The Inflammation of the testiclesshowing the medical name Orchitis is one of the most common male diseases. Characteristic for this clinical picture are severe pain and swelling in the testicle concerned. Occasionally, testicular inflammation can develop into a chronic disease.
What is testicular infection?
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The Inflammation of the testicles or. Orchitis is one of the classics among men's diseases. It is an infectious disease that is usually caused by viruses. In rare cases, the disease is caused by a bacterial infection. It usually affects adult men.
It rarely occurs before sexual maturity. The testicular inflammation is noticeable through severe pain and swelling in the affected area as well as a high fever. Occasionally the disease also spreads to the epididymis, so that an epididymis also develops.
Treatment should be quick and consistent so that the painful inflammation can subside without any consequences. In particularly severe cases, testicular inflammation can damage testicular tissue, which can lead to infertility.
A Inflammation of the testicles almost always develops from another infectious disease caused by viruses. It often occurs as a side effect of mumps, and children usually do not suffer from it.
But other viral diseases can also be reasons for this male disease. These include Pfeiffer's glandular fever, herpes zoster, chickenpox and any infections caused by coxsackieviruses. Bacteria can also be the cause of testicular inflammation. It can therefore occur, for example, as a result of the sexually transmitted disease gonorrhea or tuberculosis in the urinary bladder or ureter.
An already existing epididymis can spread to the testicles and thus also trigger this painful inflammatory disease. In a few cases, the cause of the testicular inflammation is an injury to the testicles due to external violence.
Symptoms, ailments & signs
Acute testicular inflammation manifests itself as swollen and painful testicles. The skin in the area of the scrotum is reddened and very warm, and it also hurts to the touch. This can be accompanied by a general feeling of illness. The inflammation is often associated with a fever. Those affected usually have problems emptying urine and have more frequent urges to urinate.
The pain can radiate to the groin or back. The symptoms are usually limited to one testicle. However, in 10 to 15 percent of cases, both testicles are affected by the inflammation. The first symptoms of orchitis usually appear a few days after the onset of the underlying disease. Further symptoms may appear as the disease progresses, depending on which organs are involved. Testicular inflammation often occurs together with epididymitis.
This also manifests itself in pain, urinary disorders and increasing malaise. If the underlying disease is treated quickly, the testicular inflammation will subside after one to two weeks at the latest. In the absence of treatment, other symptoms such as spreading the inflammation to surrounding organs can occur. The complaints and signs mentioned therefore require an early clarification by the family doctor or a urologist.
Diagnosis & course
That makes itself noticeable Inflammation of the testicles from severe pain in the affected testicle. It is also considerably swollen and is very sensitive to touch. The body tries to fight the inflammation with a high fever. The symptoms of testicular inflammation usually subside significantly after a week.
A diagnosis of testicular inflammation begins with a detailed record of the complaint by the doctor. In this way, other diseases can be excluded in advance. The doctor then carefully feels the testicles for the symptoms of tenderness, swelling and redness. If the doctor determines that testicular inflammation is likely, a urine test will be done.
This rules out a urinary tract infection. A blood test reveals whether viruses or bacteria are causing the inflammation. The ultrasound examination provides a graphic representation of the testicular inflammation.
Inflammation of the testicles can cause a number of complications. First of all, there is a risk that the inflammatory processes will destroy the testicular tissue and reduce testicular function. If the inflammation is severe, such testicular atrophy can lead to complete inability to conceive. More often, as a result of testicular inflammation, abscesses or collections of pus develop in the testicular sheaths.
Sometimes the inflammation then spreads to the epididymis and the testicular envelopes and there is further stress on the testicular tissue. As the inflammation progresses, so does the risk of blood poisoning. In addition, the so-called Fournier gangrene can occur, in which the tissue becomes inflamed and dies.
A urinary tract infection can also occur and, if left untreated, lead to further complaints and complications. Another possible complication is testicular torsion. As a result of the inflammation, the testicles are misaligned and can no longer be supplied with blood. If left untreated, such a torsion leads to the death of the soft body within a few hours.
Due to the severity of these complications, a doctor should be consulted immediately if testicular inflammation is suspected.During treatment, the antibiotics and cortisone-containing preparations administered can sometimes cause side effects such as high blood pressure and itching.
When should you go to the doctor?
People who have pain in the testicles that last for several days should see a doctor. If ejaculation does not bring about any significant improvement in the sensations in the testicles, it is advisable to have the symptoms clarified. A feeling of pressure or a pulling sensation is considered unusual and should be investigated. If the symptoms increase in intensity in the coming days or if they spread further, a medical clarification of the information is necessary. Often there is a deterioration in health within a short period of time. If the testicle is inflamed, an increase in symptoms can be expected within a few hours or days.
If there is a fever, irritability, a feeling of illness or an internal sensation of warmth, a doctor is needed. If you have dizziness, swelling of the testicles or sexual dysfunction, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Since persistent testicular inflammation can result in permanent disruption of semen production and infertility, a doctor should be consulted in good time at the first inconvenience. In addition, the pathogens are very contagious, so that rapid medical care is necessary. A feeling of pressure or a feeling of tightness in the testicles are considered unusual and should be clarified. If there are complaints or impaired perception while moving, a visit to a doctor is also recommended.
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Treatment & Therapy
After the doctor has a Inflammation of the testicles is diagnosed, a consistent and comprehensive treatment takes place. This involves strict bed rest and cooling compresses for the affected testicle to reduce the swelling. Sometimes a jockstrap is also prescribed, which serves as a bag-like carrying device to immobilize and lift the inflamed part of the body.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can reduce the pain and reduce the infection a little. Depending on the cause of the inflammation, it is advisable to take other medication. If the cause of the testicular inflammation is a bacterial infection, appropriate antibiotics must be taken. If it is a side effect of a viral infection, these drugs cannot be used.
However, the administration of cortisone-containing preparations can help to reduce the swelling of the focus of inflammation. In exceptional cases it is too late for drug treatment of the testicular inflammation, so that a surgical procedure must be carried out. The testicle is already so swollen and enlarged that serious tissue damage is likely.
These can later lead to infertility. If this clinical picture is present with a testicular inflammation, the doctor opens the connective tissue sheath with small incisions.
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The entire healing process of an inflammation in the testicles requires a lot of patience and perseverance. The entire healing process may take 6 weeks. Even with optimal treatment, this healing time can be expected.
As a rule, this clinical picture can be treated very well and effectively. Since this is a bacterial infection, an antibiotic is ideal. If the person concerned does not seek medical treatment or medication, serious complications can arise. The inflammation can possibly spread throughout the body, causing pus to form. In this context, there is a risk of an abscess that requires medical attention. Otherwise there is a risk of blood poisoning, which in the worst case can lead to death.
Usually, the outlook and prognosis for inflammation of the testicles is positive and confident. Timely and full recovery is the rule. However, in some cases there may be complications that should be treated by a doctor. In order to positively influence the prospect and prognosis of a quick and uncomplicated healing, medical treatment and medication should be sought in the event of testicular inflammation.
The preventive measures against a Inflammation of the testicles are limited. Since this male disease is usually a side effect of another disease, you should try to protect yourself from the disease that caused it. These include early vaccination against mumps and early drug treatment for relevant viral diseases. Furthermore, to prevent testicular inflammation during sexual intercourse with changing partners, a condom should not be avoided.
Follow-up care for testicular inflammation consists of observing bed rest until the local inflammation disappears and the temperature decreases. In order to reduce possible complications such as infertility or chronic pain syndrome to a minimum, the prescribed tablet intake is essential. Careful cooling of the testicles with cooling pads can alleviate the symptoms somewhat. In some cases, an ointment is applied to the testicles for the first few days and a scrotal bandage is applied to fix them.
As a rule, follow-up care should be completed within a few weeks. If there is no improvement after this time, the attending physician must be contacted and a new diagnosis carried out. In the case of long-lasting swelling and tenderness, in particular, the possibility of tuberculosis, testicular cancer or other diseases must be considered.
People whose inflammation is caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae must inform their sexual partner about the presence of the disease. If these symptoms also occur within 60 days of the person concerned being diagnosed with symptoms, a medical examination with subsequent treatment is unavoidable.
Until an infection has been clarified and all sexual partners are completely healed, they must completely refrain from sexual intercourse. As part of a microbiological examination, the doctor can determine whether there is still an increased bacterial load or whether healing has been completed.
You can do that yourself
Inflammation of the testicles is a serious condition and should always prompt a doctor's consultation. But the patient himself also has a great influence on the course of the disease. However, if the general condition of the patient is poor, he should be hospitalized and treated with antibiotics or antivirals under constant medical supervision.
In most cases, however, patients can stay at home. There you have to keep the testicles still and cool by elevating them. There is a special carrying bag known as a jockstrap for elevation. With the help of this carrying bag, the swollen scrotum is relieved of its own weight. During the acute phase of the illness, the patient should also wear tight-fitting underpants. By cooling the swollen scrotum with cold water in the form of cooling compresses, pain relief can be achieved. A washcloth soaked in cold water could serve as an envelope. But the water must not be too cold. Furthermore, the patient must regularly take the anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antibiotic drugs prescribed by the doctor.
Even if the treatment can largely be carried out by the patient himself, constant medical control is necessary. The urologist should check the course of the testicular inflammation by palpation and ultrasound examinations at regular intervals in order to detect possible abscess formation in good time.