On Urethral cancer or. Urethral cancer It is mostly patients who are over 50 years old who fall ill. At the first warning signals such as blood in the urine or pain when urinating, a urologist should be consulted. If the disease is diagnosed at an early stage, the chances of a cure for urethral cancer are quite good.
What is urethral cancer?
In urethral cancer, the patient's urethra is affected by malignant growths. Other names for urethral cancer are and urethral cancer Uretheric carcinoma. Urethral cancer is an extremely rare cancer, so that only about 0.3 percent of all cancer patients suffer from this rare form of cancer.
Women are affected roughly twice as often as men. This is due to the anatomically shorter urethra in women and the associated higher susceptibility to infections for inflammation of the urinary tract. Most patients develop urethral cancer at an advanced age.
The causes of urethral cancer cannot be clearly established. However, current science suggests that there is a link between frequent urinary tract infections and the occurrence of urethral cancer. Because of the shorter urethra, women are more likely to suffer from these infections, which is why they are more likely to develop urethral cancer.
People who suffer from a sexually transmitted disease are also at an increased risk of developing urethral cancer. Another risk factor for this cancer is certain sexual preferences, which can lead to injuries to the delicate urethra.
In some patients, urethral cancer also develops from an initially benign tumor in the urethra, which later grows and can eventually develop into a malignant form of tumor called urethral cancer.
Symptoms, ailments & signs
At the onset of urethral cancer there are no symptoms or only unspecific symptoms. In a more advanced phase, the urine stream increasingly weakens. There is an increased need to urinate, but the bladder is no longer completely emptied. The urine stream is also sometimes split or twisted.
In the further course, the patient complains of dripping urine. In addition, pain occurs when urinating even without inflammation. Often, blood is also found in the urine during laboratory tests. This symptom, known as microhematuria, cannot be seen with the naked eye.
Microhematuria occurs in urethral tumors especially after sexual intercourse. However, macrohematuria can also occur, with the urine turning reddish due to the presence of blood. More and more urine gradually builds up in the urethra. This increases the risk of infections in the urinary tract. In extreme cases, the urine becomes completely blocked with severe flank pain that can radiate into the groin.
The backflow of urine in the kidneys causes long-term damage and the development of severe kidney failure. The continued growth of the tumor can lead to abscesses and fistulas. In the later stages of the disease, those affected experience severe weight loss. In addition, there is increased sweating at night. With timely treatment, urethral cancer is still completely curable. After the formation of metastases, the chances of a cure decrease.
Diagnosis & course
If a patient is suspected of having cancer of the urethra, a urologist should be consulted so that he can make the diagnosis. Symptoms of urethral cancer can include pain when urinating, blood in the urine, and decreased water flow when using the toilet.
After asking the patient about his symptoms and examining the urine, the urologist will usually arrange for a cystoscopy. This provides information about the cell structure in the bladder and urethra. The urologist will also advise patients to make an appointment with their gynecologist in order to rule out a disease that affects the gynecological area.
Another way of diagnosing urethral cancer is urethroscopy, an endoscopic examination of the urethra and bladder, during which a tissue sample of the tumor can also be taken if necessary. A thorough diagnosis also includes the search for metastases, which is usually done with the help of ultrasound or other imaging procedures such as MRI or CT. The earlier the disease is discovered and treated, the higher the chances of a cure for urethral cancer.
In many cases, urethral cancer can be treated well if it is diagnosed early so that treatment can be initiated at an early stage. In most cases, urethral cancer results in traces of blood in the urine. Bloody urine can lead to a panic attack in many people. When urinating, burning pain occurs, which complicates the everyday life of the person concerned.
It is not uncommon for people to intentionally consume less fluids in order to directly prevent this pain. However, this leads to dehydration of the body, which is a very unhealthy condition. The water jet when urinating is relatively weak in most cases, which can often lead to psychological complaints and depression. Like any other cancer, urethral cancer can spread to other regions of the body, causing symptoms and destroying tissue.
Irreversible consequential damage can occur if the urethral cancer is not treated in time. The treatment takes place with the help of surgical interventions or by means of radiation. However, the success depends on the time of diagnosis, so that a positive course of the disease cannot be guaranteed. It is not uncommon for urethral cancer to reduce the patient's life expectancy.
When should you go to the doctor?
A doctor must be consulted as soon as the person concerned has had unpleasant urination symptoms for several days. Abdominal pain or pulling sensations are cause for concern and should be presented to a doctor. A doctor is needed if there is a feeling of pressure in the bladder region, blood in the urine, or burning when urinating. If the urine stream is severely reduced or if the urine can only be released in droplets, a doctor must be consulted.
If the symptoms increase steadily, a doctor should be consulted immediately. If it comes to fatigue, inner restlessness or behavior problems, a clarification of the symptoms is necessary. Changes in libido, social withdrawal, or general malaise should be evaluated by a doctor. If fear or panic attacks set in, there is a need for action. You should see a doctor as soon as possible. If the symptoms lead to reduced fluid intake, a life-threatening condition can develop.
A doctor should therefore be consulted as soon as a feeling of internal dryness develops. A doctor should be consulted in the event of a decrease in the usual level of performance, mental disorders, increased tiredness or a general feeling of illness. Since urethral cancer can be fatal, it is advisable to have the described symptoms clarified immediately.
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Treatment & Therapy
In the case of urethral cancer, an attempt is first made to remove the malignant tumor from the urethra with the help of an operation.Depending on the size and doctor of the urethral cancer, radiation or chemotherapy are also used.
The operation is often very difficult, especially with larger tumors, which is why many patients try to reduce the urethral cancer first with the help of radiation or chemotherapy. In this way, better operating conditions can be created and the area to be operated on can be kept smaller. For very large tumors that require immediate surgery, it may even be necessary to remove the entire urinary bladder or, in men, part of the penis.
However, following the removal and cancer treatment, a reconstruction with the help of intestinal parts can be carried out. After the tumor is removed, most patients are advised to continue treatment with radiation and / or chemotherapy to safely combat all cancer cells and prevent urethral cancer from recurring.
Outlook & forecast
Urethral cancer is the rarest type of urologic cancer, with fewer than 2000 known cases. In addition, the differences in urethral anatomy between men and women, as well as the location of the tumor in the tissue, the treatment options and thus the prognosis have a decisive influence.
The prognosis and treatment options also depend on factors such as: Whether the cancer has spread through the mucous membrane that lines the urethra to surrounding tissue, lymph nodes, or other parts of the body such as organs. It also includes the general health of the patient and whether the cancer was first diagnosed or has come back.
As a result, diagnosed cases of urethral cancer usually lead to an individual course of treatment for each patient. Different types of urethral cancer develop inside different types of cells, in different parts of the urethra.
About 60% of non-invasive urethral cancer patients treated surgically or chemotherapy show a survival time of over five years.
The recurrence rate for invasive urethral cancer treated in combination with surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation is over 50 percent. Early diagnosis and treatment offers the best chance of recovery.
An effective prevention of urethral cancer is not yet known. Since frequent urethritis and sexually transmitted diseases can promote the development, it is advisable to seek early treatment from a specialist if one of these diseases occurs. A healthy lifestyle can also help prevent urethral cancer from developing.
Follow-up care for urethral cancer is urgently needed. Follow-up care should be tailored to the individual patient's medical history. Closer follow-up care is usually necessary in the event of severe disease. It is also relevant whether the patient is symptom-free or not. The type and scope of follow-up examinations can therefore vary greatly from patient to patient.
In addition, it is important to recognize the formation of metastases in other body organs in good time. Various examinations are carried out for this purpose. In addition to imaging procedures such as CT, MRI and x-rays, certain blood tests support the follow-up treatment. In addition, preventive measures should be taken to avoid the occurrence of a relapse.
Care should be taken to reduce the risk factors that can lead to inflammation of the lower urinary tract. Rehabilitation of the patient is also conceivable after the treatment of urethral carcinoma. Both inpatient and outpatient measures are available in special tumor aftercare centers.
The aim of a successful reintegration measure is to increase the patient's quality of life. This includes not only the physical factors, but also includes the psychological, social and professional situation. As a rule, the doctor and the patient decide by consensus whether such a measure is necessary and effective or not.
You can do that yourself
Urethral cancer is a serious and life-threatening disease that does not heal on its own. Lengthy treatment and therapy under medical supervision is imperative. We strongly advise against possible self-therapies or attempts at healing with home remedies.
Nevertheless, patients can contribute a lot to the positive course of the disease. First and foremost, a positive attitude towards life and a hopeful attitude towards the disease play a role. Those who give up on themselves have a worse chance of recovery. It is part of a positive attitude to have trust in the doctor or doctors. If this is not the case, a change of doctor can be considered. If the doctor and his competence are trusted, it is also easier to follow the recommendations and therapy prescriptions.
If an operation takes place, the patient can support his recovery by not only listening to many tips for his future life in the subsequent rehabilitation measure, but also implementing them to the best of their knowledge. A general improvement in living conditions, eating habits and overall physical condition make the body more resilient to future treatment steps.
Alcohol should be consistently avoided while taking tablets. Instead, it is very important to drink a lot so that the kidneys detoxify the body sufficiently. The consumption of nicotine should also be avoided completely.