The need for a side effect-free and natural treatment of Joint pain increases without the use of chemical substances. Tried and tested home remedies are therefore being used more and more often.
What helps against joint pain?
Sore joints should be moved steadily and gently, but without great effort or strain. If the pain is due to excessive strain, the joint should be spared. The movements that lead to excessive strain must be stopped.
As far as possible, painful joints can be raised for relief. However, permanent relieving postures to relieve the painful joint should also be avoided so as not to overload other joints and cause malpositions. If a joint is completely immobilized, the joint capsule can even shrink and the tendons and muscles shorten, which leads to joint stiffening. Aqua jogging twice a week helps with joint pain.
The movement also creates new synovial fluid, which can lead to a smoother movement sequence and a reduction in pain. Pain therapies and physiotherapy treatments are helpful. Yoga supports the establishment of a balance between body and mind and can therefore also be extremely helpful for joint pain. In general, if you suffer from joint pain, you should avoid eating pork. On the other hand, foods such as fruit and vegetables, potatoes, fish, whole grain products, soy and nuts are recommended.
Joint pain can also be caused by a food allergy. Therefore, it may be necessary to examine whether there are corresponding allergies. The widespread therapeutic fasting cures by Dr. Otto Buchinger include u. a. individual exercise programs, nutritional advice and Kneipp treatments. This is to prevent inflammation and maintain joint mobility. The natural remedies bromeline, ginger and turmeric promise pain relief and an improvement in joint mobility, the effects of which are enhanced when used together.
A doctor should be consulted if joint pain persists. A joint splint allows the joint to be immobilized in a relieving manner. A blood test will tell you whether you have liver disease.
Quick help
The cooling effect of ice wrapped in a cloth helps with joint pain. However, the ice must not be placed directly on the skin. In some cases, however, heat treatment is useful.
Warm fango packs containing minerals, which are available in every pharmacy, are valued for their deep effect. Even the ancient Romans relied on the beneficial effects of volcanic healing mud, which can also have a soothing effect on joint pain. The one in savoy cabbage contains sulfur and has a pain-relieving effect in the form of a layer of large savoy cabbage leaves for joint pain. Roll over the leaves with a rolling pin until the juice comes out. The savoy cabbage leaves are then placed over the painful joint and covered with cling film.
The root of the African medicinal plant devil's claw has proven to be particularly effective against pain. Treatment with leeches has proven effective for osteoarthritis. The leeches are placed around the painful joint. In about thirty to sixty minutes they withdraw up to 15 milliliters of blood from the body and at the same time release pain relievers and anti-inflammatory agents. Often a leech bandage leads to pain relief and sometimes even to complete pain relief. If joint pain suddenly occurs during exercise, a break is recommended.If the joint pain comes back after taking a break from work, a visit to a doctor is recommended.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medicines for joint painAlternative remedies
Healing clay promises relief from joint pain. Two tablespoons of healing clay are mixed well with a little water and applied to the joint as a paste about 0.5 centimeters thick. The healing earth, which is fixed with a cloth, is left to work until it is completely dry. Envelopes with comfrey ointment or comfrey roots are also recommended.
Alternatively, rub caraway seed oil three times a day. Caraway seeds stabilize the immune system and therefore help with arthritis. Joint pain can also be relieved by rubbing the affected joint areas with Maharashi Ayurveda massage oils. Willow bark extract is said to be used for arthritis that is caused by inflammation. The willow bark, which has been used in the treatment of rheumatic diseases for thousands of years, contains numerous active ingredients, including salicin and various polyphenols in particular.
In addition to a pain-relieving effect, the willow bark has also been shown to protect the cartilage. Tea made from the leaves of the nettle can be drunk or put on sore joints as a compress. The homeopathic arnica ointment contains the anti-inflammatory and blood circulation-promoting ingredients of the arnica flower.
The ointment is particularly well tolerated and can also be used several times a day over a longer period of use. A prepared rosemary-alcohol tincture is used to rub acutely painful joint areas. Depending on the desired dosage, 5 to 20 grams of dried rosemary are mixed in 100 milliliters of alcohol and left to steep for three weeks in a warm environment and then sieved.