Under a Broken wrist means a fracture of the wrist. It is usually caused by a fall and is one of the most common breaks. The treatment is similar to that of other fractures. A broken wrist can also be prevented.
What is a broken wrist?
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A fracture of the spoke (radius) is called a wrist fracture. It mostly occurs when you try to catch yourself with your hand if you fall. Since this reflex occurs almost always, these fractures are common.
In rare cases, the wrist fracture can also be caused by falling on the bent hand. In this case one speaks of a flexion fracture. Wrist fractures can be treated by wearing a cast. Taking medication is also useful because of the pain.
A wrist fracture is usually caused by falling on the hand. This breaks or sprains the joint. Older people and children are particularly affected as they fall more often. Children who fall while playing want to catch the fall with their hand and thus cause a fracture. In the elderly, decreased bone stability is also an important factor.
This can quickly break the wrist in the event of a fall. Osteoporosis (bone loss), which occurs more frequently in old age, increases the risk of breakage. In addition, older people are at increased risk due to other complaints. Spells of dizziness, old age and cardiac arrhythmias lead to falls. In connection with the reduced bone stability, this leads to serious fractures.
The cause is always excessive pressure on the wrist, which leads to a break. This is usually triggered by a fall, but a trapped arm, an unnatural posture during sports or the use of force can also lead to such a fracture. Various factors also increase the risk that the bone is not only sprained but also broken.
Symptoms, ailments & signs
A broken wrist typically manifests itself as severe pain in the affected limb. The pain usually occurs immediately after the injury and is sharp or throbbing. Since the pain is particularly intense during movements, those affected usually automatically adopt a gentle posture.
The pain is accompanied by swelling and redness in the affected area. The joint can only be moved to a limited extent or not at all, depending on the location and severity of the fracture. A sure sign of a break is a visible misalignment of the wrist.
If the hand is bent outwards or backwards, or if it protrudes from the arm at an unusual angle, a fracture can be assumed. A broken wrist also manifests itself in the fact that there is an unusual crunch or other noises when moving. Occasionally, numbness or paralysis appear.
If important vessels are injured, circulatory disorders and major swellings can also occur. The symptoms of a broken wrist will increase in intensity until the fracture is treated. If no treatment is given, unconscious pain and accompanying physical symptoms such as nausea and vomiting set in quickly.
Diagnosis & course
A broken wrist can be clearly diagnosed. The symptoms that occur are clear and can be associated with a fracture by those affected. On the one hand, there is a painful swelling in the area of the wrist and, on the other hand, the affected joint is misaligned.
However, the second symptom doesn't always appear. The exact location of the break is crucial. These symptoms are accompanied by impaired sensitivity of the hand or fingers. Skin and muscles can also be injured. If these symptoms are present, it is advisable to consult a doctor.
They can carry out a comprehensive medical examination to determine the extent of the damage. A broken wrist is often associated with injuries to the nerves and blood vessels. As part of the anamnesis, it is also clarified how the accident came about and how exactly the wrist was broken. This enables the attending physician to rule out certain types of fractures directly.
To confirm the diagnosis, an X-ray examination is done. The wrist is recorded from above and from the side in order to have an optimal view of the affected area. Finally, it must be clarified whether the break is unstable or stable. The subsequent therapy is based on this.
The course of the fracture depends on the extent of the fracture. In children, the joints usually heal within a few weeks. It is also decisive how extensive the physiotherapeutic follow-up treatment is. A complicated fracture that involves damaged ligaments and nerves usually requires several months of treatment before it is completely healed.
In most cases, a broken wrist will heal without complications. Problems can arise if the fracture is not treated or treated insufficiently. A postponed fracture can lead to permanent sensitivity disorders, chronic pain and misalignments. In half of all cases, new malpositions can occur after a surgical procedure, which must be corrected in a further procedure.
Possible bone displacement can also lead to damage to the surrounding nerves, blood vessels and soft tissues. In the worst case, the so-called Sudeck dystrophy and the complete loss of function of the hand occur. Sudeck's disease mainly affects older women, but patients with a pre-existing bone disease are also at risk of Sudeck's dystrophy.
In addition, ischemic contractures, the compartment syndrome or fat embolism can occur, which are usually associated with further complications. False joint formation (pseudoarthrosis) can also occur in the wrist. As a result of a fracture, signs of wear can also occur or the joint stiffens completely. Finally, the prescribed pain medication can cause side effects. Early and comprehensive treatment can usually avoid serious complications.
When should you go to the doctor?
In the event of a broken wrist, a doctor should always be consulted. A person with a broken wrist will experience excruciating pain and a doctor should be seen immediately. If medical and drug treatment is not used, the fracture may not grow together properly. In some cases, surgery is also required to straighten the broken bones. Only with such a medical intervention can a complete and rapid recovery take place.
Follow-up examinations are also of great importance in the later healing process so that possible complications can be identified and treated at an early stage. If you see a doctor quickly if you have a broken wrist, the chances of a full recovery are very good.
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Treatment & Therapy
Treating a broken wrist is straightforward. First, the bones are restored to their original shape, for which either an operation or a conservative (non-surgical) procedure is necessary. In the case of a simple fracture of the wrist, non-surgical therapy is sufficient.
With the help of an X-ray fluoroscopy device, the wrist can be brought into the correct position. A plaster cast is then applied to protect the bones and support healing. The therapy also includes various movement exercises of the fingers and the elbow, with the help of which the sensory disorders are eliminated.
Depending on how serious the wrist fracture is, additional measures may need to be taken to treat damaged nerves and ligaments.
Outlook & forecast
A broken wrist has a good chance of healing if the fracture is stable. After a few weeks of resting the affected hand, most patients recover. Complete freedom from symptoms is achieved after a few months.
The older the patient, the longer the healing process normally takes. Premature strain on the hand should be avoided in the event of a fracture. The physical activities should be built up slowly after the healing process has ended so that there are no long-term consequences.
Despite the good view, complications can arise. In addition to circulatory disorders, restricted mobility and a permanent reduction in performance, the patient is at risk of a misalignment of the wrist. This can occur with a complicated fracture or problems during the healing process. Timely medical care and immediate correction of bone damage are necessary to avoid causing long-term damage if possible.
Some patients complain of chronic pain for years or suffer from osteoarthritis as a long-term consequence. The prognosis worsens if there is already a bone or joint disease. If the wrist fractures repeatedly, the chances of recovery are also reduced. A full recovery is possible, but the risk of sequelae is significantly increased if the fracture occurs again. Usually, the usual level of performance is no longer achieved in these cases.
A broken wrist can primarily be prevented by taking protective measures in certain sports. It is therefore advisable to wear appropriate protective clothing for high-risk activities such as inline skating. It can also help to strengthen the bones and detect osteoporosis at an early stage. Older people in particular can minimize the risk of a broken wrist by taking preventive measures and treating dizziness or similar disorders.
A fracture of the wrist can occur in different degrees of severity, so that appropriate follow-up care may be urgently required. In any case, a fracture of the wrist should be treated medically or surgically. Only in this way can fast and smooth healing take place.
If the person concerned decides against appropriate treatment, then considerable complications can be expected. Complete recovery or healing is not possible without proper immobilization of the entire wrist. It can lead to severe inflammation, which in certain circumstances can even be life-threatening.
After a treatment or operation, follow-up care is very important so that the fracture can grow together in peace. The joint should therefore not be subjected to any loads. Compliance with inspection visits is just as important in this context. Such check-ups can identify possible complications at an early stage and eliminate them accordingly.
You can do that yourself
If a wrist fracture is suspected, the joint must first be immobilized and cooled. If possible, the injured limbs are padded with suitable material and stored up until the emergency doctor arrives. It is important to avoid independent attempts at movement or restriction.
After the first aid, the doctor responsible will explain the measures necessary for a quick recovery. Physiotherapy treatment is usually recommended, which can be supported by light everyday exercises. In the first few weeks, however, the wrist must be immobilized. Thereafter, osteopathic therapy can be useful.
So-called therapeutic clay is ideal for everyday use. Aftercare also includes comprehensive wound care. Depending on how the wound is healing, the dressing should be changed two to a maximum of three times a week. If the skin starts to itch, it can help to slightly lift the cast and blow it out with a blow dryer on a low setting.
Here, too, the following applies: Discuss any measures beforehand with the responsible doctor. This also applies to the use of any natural remedies. Medicinal plants such as comfrey or arnica support wound healing and are particularly effective in the acute healing phase.