hypnosis is a special psychological state with certain physiological properties similar to sleep during which focus and concentration are increased. As a rule, hypnosis is performed by trained therapists and is used to influence behavior such as fear.
What is hypnosis
hypnosis can be described as a cooperative interaction in which a patient responds to the suggestions of the hypnotizing therapist. The hypnotist takes on the role of coach or instructor in order to guide the person to be hypnotized into the special state of consciousness.
Hypnosis is often described as a sleep-like trance state, but it is a state of focused attention, heightened suggestibility and lively imagination. Different theories exist to explain the effectiveness of hypnosis. Biological explanations are based on the assumption that the tension created activates the parasympathetic nervous system, that instinctive body perceptions are split off, that mental and physical events are linked to one another or that a subliminal perception is generated.
Theories that use social behavior as an explanatory model describe hypnosis as fulfilling a role expectation, as assuming a certain role or reactivating childish experiences and behavior. About fifteen percent of people are very susceptible to hypnosis, with children usually being more receptive. About ten percent of adults are considered difficult or impossible to hypnotize. The hypnotic suggestions can be made by a hypnotist or as autosuggestion.
Function, effect & goals
Doctors and psychiatrists can hypnosis use to treat depression, anxiety, eating disorders, sleep disorders, gambling addiction, or post-traumatic stress disorder, while certified hypnotherapists who are not medically trained often work with patients with smoking and weight problems.
The aim of the hypnotic trance is to feed in suggestions and images that enable the patient to fundamentally change their behavior. Since sources of distraction are hidden, people under hypnosis with increased attention and concentration are able to deal intensively with a specific thought or memory.
Hypnosis is now used in numerous medical areas, for example:
- Treatment of fears and phobias
- Addiction
- Pain therapy
- psychological therapy
- Relaxation
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Operation preparation
- Weight loss
- Reduce symptoms of dementia or ADHD
- Reducing nausea and vomiting in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy
Hypnosis plays a very important role in pain therapy. This includes reducing pain during childbirth, when dealing with cancer and other chronic diseases. The treatment of skin diseases with hypnosis (hypnodermatology) has proven itself in the treatment of warts, psoriasis and atopic dermatitis.
Hypnosis is also used to treat fibromyalgia, orthodontic problems, dental procedures, and headaches, and it can relieve the symptoms of menopausal hot flashes. With some success, hypnosis is also used to influence sleep disorders, bed-wetting, phobias and smoking.
A study to investigate the success rate of hypnosis as a method of smoking cessation showed a 20 to 30 percent success rate. In the treatment of obesity, hypnosis is combined with cognitive behavior therapy by suggesting a smaller stomach and strengthening positive eating habits.
Mental health facilities use hypnosis to influence symptoms such as anxiety, arousal, negative behaviors, or uncontrollable behavior and to increase self-esteem and confidence.
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➔ Medicines for smoking cessationRisks & dangers
A hypnosisperformed by a trained therapist or doctor should be classified as safe, complementary, and alternative medical treatment. Nevertheless, the careful selection of a suitable therapist is recommended.
An initial interview should create a relationship of trust, explain the process of hypnosis and explain possible risks. Adverse reactions to hypnosis are rare, but can cause anxiety, headaches, drowsiness, or dizziness. While amnesia can occur in very rare cases, treated patients generally remember everything that happened under hypnosis.
However, this can have a significant effect on memory such that certain things that occurred before or during hypnosis are temporarily forgotten. It is not possible to be hypnotized against one's will as hypnosis requires voluntary participation on the part of the patient.