Green cardamom is used in different ways in different parts of the world. In Germany it is considered a classic Christmas spice for gingerbread and mulled wine. Cardamom is more diverse than most people know: it is also suitable as a natural remedy.
Occurrence and cultivation of green cardamom
Green cardamom is one of the most expensive spices in the world, accompanied by saffron and vanilla. The plant is a member of the ginger family. In most cases, the seeds are used to alleviate complaints or to season certain dishes. The ingestion of the plant's capsule fruit is also not unusual. The plant originally comes from Sri Lanka, South India and Iraq.
In the meantime, however, the plant is also grown in other places, so that Guatemala and Madagascar, for example, are involved in the export of green cardamom. The plant itself is usually two to three meters high. In exceptional cases it can reach a size of five meters. From the outside, the plant is reminiscent of an herb. To use the capsule fruits, they are harvested immediately before they are ripe.
The green cardamom is reminiscent of the black cardamom. The biggest difference between the two types lies in their different uses in the kitchen. Green cardamom is considered sweet and hot. It can be bought in powder or capsule form. The capsules are considered more aromatic in the long term.
Effect & application
The starting point for the healing properties of green cardamom are its essential oils. These have a positive effect on the digestive tract. In this way, symptoms such as gas, nausea and constipation can be reduced. The relief of indigestion is based on stimulating the production of bile, saliva and gastric juice. These play a crucial role in the digestion and breakdown of food.
Disturbances in the bile can lead to abdominal pain, bloating, and diarrhea. As soon as there is enough fluid, the body can handle fatty foods better so that they no longer cause discomfort. Increased gas formation is reduced and existing flatulence is less noticeable. In the context of digestion, green cardamom also helps to stimulate a weak appetite.
In ancient times, the food at festivals is said to have intentionally contained large amounts of green cardamom. On the one hand, the taste of the spice was exploited, on the other hand, the food ingested could be digested better and did not lead to different complaints. The cineole of the plant is used in diseases of the respiratory tract. It has an expectorant effect and can also be found in eucalyptus.
Clogged sinuses are cleared by the application and swollen mucous membranes can swell. Green cardamom can be consumed in a number of ways. As a spice, it is suitable for sweet dishes such as cookies, desserts and ice cream. Coffee and tea are given a nice touch by adding green cardamom. On the one hand, mixtures with the constituents of the plant already exist. On the other hand, they can be given by hand over coffee and tea. A pure tea made from green cardamom is rather uncommon.
In India in particular, the spice is added to a chai tea. In addition, the fruit capsules of the green cardamom can be chewed.In the Christmas season, the spice is suitable to give mulled wine a certain taste. A teaspoon of the cardamom is added to the remaining ingredients. Then the wine is boiled as usual and left to steep for a few minutes. It is consumed in a warm state.
Importance for health, treatment & prevention
Cardamom can help maintain or improve health in a number of ways. It is used for colds, asthma, cramps, indigestion and bad breath. In some countries the spice is also considered to be aphrodisiac and is used accordingly. Those who regularly suffer from urinary tract infections can also benefit from green cardamom.
It has a diuretic effect on the bladder, which means that any bacteria are flushed out more quickly and no inflammation can develop. The antispasmodic property is suitable for menstrual cramps, for example. At the same time, the plant is said to provide a remedy for bad breath. In some countries, the seeds of green cardamom are chewed after foods that contain garlic. The green cardamom is therefore not only an aromatic spice for various dishes.
He is also able to let health complaints subside. Unpleasant symptoms and side effects usually do not occur when using green cardamom. The spice can therefore be health relevant for prophylaxis and treatment of minor ailments. Most of the properties of the plant have been used by different peoples for centuries.
For example, the ancient Egyptians are said to have chewed on the seeds of green cardamom to clean their teeth. In ancient times, evidence in Mediterranean areas suggests that the spice was used here for better digestion. Green cardamom, including its medicinal uses, was brought to Europe around 1200 years ago. To this day, most people do not know that the seeds not only flavor desserts from the Christmas season, but also have health benefits.
The seeds should be stored in a dark, dry place to maintain their aroma and effect. Because the taste of the powder dissipates quickly, buying seeds and capsules is usually more efficient.