Under the Hypertensiology is understood the treatment of high blood pressure. High blood pressure has become a widespread disease, but not everyone knows about it. How does high blood pressure develop and what methods of treatment are used for hypertension?
High blood pressure is a vascular disease that now affects 50% of European citizens. Often the knowledge about a disease is not available and it has a negative effect on the human organism and causes long-term damage. Especially in old age, the number of sick people increases significantly.
A distinction is made between two types of high blood pressure, on the one hand hypertension and on the other hand secondary hypertension. With hypertensiology, doctors have found a way to treat high blood pressure and reduce permanent disease-based damage.
What is hypertensiology?
Blood pressure is the pressure in the blood vessels that exerts pressure on the inside of the blood vessel wall. Blood is pumped from the heart into the blood vessels. The normal blood pressure value is 120/80 mmHg (millimeters of mercury). From a value of 140 mmHg, one speaks of slight high blood pressure, i.e. hypertension of the first degree. If the value is over 180 mmHg, it is severe high blood pressure.
If the person is in unusual situations, such as stress or excitement, the blood pressure can rise, but falls back to the normal value in the resting phase. The doctor only speaks of hypertension when there is permanent high pressure. A distinction is made between two basic forms of hypertension: Primary hypertension is the most common form of high blood pressure and is also known as essential hypertension. More than 90% of the patients suffer from this form. This disease occurs without any detectable underlying disease.
Secondary hypertension is the side effect of an existing disease. Kidney disease or a metabolic disorder, for example, can trigger non-essential hypertension. But taking certain medications can also promote the disease.
Isolated clinical hypertension, also known as white coat high blood pressure, is another and frequently occurring variant of hypertension. The patient's blood pressure at the doctor's is significantly higher than the value that the sick person measured at home. The reason lies in the fear of going to the doctor, which causes the blood pressure value to rise.
Treatments & therapies
The causes of hypertension can be many different factors that play a role in its development. A hereditary cause can be involved in the development of high blood pressure. If one of the parents suffers from high blood pressure, the probability that the child will develop it is twice as high as with no existing illness. A genetic defect in combination with external factors can also trigger high blood pressure.
Other risk factors that can lead to primary high blood pressure are obesity, a high proportion of table salt, alcohol consumption, smoking, chronic stress and lack of exercise. In secondary hypertension, a risk factor cannot be clearly defined. The patient suffers from an illness that results in high blood pressure. If you suffer from arteriosclerosis (calcification of the blood vessels) or if the renal artery is narrowed, high blood pressure can develop. Most of the sick people are over 55 years old and smokers.
Secondary hypertension can occur in rare cases when taking medication. The triggering drugs include hormone preparations. Contraceptives, in this case the estrogen pill, and drugs taken for rheumatic diseases cause high blood pressure. If high blood pressure occurs, those affected often live for years without recognizing any clear symptoms. Therefore, the risk of permanent damage to the body is very high. Symptoms of hypertension include dizziness, headache, ringing in the ears, and severe nosebleeds.
If hypertension is undetected, long-term damage to the heart, brain, eyes, kidneys and blood vessels can occur. If this results in damage to the organs, symptoms such as shortness of breath, shortness of breath, chest pain and standing disorders occur. The risk of a heart attack or stroke is very high.
To diagnose hypertension, blood pressure is first measured. In conjunction with other findings, an assessment is made of which treatment is the right one for the person concerned. The patient is often very excited when visiting the doctor, so it is advisable to let the patient relax before taking the measurement. A long-term measurement by wearing a 24-hour blood pressure device can determine the high blood pressure. Stress measurements (ergometry) and self-measurements also give the doctor a clear picture of blood pressure.
The patient's living conditions are also taken into account during an examination. In addition to measuring blood pressure, a blood test and a urine test are ordered. To identify secondary hypertension, the doctor will perform an EKG (electrocardiogram), ultrasound, and chest x-ray.
Diagnosis & examination methods
In order to avoid the development of a secondary disease, hypertensiology is started immediately after the diagnosis. Which therapy is used depends on the patient. In general, the patient should change his lifestyle and reduce stress. In many cases, antihypertensive drugs must be taken. In secondary hypertension, the treatment of the offending disease is adapted to the group of people affected.
Combination therapies are necessary if there is very high blood pressure or an accompanying illness or organ damage. Here two antihypertensive drugs are taken at the same time. If the effect is insufficient, the dose can be increased. An effect can be seen after two to six weeks. To prevent hypertension, you should eat a balanced diet and exercise a lot.