Our body needs sufficient to compensate for the hectic pace, stress and overload in everyday life and at work Relaxation. If the mind and body fail to relax sufficiently on their own, they can be different Relaxation exercises be helpful. Good is what helps the soul and the body to find serenity and inner peace.
What is relaxation
The Relaxation of the body is in contrast to the everyday tension and tension with which work and problems are tackled. When relaxed, the muscles are relaxed, breathing is deeper, and the mind is at rest. In a state of relaxation, people go into themselves. In a state of tension, he is more likely to devote himself to problems outside of himself, which may also be connected with the past or future. The relaxation leads him into the 'here and now'. Both states each have their biological meaning.
However, many people today find it difficult to switch from a state of tension back to a state of relaxation. Therefore, various methods have emerged, which over Relaxation exercises enable you to relearn the state of relaxation. The possibility of being able to initiate this state of relaxation at will can also be trained through the relaxation exercises. Relaxation exercises enable the transition from a state of tension to a state of relaxation with the help of various methods that work with the muscles, breathing and / or the mind. The goal is to relax the muscles, to calm the mind and to reflect.
Relaxation is reflected in a slower heart rate, deeper breathing, lower blood pressure, and lower muscle tone. In this way, relaxation can also be scientifically proven.
to form
Progressive muscle relaxation, autogenic training, meditation, yoga, fantasy journeys, Qi-Gong, Tai Chi - there are many relaxation exercises that can facilitate the entry into a state of relaxation. From the abundance of possible relaxation exercises, you should look for the method that facilitates the transition from tension to relaxation and perhaps also enables you to switch over to everyday situations, at work or in stressful situations.
meditation is a mindfulness exercise mostly performed while sitting. There are different types of meditation. Many meditation techniques work with sitting in silence. But there are also meditations in motion. Different philosophies and belief systems are associated with the different mediation techniques, such as yoga, zen or even Buddhism or Hinduism.
yoga includes various physical exercises, the asanas, which are intended to prepare the body for relaxation and meditation. This is linked to a philosophy that takes a holistic view of body and mind.
Autogenic training was developed in the west by H. J. Schultz. It consists of various suggestions that begin with the familiar 'I am calm and relaxed'. Over several levels, a student of autogenic training can develop the ability to relax his body through autosuggestion in stressful situations.
In the Progressive muscle relaxation or Progressive muscle relaxation you work with the systematic light tension of the various muscle parts in the body, which are then relaxed immediately. In this way, a feeling for the state of relaxation develops again.
Tai chi and Qigong come from ancient Asian traditions. Working with Qi, the life energy, is linked to these two relaxation methods. In contrast to the many other relaxation exercises, the exercises are aimed at relaxation in motion.
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Lots of courses too Relaxation exercises are offered, especially by community colleges and health centers. Furthermore, the health insurance companies also offer relaxation courses free of charge or at low cost. Once you have learned a method, it is beneficial to perform these relaxation exercises regularly, preferably daily. Calm music can help. The time of day can also contribute to an easier transition to relaxation. So it is usually easier to relax in the morning. The feeling that the relaxation exercises in the morning give you will stay with you throughout the day. Relaxing in the evening after work is also an ideal time for many.
There are special CDs that are discussed with instructions for exercises. With these instructions, it may be easier to do the exercises alone at home. In any case, you should switch off the cell phone or the telephone and begin the relaxation exercises by adjusting yourself to the relaxation. Specifically, this means that you postpone all thoughts about things that still have to be done or problems that have to be solved for the time of the relaxation exercise to the time after the relaxation exercise.
Relaxation exercises can help improve many diseases, such as back pain, migraines and others. However, there are also illnesses in which relaxation exercises can make symptoms worse, such as depression or hypochondria. Consultation with the doctor should be held here.
But relaxation exercises can also help in prevention by strengthening the immune system and intensifying happiness in life. Since the positive effect of some relaxation exercises has already been scientifically proven, many health insurance companies also support relaxation courses financially.