


We explain what envy is according to the vision of psychoanalysis, morality and religion. Also, what are the other deadly sins.

Envious people spend a great deal of time and energy observing other people's lives.

What is envy?

According to the dictionary, envy is the discomfort or pain in the face of the joy of the other, that is, the feeling of regret for not being one who has or receives something that belongs to another, and for which he feels a resentful desire. It is a feeling similar to jealousy.

Envy is a common feeling in the life of the human being, both when it comes to envy and when it comes to being envied. In general, it is considered one of the most negative and unworthy affects possible, since it destroys any form of affected or of love between people.

Envious people spend a significant amount of time weather and energy to observe the lives of others, as well as malicious comments or defamation, because deep down they would be happy to contemplate the failure of the one they envy.

In the psychoanalytic field, envy is considered a feeling capable of damaging the joy and the value of one's own, since the envious person is in constant contemplation of what is foreign. For that reason, in addition, envy is insatiable, because no matter how much he achieves or has for himself, the envious will always find new subjects to envy in other ways, since his dissatisfaction comes, deep down, from himself.

For its part, tradition moral Western religion and religion has condemned envy to the corner of the lowest emotions of the human being. The envious person is incapable of celebrating or sharing the joys of others, that is, he is incapable of feeling the love of neighbor preached by Jesus Christ, and for that reason doctrines like the catholic christian consider it among the capital sins, that is, the sins more serious and fundamental.

According to the religious tradition of the Middle Ages, the sin of envy corresponded to the marine demon called Leviathan. In Christian iconography, she is often depicted as an old female specter with snakes on her head, her hands, and one biting her breast. Sometimes it also appears destroying or devouring a heart, along with one or more dogs.

Other deadly sins

According to Catholic tradition, there are seven sins considered capital or mortal, since they engender all other possible sins. Aside from envy, they include:

  • The pride, understood as the excess of self-love that leads the person to put themselves in the place of God, and therefore to violate their rules and engender other sins. For that reason it is considered the supreme sin of all.
  • The go to, understood as excessive or uncontrollable anger, either towards others or towards oneself, and that can lead to violence.
  • The gluttony, understood as the irrepressible love for food and drink, which leads the individual to drink and / or overeat, beyond what is necessary to support himself. It is the sin contrary to all forms of measure.
  • The lust, understood as an irrepressible, insatiable and uncontrollable sexual desire, which does not respect limits and which leads to harm to the individual or to others.
  • The avarice, understood as the excessive love for the accumulation, both of properties and things, and of money. The miser is one who possesses more than he needs and still denies others access to resources, even knowing that they need or deserve them more than he does.
  • The laziness, understood as the lack of Will and dedication to guarantee their own livelihood, that is, to ensure their own existence and well-being. Those who commit such sin contradict the divine order to take care of themselves, and disrespect the gift of life that God gave them.
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