"I've suffered from insomnia for a number of years. That makes me very weary, I'm in a bad mood and irritable very quickly. A friend recently drew my attention to CBD oil. At first I was very skeptical, but today I am incomprehensible to her I have been sleeping much better and, above all, deeper since taking the drops. This has a positive effect on my entire vitality, mood and also my immune system. "
What exactly is cannabis?
Cannabis and hemp can be used as synonyms. Hemp belongs to the hemp family and can be described as one of the oldest useful plants in the world. A useful plant because hemp is now mainly grown for economic reasons.
It is an important raw material for the textile and construction industries as well as a valuable medicine and intoxicant. Cannabis is made up of fibers, seeds, leaves and flowers, and these components can be used to make a wide variety of products. Some examples are briefly listed below:
- Fibers: ropes
- Seeds: cooking oil
- Distilled leaves and flowers: essential oils
- Dried flowers, leaves and inflorescences: hashish and marijuana
Is Cannabis Legal?
Growing cannabis plants is legal in many countries around the world. If you are interested in growing hemp plants or buying hemp seeds, please contact the local authority beforehand.
The legal situation varies enormously from country to country, so this route is the safest and you are immediately up to date with the latest knowledge. Individual preparations such as CBD extracts with less than 0.2 percent THC do not have a psychoactive effect and are therefore legal in Germany according to the current legal situation.
What types of hemp seeds are there?
There are basically four types of hemp seeds available for growing high quality cannabis. The autoflowering seeds or autoflowering hemp seeds are known for their easy harvest, which can take place several times a year.
Due to a special cultivation method, no light cycles or flowering times need to be observed. The seeds bloom by themselves at a certain stage of maturity. The second type are the regular hemp seeds. Both female and male cannabis plants grow from regular hemp seeds, just as nature intended. Feminized cannabis seeds are the third type of cannabis seeds and only female plants are produced from this.
This strain is highly preferred by professional growers, but beginners are also very happy to buy these seeds. Finally, the CBD hemp seeds must be mentioned as the fourth group. Cannabidiol, or CBD for short, is obtained from the female hemp plant and is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid. From a medical point of view, it is used very differently and used against multiple symptoms.
CBD is sold as a dietary supplement and does not require a prescription. Sites like Zamnesia give you a clear insight into the world of cannabis seeds as well as good tips when ordering cannabis seeds.
What should be considered when it comes to storage?
When dry, seeds have a very long shelf life and the seeds can be stored without hesitation. Only a few small things are important, which will now be briefly explained.
Probably the best place for storage is the cellar. It should also be ensured that the seeds are not exposed to direct light. This can be prevented by opaque containers. When the hemp seed gets the chance to swell due to moisture, it begins to germinate. Don't you want to start planting immediately after purchasing your cannabis seeds?
Then make sure that the seeds can wait for the perfect time at an appropriate temperature. You can also easily store the purchased hemp seeds in your fridge or freezer. If at any point you decide to start growing, give the cannabis seeds enough time to acclimate. After the successful use, the seeds can get plenty of sunlight so that they can grow into a beautiful hemp plant.
What is a vaporizer?
With the help of a vaporiser or vaporizer, special active ingredients can be evaporated in a targeted manner. The device, which was specially developed for the evaporation of plant materials, offers far more advantages in contrast to burning (oxidation).
It is important that the vaporizer is operated at a lower temperature, as this means better extraction. The evaporation does not produce any undesirable by-products such as oxides and other poisons. In this way, active ingredients such as cannabis or other herbs and plants can be released. The split-off active ingredients are inhaled with the help of the vapor or collected in a small bag so that they can then be consumed.
The extraction containers of the devices are made of metal or glass. Vaporizers come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and colors. There are mobile versions or devices for at home, which should have a fixed place such as on the table. Portable vaporizers are very easy to use and fit in your pocket. There are restrictions in the area of temperature and other settings.
Stationary vaporizers or table-top vaporizers are tied to an external energy source. They are much larger and have a variety of setting options. The temperature can be set individually and the user can also determine the filling quantity himself.
Mouthpieces and extensions for water pipes are often included in the scope of delivery. Since the temperature setting is extremely important for the exploitation of the plant's potential, the following table indicates the optimal temperature of some active ingredients:
- THC: 157 ° C
- CBD: 170 ° C
- Delta-8-THC: 175 ° C
- CBN: 185 ° C
- CBC: 220 ° C
- THCV: 220 ° C
How do vaporizers work?
The mechanism of convective or conductive heating is used in evaporators. What does that mean? Evaporators that work on the convective principle use the mechanism of heat transport or heat transfer. The air is heated in the chamber so that the substances in the herbs or plants are converted into steam.
In contrast to this, there are evaporators that work on the principle of conductive heating. These devices heat a small surface on which, for example, cannabis lies. The conductive vaporizer must be shaken from time to time to ensure even heating and steam generation.
What are the advantages of vaping?
The advantages are listed in note form for a better overview:
- Less chemicals are inhaled as the material does not burn
- More flavors and aromas are released which are normally lost when smoking
- Evaporators produce less smoke and no odors remain in the surrounding air
- Higher doses of THC are converted into vapor
- Even very dry cannabis can still be used. As a rule of thumb, the drier the cannabis, the lower the temperature used.
Medical note: Smoking is harmful and can lead to illness. This article is not intended to be medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or (purchase) recommendation. All content is intended for information only. Do not take any medicines or other active substances if you do not know or understand their effects on your body. If you have any questions about your health, please always consult a doctor first.