gender equality



We explain what gender equality is, its objectives and why it is important. Also, examples in the world and in Mexico.

Gender equity seeks fair treatment for all.

What is gender equity?

The equity gender refers to thedignity and the rights that all persons. This term refers to the right of men and women to receive fair treatment, beyond gender, and to the struggle to guarantee everyone's access to opportunities in the social, economic, political and domestic spheres.

The wordgender It encompasses several interrelated definitions. Gender is a state of mind in which a person determines himself as a man or a woman. Gender equality also extends to non-binary gender, formed by those people who do not determine themselves as men or women.

The great difference between genders in relation todecision making or power causes social and political weakness. Currently, it seeks to implement in thesociety greater gender equality towards women since they are the most discriminated gender.

The movement that vindicates the rights of women emerged from the 70s when they began to demand gender equality that equates women's access toHealtheducation and political participation that only men had at that time.

In 1995, the World Conference on Women was held in Beijing, in which several international agencies and institutions governmental and non-governmental encouraged the use of strategies to raise awareness in society about gender inequalities, regulated locally and internationally.

See also:Sexism

Why is gender equity important?

Gender equity is ahuman right. All people have rights and duties just because they are a person. Guaranteeing the rights of people of all genders is essential for the construction of just and equitable societies.

The development of strategies for the promotion of equity between genders seeks that all people can have the opportunity to access the different spaces, goods and services that they request.

Women do not always enjoy the same rights as men due to structural differences and unequal distribution of power. Men and women must have equal participation in decision-making, in access to education and a professional life. To reduce the differences in the political, social and economic system, everyone must be able to express their ideas, priorities and opinions.

Inequalities in the treatment of people according to gender lead to situations of violence, abuse and neglect, generating an individual and social imbalance. Societies and communities must develop different strategies that provide equal opportunities, both men and women, to be active characters in the community, with equal access to resources,management and decision making.

To achieve a balance and correct development in society, it is essential that the contribution of all people of any gender is respected, fulfilling the role of citizens and citizens, social individuals and generators of resources.

Examples of gender equity

The number of women leaders in political office is much lower than that of men.
  • Access to the politics. Both men and women have equal rights to hold public office. However, the political sphere is one of the scenarios in which the fight for gender equality must be addressed. The number of leaders women in political positions (presidencies, chambers of deputies, senators, judges, mayors and governors) throughout the world is much lower than that of men. This generates a lack of plurality and a discrimination of genre. It is important to promote the participation of women in political life to tip the balance towards gender equality.
  • Access to the education. Receiving an education is one of the fundamental human rights. There should be no discrimination based on gender, race, or culture to access it. There are still many countries in the world where access to education is not yet guaranteed.
  • Access to work. All people have the right to access the same job opportunities regardless of gender. However, there is still a salary gap and differences in access to managerial positions between men and women. Gender equality strives to ensure that women have the same rights as men in the workplace.
  • Fight against violence. Violence is one of the greatest human rights violations, both against men and women. Violence against women is one of the greatest problems social issues faced by women.

Gender equity and gender equality

Although the concepts of equity and equality What synonyms, there is a difference between the two. On the one hand, gender equality refers to giving equal treatment to all people regardless of their gender, since all have fundamental human rights.

On the other hand, gender equity seeks to consider, when appropriate, the differences between genders in order to give each one their due. This implies access to certain rights or responsibilities.

Equity focuses on the idea of Justice. For example: gender equity is giving women a maternity leave according to the implications of the pregnancy process.

Gender equality seeks to put into practice the theory that exposes gender equality. Gender equality leads the fight for the insertion of changes in the different social spheres regarding the role of people.

Gender equity in Mexico

As in many other countries of Latin America and the world, in Mexico gender equality in the social, political and economic spheres is an outstanding debt. However, in recent decades there have been a series of reforms and advances in pursuit of the rights of Mexican women.

The National Institute for Women (a federal government entity) works to comply with policies on gender equality. This body seeks to raise awareness in the population and accompany the development of all stages of the life of women and girls to achieve equitable participation in the political, cultural, economic and social life of the country.

One of the problems that is most fought in Mexico is the eradication of violence against women. The gender violence towards women (physical or psychological) is one of the most important aspects to be resolved in defense of women.

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