


We explain what the phenotype is and what are its differences with the genotype. Also, some phenotype examples.

The phenotype is determined by the unique genetic makeup that DNA contains.

What is the phenotype?

In genetics, we speak of phenotype to refer to the observable physical characteristics of an organism, product of the expression or manifestation of the Genetic information contained in the genotype, in accordance with the conditions of the environment determined in which the organism. Or put another way, it is the physical and behavioral manifestation of what is contained in the DNA of a creature, though also influenced by the Pressure of the environment in which it lives.

The word phenotype refers to any observable trait of an organism, which includes its development, its biochemical properties, its physiology, its behavior, etc. For example, him color of a bird's feathers is part of its phenotype. This word comes from the Greek, and is the result of the union of phainein ("Appear") and typhos (“Trace”), from which it is inferred that it is the appearance of a hidden trace, as is the case of the genetic code.

The phenotype of any individual is thus determined by the unique genetic makeup that its DNA contains, so that different genotypes produce different phenotypes. That is the reason why two children of the same mother and the same father can be so physically different from each other.

However, regardless of the genotypic information manifested, the pressure of the environment will also shape the phenotype of an organism, since it can suffer accidents, changes or adaptations that a genetically similar individual but in another environment would not suffer.

So that the following formula is fulfilled:

Phenotype = Genotype + Environment.

Difference between genotype and phenotype

Genotype is a unique configuration of genes in DNA within cells.

The main difference between genotype and phenotype has to do with visibility, since it is quite difficult to observe and decode the genes of an organism, being able instead to appreciate its conduct and his physique at a glance. This is because the genotype is an abstract set of information contained in the genes, while the phenotype is an appreciable and changing physical state. In this way, while the phenotype can be altered by the action of the environment (due to accidents, for example), the genotype is invariable in the individual, since its genetic code is unique and unrepeatable and was produced during random genetic recombination. during the stages of its conception.

Thus, genotype is a unique configuration of genes in DNA within cells, while the phenotype is the way in which said information is expressed, according to the environmental conditions in which the individual lives.

Examples of phenotype

Some traditional phenotype examples have to do with:

  • Pigmentation. For example, the color of the eyes, hair or skin. In the case of animals, the coat or plumage also has to do with this.
  • The blood group. With presence of rh factor or not, and of type A, B, AB or O, depending on its protein configuration.
  • Dimensions. That is, the height, the thickness, the obesity, etc.
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