At a Weight loss or Weight loss as a result, there is a reduction in body weight. Various causes can be decisive for weight loss. In addition to everyday reasons such as dieting or fasting, numerous diseases can also lead to a loss of body weight. Typical diseases are gastrointestinal diseases, hormonal diseases and numerous infectious diseases.
What is Weight Loss?
Weight loss or weight loss can be desired, for example as part of a diet. But it can also be a symptom of an illness. Loss of appetite and weight loss are often observed as typical symptoms, particularly in diseases such as gastric ulcer, diseases of the thyroid gland and lung, pancreatic or esophageal cancer. However, weight loss can also depend on other factors, such as diet, stress, and exercise.
In a healthy person, the weight usually remains constant. Small fluctuations in weight are normal and do not need to be concerned - large, unwanted, or inexplicable fluctuations should be discussed with a doctor as soon as possible.
Weight loss is usually caused by poor or poor diet. However, physical activity, a lot of exercise, stress or psychological strain can also cause weight loss. Weight loss always entails a loss of important substances naturally produced by the body, such as salt and minerals.
When it comes to weight loss, the body primarily relies on the carbohydrates and only then on the fat reserves. If he runs out of these, however, muscle and tissue mass are also broken down. It is therefore important to monitor your own weight loss and, if necessary, to take action against it if it is undesirable or too drastic.
If the causes are unclear, it is essential to see a doctor. This first clarifies the patient's living conditions in an anamnesis in order to find out whether these are responsible for the weight loss. Around one in ten people suffers from severe personal or professional stress and weight loss can be one of the consequences.
Another cause of weight loss could be an improper and irregular diet. Afterwards, the physical condition, fitness and health are clarified in various examinations. This is to rule out another cause of weight loss: cancerous ulcers. Tumors rob the body of nutrients and cause it to use up its own reserves in order to offset the losses.
Finally, many diseases are also responsible for weight loss. Most of the diseases that can contribute to weight loss are gastrointestinal diseases. But hormonal disorders and infectious diseases can also lead to significant weight loss.
Diseases with this symptom
- syphilis
- leukemia
- cholera
- hepatitis
- tuberculosis
- Myocarditis
- Cirrhosis of the liver
- Colon cancer
- Lung cancer
- Gastric ulcer
- Stomach cancer
- anorexia
- Hyperthyroidism
- Crohn's disease
- Diabetes mellitus
- Ulcerative colitis
- Pancreatitis
When should you go to the doctor?
If there are no signs of illness and the weight loss can be attributed to stress, for example, the energy intake is likely not to meet the needs. The body reduces reserves in order to compensate for the energy deficit. If such changes in weight are temporary and can be traced back to changes in lifestyle and eating habits, they are usually harmless and can be easily remedied by adjusting the eating habits accordingly.
Unintentional weight loss for no apparent reason, however, is suspect and should be clarified by a doctor. Especially if this can be observed within a short time. Weight loss is always a concern if it is more than 10 percent of body weight within the last 6 months. If there are other unspecific complaints such as listlessness, decreased performance and fatigue, this can indicate an underlying illness.
Pain, fever, night sweats and digestive problems in combination with a weight reduction are definitely in need of clarification. People who are generally thin are more likely than those of normal weight to consult a doctor if their weight suddenly drops for no apparent reason. Weight loss is critical if it leads to underweight (= body mass index below 18.5). Extreme weight loss as a result of an eating disorder such as bulimia can also be life-threatening if left untreated.
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Treatment & Therapy
Only when the real cause is found can weight loss be targeted. Because the different modes of treatment differ depending on the cause of the present weight loss. If there are diseases, proven bacteria or parasite infestation, medication can be used to counteract the weight loss. The situation is different with diseases of the thyroid gland, which usually result in weight loss. Although this can be kept in check with drugs and a change in diet, it cannot be completely eliminated due to the high consumption of nutrients caused by the disease.
If stress or psychological stress triggers weight loss, special psychotherapy is the best possible treatment against weight loss. However, this can also be stopped or reduced here with medication and a change in diet. In the case of a wrong diet, expert nutritional advice can help with weight loss.
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If temporary effects such as stress, grief or a flu-like infection are responsible for the weight loss, the appetite and, as a result, the weight of those affected normalize itself as soon as the trigger disappears.
Gastrointestinal disorders can cause people to eat less because of pain or not properly absorb the nutrients they supply. In these cases, the underlying diseases must be treated first. Then the weight will usually normalize on its own. In the case of severe weight loss, however, it cannot be ruled out that the weight gain is uneven and that the body proportions change permanently.
If the weight loss results from an overactive thyroid, the weight will usually return to normal as soon as the thyroid disorder has been treated and the metabolism is back in balance.
If the weight loss is the result of severe anorexia, such as bulimia, the eating disorder must first be corrected. Eating disorders are usually complex and patients have to be prepared for lengthy therapy.
If you plan to lose weight as part of a weight loss diet, the chances of success depend on a number of factors. If the reduced calorie intake was accompanied by a change in diet, the chances of permanent weight loss are good. This is all the more true if the person concerned ensures sufficient movement in the future and regularly does sports.
Weight loss cannot be counteracted in all cases. In the case of serious illnesses, regular check-ups and a quick visit to the doctor at the first symptoms are the only ways to keep weight loss as low as possible.
In other cases, such as stress and psychological stress, you can prevent weight loss by counteracting the stressful moments with relaxation exercises. Otherwise, a balanced, nutritious and healthy diet, plenty of sleep and a high level of fluid intake are good ways to avoid unwanted weight loss.
Especially when traveling to tropical countries it should be mentioned that you only drink boiled water. Most foods should also be boiled or deep-fried to kill possible germs. Otherwise, severe diarrhea, vomiting and fever can quickly drain the body and thus cause severe weight loss and muscle weakness.
You can do that yourself
If the weight loss is not caused by a serious medical condition, there are numerous self-treatment measures that can help. A lack of appetite can be counteracted with sufficient exercise in the fresh air. It is also advisable to keep regular meal times. The body reports as soon as the fixed times are exceeded. It is also advisable to keep the ambience in mind when dining. A loving preparation and a cozy environment ensure plenty of appetite. It is advisable to season the meals properly.
In addition, weight loss can be counteracted by eating with other people. Stress is often responsible for loss of appetite. So that weight loss does not progress any further, it is advisable to reduce stress through consistent use of relaxation methods. Meditation, tai chi, autogenic training and progressive muscle relaxation have proven particularly effective.
To stimulate the appetite and inhibit weight loss, there are also some home remedies available. Ginger water is worth mentioning. This should be consumed throughout the day. For the preparation, hot water is poured over a few slices of ginger. Before drinking, the water should steep for a few minutes. The appetite can also be stimulated by eating bitter foods. Half a grapefruit should be consumed in the morning - chicory at lunchtime or, alternatively, rocket salad.