


We explain what a flow chart is and what is the process to develop it. Also, how is the symbology used and some examples.

A flow chart represents each specific step in a process.

What is a flowchart?

The flow chart or also Activities diagram It is a way of graphically representing an algorithm or a process of some nature, through a series of structured and linked steps that allow its review as a whole.

The graphical representation of these processes uses, in flow diagrams, a specific series of geometric figures that represent each specific step of the process that is being evaluated. These shapes defined in advance are connected to each other through arrows and lines that mark the direction of the flow and establish the course of the process, as if it were a map.

There are four types of flowchart based on how they are represented:

  • Horizontal. It goes from right to left, in the order of the reading.
  • Vertical. It goes from top to bottom, like an ordered list.
  • Panoramic. They allow you to see the entire process on a single sheet, using the vertical and horizontal models.
  • Architectural. Represents a work schedule or work area.

Flowcharts are a control mechanism and description processes, which allow a greater organization, evaluation or rethinking of sequences of activities and processes of different kinds, since they are versatile and simple. They are often employed in disciplines such as programming, the computing, the economy, the finance, industrial processes and even psychology cognitive.

Process of a flow chart

In this area, we speak of processes to refer to a specific sequence of activities, that is, to the steps to be taken within the flow diagram. For example in computing, the processes are sequences initiated or by triggers programmed within the system, or by interventions of the Username of the system. Each has a direction, a purpose, and a series of steps that it encompasses.

Symbology of a flow chart

The main conventional symbols used in flowcharts are as follows:

Flow chart examples

  • Flow chart for buying shoes:

  • Flow chart for playing a DVD

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