


We explain what displacement is, what demographic displacement consists of and other meanings of this term.

Displacement is used to contrast with the idea of ​​distance traveled.

What is displacement?

Displacement is understood as the movement made by a body that moves, that moves, from one place to another. The persons and most objects are movable, which is the only way to change relative position in the space. If a body is observed to be in a different place in two moments, it means that the body has moved.

This first definition, which is given from the physical, is used to contrast it with the idea of ​​distance traveled. Assuming a car traveling the streets of a town, it can be exemplified illustratively: the distance traveled will be the total number of blocks that it crossed, doubling as many times as necessary.

The displacement, on the contrary, will become the straight line that joins the place where it was at the beginning with the one it is at the end. Because it is a line, that goes from one place to another, when talking about displacement it is referring to a vector. Will have a address and a sense, and a module and a name that will describe the movement performed by the body, regardless of the path it took.

Displacements can be classified into:

  • Positive displacement. Is he change posterior to a position other than the primary, as mentioned above.
  • Negative offset. The one in which the body returns to its original position.

Different specifications are directly related to the study of body displacements, and are also of utmost importance, such as:

  • Trajectory. Is he set of intermediate positions through which the body has passed during its movement or translation. In other words, it is the type of curve that the body itself describes when carrying out the action of movement, of change of position with respect to a coordinate axis.
  • Distance. This has the capacity to be measured since it is the scalar magnitude of the length of the path traveled by the body in its displacement. Depending on the scale used to measure, the nominal result is different, but in all cases the distance is cumulatively positive.
  • Speed. This is a magnitude that is expressed through the relationship between the physical space traveled by the object per unit of weather. It's about a rhythm, or also called "exchange rate", by which the change of position occurs for each unit of time.

Demographic shifts

Internal displacement can be due to armed conflict or persecution, among others.

In demography, internal displacement is the movement of a mass of people, when it ceases to be for individual reasons and becomes a collective act derived from a cause beyond their control. It is a group of people who are forced to escape or flee from their usual place of residence, dispersing among various places or concentrating to live in the same area.

The causes of internal displacement can be conflicts armed, violations of human rights, persecution, lack of job opportunities or natural disasters or humans. The displaced should not be confused with people who have simply migrated from one country to another or from one country to another. town to another, since the former have done so without the possibility of choice.

It is for this reason that they are especially vulnerable people: they have abruptly changed the organization of their community, they have probably eliminated their main source of entry, it is possible that they are subjected to processes of anguish and depression due to the remoteness of their place of origin or their familyIf the family is also part of the displacement, the children's schooling may be lost or restricted.

The fear of being persecuted tends to persist, and it is common that displaced persons do not have documentation with which they can demand that their rights be recognized.The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) seeks to provide protection and guarantees to these people, who have been so beaten.

Other types of displacement

  • In chemistry. Displacement is the phenomenon that occurs in various reactions in which a compound and a element. For usually electrostatic reasons, the added element can displace another element of the compound, thus causing its displacement, so that the displaced element is replaced by the new one, from that chemical reaction produced.
  • In maritime navigation. The term displacement is used to talk about the weight of a unit in relation to its load capacity. It is, otherwise, the weight of volume from Water that displaces the submerged part of the ship. The unit in which the nautical displacement is expressed is the metric ton, and the calculation of the maximum displacement is done with the boat ready to sail (including passengers, fuel tanks, elements of security, etc.). In addition to the maximum weight, the thread displacement is usually analyzed, which describes the weight of the completely empty boat. The difference between one and the other is the maximum load weight, and is known as the dead weight.
  • In psychology. Displacement is one of the defense mechanisms that consists in the diversion of emotional feelings to a objective substitute. At analysis of dreams appears as an unconscious act of abandoning representations, slipping through associative paths.
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