Behind the slang term hop hides an aromatic plant that is botanically exact as Real hops or Humulus lupulus referred to as.
Occurrence and cultivation of hops
hop is mainly known because this plant is the basis for the production of beer.
The hops are grown in Germany as a crop and are of central importance in connection with herbal medicinal products.
So-called hop gardens are characteristic of hop cultivation, in which the plants are grown on special scaffolding and special parts of the plants are harvested when the hop vines are mature. The fruit heads of hops contain numerous health-relevant ingredients.
Effect & application
Using the Hops as a remedy refers in particular to the effective use as a herbal medicine in conventional medicine, as a home remedy and in homeopathy against insomnia and inner restlessness. For this reason, hop preparations are not only used as medicines, but also as sleeping aids in the form of effective hop pillows.
Hop was already a well-known medicinal herb in ancient times and has not lost its importance in connection with these experiences to this day. The sleep-promoting and calming effects of hops are based on various substances that are responsible for the special smell and characteristic taste of hops. In the pharmaceutical industry, hops are used as the basis for numerous medicinal products.
In particular, the fruit heads of hops, the cones, are rich in medicinal drugs. In addition to the so-called finished medicinal products as sleep and sedative therapies, products from the pharmaceutical industry also contain effective additives for bathing water and the preparation of infusions. In this regard, the hop oils and solid medicinal products such as coated tablets are both effective and aromatic.
So-called bitter substances form the basis for the production of these effective and easily dosed products. These contain numerous chemical active ingredients which, after oxidation, turn out to be methylbutanol. Methylbutanol may be related to the sedative effects of hops. In addition, the hops components contain various components such as resin, essential oils and proteins. Hops also contain minerals. In pharmaceutical products made from hops, the cones of the hops and the flowers on the umbels are used for processing.
Importance to health
In the context of the centuries-old and traditionally consolidated meaning of the Hops This plant is considered to be healing and soothing for various symptoms. In addition to the sedative, calming and sleep-promoting effects, hops are also suitable as a natural remedy for diagnosing nervous stomach problems and digestive disorders. Hops stimulates the appetite and aids digestion.
Another therapeutic relevance distinguishes the hops for bladder complaints in connection with irritable bladder and for menstrual problems. Many women are impressed by the excellent help that can be achieved by taking and using the hop products as natural remedies for typical menopausal symptoms. Period pain can be successfully relieved with warm, hoppy body wraps. Hops have a reliable relaxing effect when an oil or a concentrated hop tincture is added to pleasantly warm bath water.
With regard to the effects of hops on sleep, clinical research has shown that it mainly promotes restful Rem sleep. In order to support sleep disorders with hops, both the dragees and hops-containing teas work. The great smelling hop pillows are described as promoting sleep and calming. Another assumption is that the substance xanthohumol contained in hops is therapeutically relevant in the treatment of cancer.