Heather is the defining plant of the heathland. It grows in areas where otherwise little thrives and is used in folk medicine, among other things. There it is used for various ailments and diseases.
Occurrence & cultivation of the heather
The heather family can be up to forty years old and three feet high. However, this is only the case if they can grow undisturbed. Their average height is between thirty centimeters and one meter.
The herb is also an evergreen deep-rooted plant. It bears flowers between the late summer and autumn months, mostly between August and October. During this time, herbs and flowers are collected and processed for medicinal purposes. The leaves of the heather are rolled up like scales. They feel leathery and are only a few millimeters long. The numerous, small flowers, on the other hand, usually have a color gradation between white and purple.
The inflorescence of the heather is dense and grape-shaped, its flowering begins at four years. The herb is pollinated by a wide variety of insects. The many, small seeds are spread by the wind. Heather is common all over Europe - especially in Central and Northern Europe. In the east it can be found as far as western Siberia and is also often found in areas shaped by the Ice Age. The plant grows in moors, heaths, open forests and can be found at altitudes of up to 2,700 meters.
Effect & application
The heather is used in beekeeping as an important pasture for bees because it contains appropriate amounts of sugar. Its ingredients are arbutin, saponins, various enzymes, hydroquinone, flavone glycosides and lime. In addition, heather contains several minerals and tannins. Because of its diverse active ingredients, heather is often used in folk medicine against various ailments. It has a blood purifying and diuretic effect on the body. It is also one of the Bach flowers under the name Heather. As Bach flower number 14, heather can help against certain psychological problems and associated physical complaints.
The herb itself is applicable internally and externally. In folk medicine, for example, it is used as an infusion tea. This can either be drunk or, depending on the illness, used as an envelope. To do this, the person affected soaks a compress in the infusion and places it on the affected area. A bath in the infusion or even the bare flowers can be used against various ailments.
To make the infusion, one or two teaspoons of the flowers or herbs are sufficient. These are poured over with a cup of boiling water. After the tea has steeped for ten minutes, it can be strained and drunk in small sips or otherwise used. When used internally, the person concerned should not consume more than three cups a day.
Importance for health, treatment & prevention
Heather has a not to be despised effect on health. Not only the leaves, but also the flowers and shoots are used. A full bath from the infusion of the herb is described as an effective anti-rheumatic drug. It relieves pain and helps to make everyday life more pleasant. In addition, taking it internally can help to intensify the effect. Apart from that, heather has been shown to have a positive effect on the urinary system.
It is used against bladder and kidney stones and can prevent urinary tract and bladder infections. It also has a curative effect. Experts also recommend heather for metabolic problems, gout or eczema. In general, the herb can have a positive effect on skin problems. Added to this is the expectorant effect attributed to heather tea. It is therefore also suitable for treating colds and coughs.
According to Dr. Bach, the plant is used against the so-called "heather" behavior. By this he understands character traits, which are reflected in strong egocentrism, desire for pleasure, self-love, thirst for recognition and vanity. Also the fear of being alone is part of it. Morbid psychological disorders in this area can be treated with Bach Flower No. 14.
Affected people tend to be afraid of disregard and loneliness in everyday life. In addition, heather can also be taken by people who are very self-centered and self-absorbed. This also includes people who always need an audience. Usually these people have a seemingly positive but insecure attitude towards themselves and have a strong need to communicate.
With the help of the heather, this positive attitude should also be transferred to others and the actual weaknesses can be reversed. According to Dr. It is intended to help Bach build a natural sense of self-worth and reduce inferiority complexes. The same goes for showing off. Heather can also help with illnesses caused by humiliation. Physical symptoms can include stuttering, skin problems, heart problems, or kidney disease. These agree with the uses of the heather in folk medicine.