


We explain what harakiri is and what this ritual consists of. Also, what is it for, when it was banned and some of its history.

For this ritual, a dagger (soö) or another knife.

What is harakiri?

It is called harakiri or seppuku (In Japanese the second term is preferred, since the first is vulgar; but in Spanish the preferred form is the first, sometimes Castilianized:harakiri) to a ritual form of suicide from the tradition Japanese, and that consists of unraveling, that is, evisceration, usually by means of a longitudinal cut in the abdomen, from left to right, using a dagger (soö) or another knife.

This practice enjoyed traditional value in ancient Japan, as part of the samurai code of ethics (bushidö), which taught to die with honor and honor rather than be defeated and captured by the enemy, and could then be interrogated and tortured.

At the same time, it was the only way to wash the honor of those who had committed unworthy acts or had betrayed their original features. In fact, the feudal lords of ancient Japan could ask their warriors to consume this ritual suicide, as a form of execution by their own hand in case they had brought them disgrace.

Seppuku was traditionally performed after thoroughly cleansing one's body, drinking sake (rice liquor), and composing a poem parting (zeppitsu) over a range of war (tessen). In general, the cut in the belly was carried out in front of one or more spectators who, in case of failing the hand or the determination of the suicide, had to complete the task for him (known askaishakunin).

The choice to assume similar responsibility it was considered an honor or a show of affection or recognition. In some cases, wives or even slaves were expected to accompany their master in suicide, which was known asjisatsu Yoibara, respectively.

With these cultural valuations in tow, harakiri survived as a practice until contemporary times, despite its prohibition as a judicial penalty in 1873. Many Japanese military personnel practiced it during the 19th and 20th centuries, as a method of protest against an imperial decree or to escape to defeat in the WWII. In addition, writers such as Emilio Salgari or Yukio Mishima chose death through this traditional method.

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