Hair loss respectively Bald head does not only occur in men. Often women are also affected by hair loss. As the term itself suggests, hair loss is an increased loss of scalp hair, occasionally pubic hair or other body hair. There are basically different types of hair loss that can have different causes.
Forms of hair loss
Who among men would like to go along with baldness or hair loss? Certainly nobody. A woman finds it even more catastrophic when severe hair loss develops with the formation of bald spots. After all, hair is one of the strongest attractions of the female sex. As a consolation, it should be said to our women that baldness in women can only develop in the case of extremely pathological changes and, fortunately, it is accordingly rare.
It is completely normal and everyday for human hair to fall out. At the same time, however, hair grows back again, so that it cannot be referred to as hair loss. However, if more than 100 hairs fall out per day, they cannot be reproduced equally. It is the same with pubic hair. Here, too, one speaks of hair loss when not enough hair grows back.
The best known form of hair loss is androgenetic alopecia (alopecia androgenetica), which is also known as baldness or baldness. It often occurs in men. Furthermore, there is the typical circular hair loss (alopecia areata), which manifests itself as hair loss on circumscribed areas of the head. In these forms, an autoimmune reaction is usually the cause of baldness.
Diffuse hair loss (diffuse alopecia) occurs less frequently. This form often occurs in the course of thyroid dysfunction, infections, taking medication, stress or an unhealthy diet.
As already mentioned, hair loss can be caused by an autoimmune reaction or occurs as a result of thyroid dysfunction, infections, taking medication, stress or an unhealthy diet.
Furthermore, hereditary consequences, e.g. if the hair follicles are sensitive to male sex hormones or if there is an iron deficiency cause of hair loss. Sexually transmitted diseases and excessive alcohol and tobacco consumption can also quickly lead to hair loss all over the body.
In the course of chemotherapy, the loss of all body hair is just as common.
Men’s bald heads, on the other hand, are processes on the skin in question that are somewhere between healthy and pathological. But let's look at things one by one.
1. Scars on the scalp can occur after injuries or chronic inflammation, on which of course hair no longer grows. Those concerned have to put up with the fact that they were unlucky. Only in rare cases can the injured head ends be surgically replaced with transplants.
2. The circular or circular, non-grained hair loss appears particularly impressive, in which hair like broken brushes can often still be seen in and around the herd. This disease, largely unknown in terms of its causes, mainly affects young people. It seems that diseased teeth can play a role. In addition to the precise examination and repair of the teeth, ultraviolet rays from the sun have a very good effect on the affected areas.
Usually, after 4 to 5 months, first thin, colorless hair grows back, then normal hair. Only very rarely does this disease degenerate into total hair loss. Medicine is not yet ready to provide sustainable help here. It is certainly primarily a question of nervous processes.
3. Congenital hair loss or lack of hair, which usually only breaks up in a few places, is usually accompanied by other deformities. He cannot be influenced.
4. The extensive, symptomatic hair loss can be the result of acute, febrile illnesses. It usually occurs after 3 to 4 weeks, incidentally also in the case of medication damage or occasionally in the puerperium and is not so rarely associated with corresponding changes in the nails. Nobody needs to be afraid here, because the hair usually grows back on its own soon. Such hair loss is also observed after chronic inflammation, as well as after disorders of the glands with internal secretion.
5. Chronic seborrheic progressive hair loss is based on a hereditary predisposition and occurs gradually from the age of 20. The course is different for each person affected. In most cases, increased sebum secretion occurs at the same time or shortly afterwards. The increased secretion can also show up in increased bran-like flaking. There is often mild itching. At first the hair grows back thin, but then disappears more and more in the form of the so-called receding hairline.
It comes to the thinker's forehead, to the Wallenstein's head, later the hair on the crown of the head falls out in the tonsure site, and now the state has been reached that the children say: "Dad is now bald!" The skin of the bald head itself is tight, thin, and sweats easily. With this shape there is always a final wreath of hair around the head, the attribute of the Silene of antiquity. Incidentally, this type of hair loss, like the following form, is an outspoken affair for men.
The cause used to be seen as the tension in the muscles under the scalp, which press on the blood vessels and thus disrupt the nutrition of the hair. Today we believe that the case is not so simple, because this type of hair loss can be influenced relatively cheaply by means of externally applied sulfur.
6. Senile hair loss is also hereditary and progressive, i.e. progressive, but does not appear until the age of 50. This is a general symptom of regression that practically cannot be treated in those affected, precisely because of the hereditary disposition.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medication for hair loss and baldnessDiseases with this symptom
- tuberculosis
- syphilis
- Scarlet fever
- Malnutrition
- typhus
- Trichotillomania
- Cirrhosis of the liver
- Hypothyroidism
- Androgenetic alopecia
- Drug allergy
- Hyperthyroidism
- Heavy metal poisoning
Depending on the cause and hereditary characteristics, the course of Hair loss very different. Age, sex hormones and individual disposition as well as personal lifestyle (smoking, alcohol, stress, etc.) can accelerate or slow down the process. In general, however, it can be said that the later the hair starts to fall out, the slower it is.
In circular hair loss (alopecia areata), which can occur in both men and women, the familiar bald spot on the back of the head usually occurs within one to two years after diagnosis. In 25% of all cases there is even holistic hair loss or total loss of body hair.
Hair loss is not only a nuisance for the patient, it can also be very stressful for the person affected. Hair loss is often a major problem, especially for women. Women no longer feel feminine, they no longer feel attractive. Hair loss can therefore be very stressful psychologically.
In an emergency, the person affected even falls into a kind of depression and isolates himself from the outside world. Depending on the type of hair loss, for example, circular bald spots can form that are very noticeable and look unsightly. It is not uncommon for the patient to find a lot of hair on the pillow when he wakes up in the morning or notices the increasing hair loss while combing and hairdressing.
Whether 20, 40 or 70 years old, increasing hair loss must be taken seriously at every age. Especially if other physical symptoms occur, the causes should be examined by a competent specialist. Under certain circumstances, hair loss can be caused by an illness that requires urgent treatment.
Exact blood tests and special hair analyzes can clarify which problem is present. Depending on the cause, drug therapy can then be initiated to improve the situation. In some patients, a large part of the hair comes back under therapy, others have to get used to it and live with the fact that the hair growth is no longer as dense as it used to be.
When should you go to the doctor?
Hair loss is a sensitive issue for many people. Men and women suffer from the fact that in a clearly visible place - the head - a receding hairline or circular areas with a bare scalp suddenly appear. The image of diffuse hair loss also frightens those affected. As soon as it becomes apparent that more than the usual daily amount of hair is falling out, a visit to the doctor is indicated.
Many people first turn to their family doctor, who will refer them to specialists depending on the situation. These include dermatologists. Some of them are experts in hair loss. If the thyroid is examined, nuclear medicine doctors are required to take the blood values and examine the thyroid with ultrasound, among other things. Hair loss can have many causes, sometimes physical and mental problems come together. Then, among other things, psychologists are also consulted.
Anyone who fears that they will lose too much hair per day can see a doctor to be on the safe side. In doing so, he also meets his fears, because in most cases the cause turns out to be harmless, if not always curable.
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Treatment & Therapy
From a medical point of view, hair loss that has occurred rarely requires treatment, as it almost never causes health problems. Nevertheless, many people suffer from baldness for psychological reasons. However, there are some ways to reduce hair loss.
With typical baldness or baldness, as often occurs in men, the onset of hair loss is difficult to stop. The miracle cures often advertised in advertising almost always turn out to be quackery. Only agents with the active ingredients finasteride and minoxidil have proven to be positive in recent years. While finasteride is only used in men to convert testosterone into dihydrotestosterone and thus reduce hair loss, the effect of minoxidil on hair growth has not yet been researched.
Another remedy is alfatradiol, which increases the proportion of hair that grows back. Thus it is possible to slow down the rate of hair loss.
As already mentioned, in the case of seborrheic hair loss, appropriate treatment of the scalp can at least delay the process. In addition to the sulfur already mentioned, these are the general methods of careful massage, ultraviolet light (prescription by the doctor), the use of special hair lotions, and the more oily the hair, the more likely it is to use an oil or an ointment apply, because logically a scalp that does not secrete fat, if it is still fat from the outside, will produce even less fat.
Conversely, the same applies in the event that oily skin, from which fat is constantly being extracted by alcohol, is increasingly stimulated to produce fat. This principle is usually not heeded by laypeople who take care of their hair themselves. The use of arsenic for hair loss is highly controversial in science.
Of course, prevention is of greatest interest, since hair loss cannot be reconciled with human vanity. In the first place, the appropriate hair care must be mentioned here. The scalp should not be washed with soap too often. Biological and natural preparations are best suited. Even when combing, one sins, usually by combing too tightly or brushing with wire brushes and the like.
An organ as fine as human hair must be handled gently. Combing in the correct, i.e. the natural direction of the hair and not perpendicular to the direction nature intended or possibly completely opposite. Unfortunately, our hairstyles are still far from nature, especially for men. The hair on the front of the head belongs to the front, like a pony hairstyle, and not to the back or up.
Such women, whose hair is often quite light and thin nowadays, is advised not to have permanent waves done. Even without this phenomenon of civilization, you can make your hair pretty and attractive. In addition, it is part of hair care that you wear caps or hats as rarely as possible. Wind and sun are exactly what our scalp needs with its hair.
In the last few decades, baldness has been declining, which is certainly due to the more sensible hairstyles in this regard. However, for many, baldness or hair loss will remain an unrecoverable problem.
Nevertheless, it should be mentioned that the success must always be viewed individually from the current stage of the hair loss. Men and women with already massive hair loss often find it impossible to regain normal hair growth. From a cosmetic point of view, they only offer hair transplants or toupees or wigs.
Outlook & forecast
Hair loss can occur for very different reasons, which is why no general medical prognosis can be given. Genetic hair loss is less common in women than in men. Unfortunately, genetic hair loss cannot be counteracted directly. There are various means that stimulate hair growth again. However, these agents have very different effects from person to person.
As a rule, hair loss does not stop on its own. He advances until all of the hair has fallen out. This is not the case if the hair loss is due to another disease. This also includes chemotherapy in the treatment of cancer. The hair does fall out, but it also grows back. A positive prognosis can be given here.
The usual hair loss does not represent a particular health-threatening situation for the body and does not necessarily have to be treated. Treatment is also not always successful. When treating hair loss with remedies, hair loss will progress again when the remedies used are stopped. They are therefore only treating the problem temporarily and not permanently solving it.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medication for hair loss and baldnessprevention
Unfortunately, it has to be said that up to now prevention is almost impossible. Androgenetic alopecia (alopecia androgenetica) cannot be prevented.However, as with almost all physical illnesses, the best preventive measure that can be taken is a healthy life with lots of exercise, sport, a healthy diet and little stress.
Home remedies & herbs for hair loss & baldness
- Many medicinal herbs contain substances that have a strengthening, nourishing, growing and nourishing effect on the hair. Some of these herbs are: birch, coltsfoot, nettle, chamomile, arnica. Make a decoction of any of these herbs or mixtures and wash and rinse the hair with them.
- In the event of hair loss, wash the head regularly with strong chamomile tea (use chamomile flowers instead of a bag). In addition, rub your head daily with birch hair water or rosemary hair water.
- Hair loss is stopped if chamomile tea is massaged into the scalp in the evening.
- The scalp and hair are strengthened when you wash your head with egg yolk and chamomile tea.
You can do that yourself
Hair loss can be treated relatively well and does not necessarily have to lead to a negative quality of life for the person concerned. However, if the hair loss is genetic, no direct treatment is possible. In this case, however, wigs and a toupee can be used in order not to make the hair loss visible.
In the drugstore and pharmacy there are relatively many products that stop hair loss and promote hair growth. The effectiveness of such agents differs in different people, which means that a general prognosis cannot be given here. In most cases, however, these agents help to accelerate hair growth and thus counteract hair loss. The products all contain caffeine, so hair loss starts again when the products are discontinued. Clinical treatment is usually only associated with a hair transplant.
Many people who suffer from hair loss also experience depression associated with it. With such depression, talking to friends or a psychologist can help clarify the problem and understand that the symptom does not affect quality of life. In difficult clinical conditions, such as cancer, hair loss can also occur. In most cases, however, it disappears when the chemotherapy is over.