The human brain is undoubtedly one of the most complex organs of all and can be affected by a variety of diseases. Since it forms the central nervous system (CNS) of the body in addition to the spinal cord, are at Brain diseases usually not only localized brain structures and functions are affected, but this is automatically associated with far-reaching physical and psychological effects.
What are brain diseases?
Brain diseases either lead to an injury and as a result to failure or death of nerve cells, or the complex circuits of the brain are impaired or pathologically changed. Both have a direct effect not only on the pure brain function, but also go hand in hand with the associated physical and psychological symptoms and changes.
Therefore, the spectrum of brain diseases extends extremely wide - from traumatic injuries (e.g. accident with severe head and brain injury) to strokes or cerebral haemorrhage to dementia, multiple sclerosis or even the vegetative state (so-called Apallic syndrome). These are just examples, because there are almost innumerable brain diseases that can accordingly cause a wide variety of symptoms.
The brain is the body's central control unit, which not only processes information and sensory impressions of the environment, but also issues commands to each cell in order to be optimally adapted and integrated to the outside world. About (estimated) 100 billion nerve cells and just as many glial cells are responsible for these highly complex and energy-consuming tasks, which are not only networked with each other, but also connected to every part of the body and are largely responsible for its functioning and health.
The brain is responsible for controlling vegetative processes (such as breathing, heart rate, wakefulness and recovery phases, sympatheticotonia and vagotonia) as well as for cognitive performance, sensory perception or emotions. Developmentally older parts of the brain, such as the brain stem, the medulla oblongata (elongated spinal cord) or parts of the midbrain, work closely with the younger systems (e.g. cortical or prefrontal areas) in order to enable perfect physical interplay - as well as motor and sensory functions Achievements up to the development of intelligence and personality.
This is all the more important to understand in order to approach the far-reaching role and complexity of brain diseases in general. Also very interesting: the brain consumes up to 20% of our energy in a resting state in order to provide all its services and functions.
Therefore, the spectrum of possible brain diseases is generally very large and complex and affects many areas of medicine. General functional disorders or pain, but also psychological changes or motor or cognitive impairments can be signs of brain disorders. But hormonal changes can also have their origin in the brain. the pituitary gland involved.
For this reason, there is no uniform cause or definition for brain diseases: These range from exogenous, traumatic influences (e.g. injuries) to circulatory lesions (such as circulatory disorders) to neoplastic changes, i.e. Cell growth in the brain (e.g. tumors, gliomas, cysts in the brain, etc.). This shows that every brain disease is or can be the cause or the beginning of far-reaching physical changes and diseases.
Depending on the brain disease, the cause must be investigated: Is there an exogenous trauma? Are circulatory disorders the reason? Are there inflammatory processes in the brain (such as encephalopathy) that can be caused by viruses, fungi, bacteria, even worms? Has there been an oxygen deficiency (e.g. perinatally, i.e. around the birth) to which nerve cells in particular react very sensitively, which belong to the cells that perish after a few minutes of oxygen deprivation?
In very many brain diseases, the exact etiology, i.e. the specific causes and development of the disease are unknown, which is why brain diseases generally involve the localization of the existing functional disorder or disease within the brain, but also its effects on the whole body. In addition, many brain diseases have not only not been fully researched in terms of their causes, but also as a result all the more difficult (and hardly causal) to treat.
For example, the cause of multiple sclerosis, a severe, chronic, inflammatory disease, is still largely not understood; in MS there is a degenerative change in the myelin sheaths of the central nervous system and as a result severe motor paralysis and dysfunction. The degenerative brain diseases, the cause of which is largely unclear, also include Alzheimer's disease, a severe form of dementia, as well as Parkinson's (motor disease, so-called "shaking sickness"), epilepsy or the rare disease Huntington's disease (so-called "St. Vitus's Dance") with uncontrolled muscle twitching.
What is the reproducible cause of the vascular occlusions or the vascular ruptures occurring in the stroke, which is widespread in our part of the world, can also not yet be clearly stated with absolute certainty. Stroke (apoplexy) is one of the more common brain diseases, and the symptoms of varying degrees (including sudden disturbances of consciousness, mostly one-sided paralysis) are the consequences of the insufficient supply of blood and oxygen after a vascular occlusion and / or pressure on motor or sensory areas in the brain .
By the way: If the brain is irreversibly damaged and fails (i.e. no more brain waves can be measured), this is referred to as brain death and, which is ethically extremely controversial, also recognized as a general definition of death.
Typical & common diseases
- stroke
- epilepsy
- Brain tumor
- dementia
- Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
- Memory lapses
- Cerebral hemorrhage
- Meningitis
- migraine
- depressions
- concussion
Symptoms, ailments & signs
The signs of a brain disease are extremely diverse and depend heavily on the type and severity of the disease. In the case of a stroke, paralysis, dizziness as well as speech and vision disorders are in the foreground, while epilepsy typically manifests itself through seizures, twitching of the limbs and impaired consciousness. Meningitis is characterized by high fever, headache, neck stiffness, photophobia and nausea; in meningitis caused by meningococci, minute bleeding into the skin (petechiae) occurs in an advanced stage.
Dementia diseases such as Alzheimer's disease are characterized by a progressive loss of mental abilities. At the beginning of the illness, memory disorders, difficulties in finding your way around in terms of time and location and finding words are noticeable; in the further course, everyday activities can no longer be carried out independently. The mental and physical decline is often associated with strong mood swings and depressive moods.
Creutzfeld-Jakob disease shows a similar picture, in which both mental and physical abilities are increasingly impaired: those affected suffer from pronounced forgetfulness, paralysis, and impaired balance and coordination. In the late stages of the disease, there is usually a pronounced lack of drive and depression. Migraine is a comparatively harmless, but nevertheless stressful, brain disease: it manifests itself in severe, attack-like headaches, which generally occur on one side and are accompanied by nausea and sensitivity to light.
Diagnosis & course
The diagnosis of brain diseases is just as diverse as the various and numerous forms in this context. The symptoms range from changes in consciousness, loss of thinking and performance and psychological changes to more or less severe motor or sensory impairments and other physical functional deficits, such as Visual disturbances or severe pain.
In diagnostics, a distinction is often made between brain diseases with neurological symptoms and those with psychiatric symptoms. For the respective diagnosis and clarification of a brain disease, precise differential diagnostic examination methods, especially using imaging techniques, is essential. On the basis of this, not only can a clearer diagnosis be made, a possible course can also be predicted - depending on the disease - or a close-meshed course control is possible.
The imaging, diagnostic options include magnetic resonance tomography, but also computer tomography of the brain (cerebral computer tomography, CCT - with or without contrast agent). The measurement of brain waves and the respective activity of different brain areas can also be helpful in some cases for diagnostic clarification. The electroencephalogram (EEG) is used for this purpose.
Anyone who, as the saying goes, has something “with the nerves” does not necessarily have to affect only the narrowly encompassed brain functions; far higher-level functions can also be involved, such as consciousness, mood or even cognitive ones Skills.
And brain diseases are not uncommon: It is estimated that between 400 and 500 million people worldwide are affected by brain diseases, which makes them one of the central challenges of modern research, diagnostics and therapy. In the WHO statistics, around half of the most common diseases with premature death come from the area of nerve and brain diseases with the far-reaching consequences mentioned.
As a rule, it is not possible to predict the complete complications and symptoms of brain diseases. However, these can have a very negative effect not only on the physical but also on the psychological condition of the patient and lead to serious complaints. In most cases, people have epileptic seizures or a stroke.
There are memory lapses or coordination difficulties. Furthermore, it can lead to mental regression and thus to retardation, so that the person concerned may need the help of other people in everyday life. Not infrequently, brain diseases also lead to depression and other psychological complaints.
Increased intracranial pressure can lead to headaches, which often spread to other areas of the body. The brain diseases can also lead to visual disturbances or hearing loss. In the worst case, the patient becomes completely blind.
In the case of brain diseases, it cannot be predicted whether treatment will lead to a positive course of the disease or whether it is possible at all. However, the treatment always takes place causally and depends on the underlying disease. In some cases, treatment is not possible, so the brain disease leads to the patient's premature death.
When should you go to the doctor?
If the brain functions change, a doctor's visit is necessary. If there are memory gaps, orientation problems or memory impairment, a doctor is required. If consciousness disorders set in, if the person concerned complains of a feeling of pressure inside the head or if he suffers from headaches, he should consult a doctor. If the symptoms spread or if the intensity of the symptoms increases, clarification of the signs is necessary. Before taking any pain reliever medication, you should always consult a doctor to avoid complications.
In the case of sleep or speech disorders, confusion, impaired vision or reduced hearing, a doctor's visit is advisable. Changes in personality, behavior problems, or sudden decreased intelligence are unusual. A doctor should be consulted so that an examination and treatment can be initiated. If motor activities can no longer be carried out or if problems arise in performing everyday tasks, the person concerned needs help.
Reduced performance, learning problems or abnormalities in cognitive processing must be examined. If there are circulatory disorders, tugging in the head or changes in the processing of emotions, a doctor is required. If inexplicable fears set in, if memories are obviously wrong or if the person concerned suffers from sensitivity disorders, a doctor should clarify the cause of the symptoms.
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Treatment & Therapy
Regarding the therapy of brain diseases in general, it depends on the respective disease, the extent of the affected brain areas and the age as well as the stage and prognosis. In many cases, medical intervention can only be soothing or symptom-oriented, especially in those cases in which the cause of the disease is unclear and causal therapy is (currently) excluded.
In the case of brain diseases in which nerve cells perish (e.g. Parkinson's or dementia) and thus motor control and performance or even the memory functions suffer more and more and are increasingly disturbed, therapy is limited to that, in part. to weaken severe symptoms as far as possible with medication or to slow down the progression of the disease.
The aim of the therapy here is to maintain the patient's quality of life as well as possible and for as long as possible and to reduce pain or symptoms of failure. It is similar with psychiatric brain diseases such as schizophrenia or depression, in which the communication of the nerve cells is disturbed and this can lead to severe mood swings or even delusions. Here, too, causal therapy is in most cases not yet possible and drug and psychotherapeutic options are available to make the symptoms manageable.
Due to the complexity of the brain, direct intervention is rarely possible without major risks. Where already with drug therapies there are often severe side effects (with partlyunforeseeable long-term consequences) occur, surgical measures are of course associated with a disproportionately higher risk. In the case of acute traumatic injuries and accidents involving the brain, however, these are life-saving in many cases. In the case of an acute traumatic brain injury, severe cerebral haemorrhage or edema formation can usually only be treated by means of an operation through emergency medical measures, thus treating life-threatening excess brain pressure.
The accident of Michael Schumacher, who since then has caused a sensation in the media and sympathy around the world, showed what “minor” external violence is sufficient to inflict an acutely life-threatening brain injury. A relatively low speed and a “small” stone were enough to put a high-performance athlete wearing a helmet into a coma.
What modern medicine is able to achieve in such cases really deserves the greatest attention, because if left untreated, such a traumatic brain injury would certainly lead to death as a result of bleeding, edema and pressure within the brain. Here, immediate and, above all, prompt, intensive care therapy is life-saving. Surgical intervention can also be carried out on many brain tumors, but here the stage of the cancer and especially the location of the brain tumor play a decisive role in the prognosis and the therapeutic scope.
In neoplastic brain diseases, i.e. Brain tumors or gliomas, the therapists also have other treatment options, ranging from drug (e.g. chemotherapeutic) therapy to radiation. Here, however, the risk of irreversible brain damage (from invasive or aggressively stressful therapies) must always be weighed against the risk from the primary disease for the benefit of the patient.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medicines against memory disorders and forgetfulnessOutlook & forecast
The prognosis for brain diseases is poor in most cases. Basically, it depends on the underlying disease and the patient's overall diagnosis. If there is a disease with a progressive course, the symptoms gradually increase in intensity. In diseases such as dementia or multiple sclerosis, a slow breakdown of the tissue or nerve cells can be expected. According to the current scientific and medical status, the progress of such a chronic disease cannot be prevented.
If there is damage to the brain tissue as a result of a one-off trigger, an improvement in health can be achieved under certain circumstances. This depends on the time of first aid and the extent and location of the damaged brain tissue. However, a full recovery is not expected. It only occurs in isolated cases. Nevertheless, the symptoms can be alleviated with optimal medical care. Since damaged brain tissue cannot be renewed, existing impairments remain constant for life in many patients. This is particularly true when the affected areas of the brain represent important switching points in the functionality of various systems in the organism.
If the person concerned suffers from an infection, a complete cure of the brain disease can be achieved with fast and optimal medical care.
Particularly with regard to the controllable brain diseases, i.e. the accident-related lesions and trauma, extensive prevention is possible and urgently recommended: putting on a helmet during sporting activities such as cycling, ice skating, skiing, sledding, etc. should - especially with children, but of course even with adults - an absolute duty and a matter of course.
Serious head and brain injuries can occur even at low speed and at first glance unspectacular accidents and lead to life-threatening brain diseases and injuries. Of course, in the broadest sense, safety measures to avoid swimming accidents are also included, especially in children, in addition. Because the brain cells are insufficiently supplied with oxygen, the brain can also be irreversibly damaged or, of course, there is an immediate danger to life in the event that water enters the lungs.
As far as the numerous non-accident-related brain diseases are concerned, preventive measures are difficult to narrow down. A healthy lifestyle, conscious self-observation and, in case of doubt, early diagnosis can certainly represent a useful way of recognizing potential brain diseases early enough and thus being able to treat them well. However, in the case of a large number of brain diseases, no clear preventive measures can be recommended due to the unclear pathogenesis.
This also in view of the fact that some brain diseases are genetic and therefore difficult to influence or prevent by human activity. A generally healthy lifestyle, enough exercise and relaxation, a healthy diet and the avoidance of excessive stress, but also excessive electromagnetic influences (keyword: cell phone radiation) are certainly essential for the health of the brain and are urgently recommended.
In most cases, those affected have very few or no follow-up measures or options available for brain disorders. The brain diseases cannot always be treated, so that such a disease may also lead to a reduced life expectancy for the person affected. An early diagnosis usually has a very positive effect on the further course of this disease and can limit further complications or a further worsening of the symptoms.
In some cases, the symptoms can be alleviated by surgery. Bed rest must be observed in any case after such an operation. The person concerned should rest and not exert themselves. Since the brain diseases can also lead to psychological upsets, depression or a changed personality, most patients are also dependent on the support and help of their own family and friends in everyday life.
This is especially true when some body functions are restricted by the brain diseases. When it comes to tumors, too, most patients rely on mental support from loved ones. The further course depends heavily on the exact type of disease, so that no general prediction can be made.
You can do that yourself
Brain diseases can occur in a wide variety of forms, so that your own improvement measures depend on the existing underlying disease.
Often there is a brain tumor that requires medical and drug treatment as soon as possible. Individual measures that contribute to a quick and clear improvement can only be taken to a limited extent with an existing brain tumor. Only going to the doctor early is important and significant here. Home remedies or free medication will not improve a brain tumor. Only early diagnosis and treatment have a positive effect on the later course of the disease.
Another common brain disease is dementia. There is damage to the short-term memory, so that recently received information is directly forgotten. However, people who suffer from dementia can also take measures themselves that will lead to an improvement. The brain shouldn't always have to process the same processes. Small brain games, getting to know new people or even completely normal everyday situations help to significantly slow down dementia.
The following applies: In the case of existing brain diseases, there are only limited measures that an affected person can take themselves. It is important to see a doctor early so that a suitable therapy can be initiated.