules and compromises that are assigned, to carry out the functions and the behavior guidelines that must be respected.
  • I respect. Those that have to do with respect, such as accepting the points of view of others, not discriminating and trying to understand and have them patience to others.
  • Honesty. Those related to honesty, such as taking responsibility for one's own mistakes.
  • Solidarity. Solidarity, such as collaborating with the care of the place, integrating new people who arrive, helping without waiting for a reward and advocating for reaching agreements in the decisions that must be made among all.
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