Health through and with vitamins is the subject of this guide. When it comes to health, there is rarely a lack of reference to vitamins. Advertising often does its part, sometimes in an exaggerated way. The sale of products with added vitamin C has missed the real need for years and leads to overfeeding in this regard. It is almost always the synthetic vitamin C, ascorbic acid.
Vitamins through healthy eating
Because with a healthy diet, which should include fruit and salads every day, the daily requirement must almost always be met. Since vitamin C cannot be stored in the body, any unnecessary overdose is lost.
It is excreted unused. If you have the choice between natural vitamin C, which is found in high doses in lemons, oranges, grapefruits, fresh salads, peppers and sea buckthorn, versus the artificial vitamin C, ascorbic acid, reason should choose the former. Half a lemon has so much vitamin C that it covers the normal daily requirement. The lemon also has two other vitamins and a lot of valuable fruit acids.
What are vitamins
What are Vitamins? They are the smallest quantities of active ingredients without which the normal life processes that we want to call health cannot be fulfilled. If one or more of these vitamins is missing or deficient, deficiencies or clinical pictures develop, which in severe cases are referred to as avitaminoses. The difference between hormones, which are effective in even the smallest doses, and vitamins lies in their production facilities. Hormones are produced in the body by various glands, while vitamins are produced in the plant.
If you use vitamins as drugs today, you should remember that there is no match between them and the real drugs (e.g. quinine or pyramidone). Because vitamins are part of the human diet.
When they are prescribed, whether as a diet, tablet or injection, they are only replacing a deficient part of our food. They are the most natural healing substances known. In many cases, however, this does not mean that real drugs are superfluous. But there is hardly a disease in which the vitamins do not deserve attention due to some shift in their balance in the body.
Types of vitamins
As a preventive measure, the view taken in naturopathy that food should be remedies and remedies should be a healthy diet should be taken into account. The saying "Man is what he eats" also applies in many cases of our time, which is supported by the high percentage of obese or overweight people. You can't always call it healthy. A high intake of calories does not rule out malnutrition in vitamins.
There are water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins. This already shows that a person cannot live fat-free if a deficit of certain vitamins is not to occur. Fat-soluble vitamins can be found in milk, butter, cheese, fish, vegetable oils and cod liver oil, among other things. A whole book would cover all vitamins and their modes of action, so only the most important vitamins will be discussed here.
Vitamin B12
The vitamin B12, which is extraordinarily effective and was discovered relatively late, is an exception among the vitamins because it is not produced in plants. The history of the development of vitamin B12 is interesting to mention. It was a great discovery when it was discovered that people with the progressive anemia known as pernicious anemia recovered after administration of liver, especially raw liver.
This disease used to be fatal. The vernacular used to speak of galloping consumption. Researchers looked for this mysterious substance in the liver and found it in the form of a red crystal substance, which they named vitamin B12.
The discoverers almost despaired of the fact that it took no less than 4 tons of animal liver to produce 1g of vitamin B12. After the streptomycin, which comes from a fungus, was discovered, the life-saving vitamin B12 was also found in it. It could now be produced in unlimited quantities.
The ways of research to track down vitamins that can be produced are often so complicated. Hardly anyone thinks about what has to go on every day in our body's large chemical factory in order to keep us healthy and productive through active ingredients.
Health prevention
In summary, one should say: You should support the health and functionality of the body through a vitamin-rich, natural diet so that there is no deficit in the vitamin balance, a prevention that is worthwhile.
Unnecessary and excessive intake of artificial vitamin C and others are not only pointless and pointless, but can also have a harmful effect on the body if the dosage is too high. From a therapeutic point of view, vitamins can often be expected to have decisive effects if they are prescribed and administered by the doctor in a targeted and correct dose.
Much doesn't help much, it depends on the dosage. Vitamins are indispensable elixirs of life and important regulators of a healthy life course.
With the vegan diet, sufficient vitamins and other nutrients should be ensured. You can find out more about this here: Vegan Diet - How it can be healthy