fluid gender

We explain what gender fluid is, how the term came about and what the flag that represents it looks like. Also, other gender identities.

Genderfluid people have a shifting identity, flowing from one position to another.

What is gender fluid?

The people fluid gender genderfluid) are those that can alternate between a gender identity and another depending on the vital moment they are going through, either continuously and constantly, or unpredictably and arbitrarily. like the others identities of gender, the idea of ​​fluid gender has nothing to do with sexual orientation or the presence of certain sexual characteristics in the individual, but with the vision that the person has of their own individuality.

Fluid gender is often confused with transsexuality or bisexuality, when in fact they are very different concepts. The fluid gender is one of the many gender identities that fit within the umbrella of the non-binary, that is, of those people who do not feel completely defined by the male-female dichotomy, either because they identify with an intermediate position or, as in the case of genderfluid, because they can be identified with one or the other (or neither) depending on the context.

The term “gender fluid” refers precisely to the fact that, instead of a static, immovable and continuous gender identity, these people have a ductile, changing identity that flows from one position to another.

History of the term “gender fluid”

It is difficult to trace a history of the concept of genderfluid, since it is a contemporary label.In addition, there is an intense debate in force regarding whether gender identities are entirely social constructions or if they have congenital and natural elements, associated with the biochemical development of the body.

In any case, social struggles for the visibility and recognition of non-conventional sexual orientations, such as homosexuality, as well as transsexuality and transvestism, constitute important antecedents of fluid gender identity.

gender fluid banner

The fluid gender flag was created to manage their collective movement and make themselves visible.

People who identify as gender fluid have created a flag to manage their collective movement and thus make themselves visible and fight against discrimination. This flag consists of a rectangle of five horizontal bars, colored in descending order of pink, white, purple, black, and navy blue.

Other gender identities

In addition to gender fluid, there are other gender identities, such as:

  • cisgender. People whose gender identity coincides with the biological expression of their sex, that is, with the body they have, are called cisgender.
  • Transgender. Transgender refers to people whose gender identity does not coincide with the biological expression of their sex, that is, who feel they are of the opposite sex to the one that their bodies manifest.
  • Agender. People who do not identify with any gender are called agender, that is, who do not fit into the binary distinction between man and woman, but have a "null" gender.
  • non-binary genders. Non-binary genders are the set of genders that do not fit into the binary male-female distinction and therefore prefer to think of the sexuality as a spectrum and not as two watertight categories.
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