Of a Immunodeficiency or one Immunodeficiency In medicine, one speaks when the immune system is disturbed and can no longer protect the body from pathogens and cancer cells. The immune defense works quite well in healthy people, but is also very prone to failure.
What is an immunodeficiency?
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There are two types of medicine in medicine Immunodeficiency. On the one hand, the immunodeficiency can be congenital (primary immunodeficiency) or it can be acquired in the course of life (secondary immunodeficiency).
The primary immunodeficiency occurs less frequently and can be traced back to disturbed genes that are responsible for the formation of antibodies. In recent years they have either increased in number or they are now better recognized.
The secondary immunodeficiency is an acquired disorder due to certain diseases or deficiencies. The defense cells and antibodies are destroyed by viruses, chemical poisons, serious diseases or a wrong way of life.
The cause of congenital Immunodeficiency has not yet been precisely clarified scientifically. In recent years, however, experts have agreed that a certain gene is responsible for destroying the function of antibodies. Acquired immune defects can have a variety of causes.
Serious infectious diseases that weaken or even destroy the body's defense system (as in AIDS), leukemia, cancer therapies, major operations, taking immunosuppressive drugs (after transplants), persistent stressful situations, drugs, malnutrition, poisoning, and chronic diseases such as diabetes can trigger immune defects .
Symptoms, ailments & signs
If an immunodeficiency is diagnosed, the chances of recovery are very different. If the patient is accompanied with a drug therapy, the life expectancy can look like that of healthy people. Early diagnosis and consistent adherence to therapy are important for a good quality of life.
A healthy immune system is maintained with a healthy diet, plenty of outdoor exercise, and adequate sleep. The consumption of alcohol and smoking damage the immune system and should be avoided. Of course, this applies particularly to patients diagnosed with immunodeficiency. In the best case scenario, people affected by the immunodeficiency can be symptom-free for their entire life and do not need any medical treatment.
Other affected people will have to seek medical treatment at regular intervals. Infusions help to stabilize the body with the missing antibodies. Depending on the nature of the underlying disease, single or multiple infusions will be required for the healing process. It is particularly important to ensure that infectious diseases are prevented.
Large crowds and contact with infected people, especially if you have a cold, should be avoided. Last but not least, the close connection between psyche and immune system should be pointed out. Research shows that the immune system works better when the mood is positive. A positive attitude towards life and open communication contribute to healing or relief.
Diagnosis & course
Early diagnosis, especially in the case of congenital ones Immunodeficiency is vital. Therefore, patients and doctors should pay attention to certain warning signals. If more than two pneumonia, more than four serious infections per year, recurring skin abscesses and fungal infections of the oral mucous membranes occur, or vaccination complications and growth disorders occur, you should definitely see a specialist for further diagnosis.
In general, the immunodeficiency can be determined with a blood test. The antibodies can be precisely detected in the blood and a deficiency can be precisely determined. Doctors can immediately tell whether there is an immunodeficiency or not. If an immunodeficiency has already occurred in the family, an examination should even take place in the mother's womb.
An immune deficiency can lead to various complications and complaints. In the worst case, however, the patient dies of an infection or disease because the body cannot defend itself against it. The immunodeficiency increases the susceptibility to infections and inflammation, which is why the patient becomes ill more often.
Those affected mainly suffer from inflammation of the ears and lungs. In the worst case, this inflammation can be life-threatening and extremely restrict the quality of life. In many cases, the constant illnesses also lead to psychological complaints, so that the patients suffer from inferiority complexes and a reduced self-esteem.
As a rule, the patient's body also needs a longer period of time to fight the infections and inflammations. Life expectancy can be reduced due to the immune deficiency. When treating the defect, the patient is given antibodies, which can alleviate symptoms and symptoms.
This treatment usually has to be lifelong so that there are no consequential damages. If infections or inflammations have already occurred, these are treated with the help of antibiotics. There are no complications. Psychological complaints are treated by a psychologist.
When should you go to the doctor?
People who repeatedly suffer from infections should speak to a doctor. Recurring inflammation also indicates an immunodeficiency that must be diagnosed and treated promptly. If there are any further complaints, a doctor must be consulted immediately. People who already have immunodeficiencies in their families should see their family doctor and have an examination carried out. This is particularly necessary in the case of increasing complaints and a gradual decline in well-being, which suggests a serious illness.
If you have serious complications such as pneumonia or recurrent infections, you must go to a hospital. In the event of a medical emergency, for example if the person concerned loses consciousness or is short of breath, an ambulance service should be called. In case of doubt, the emergency medical service can be contacted first. Since an immunodeficiency cannot be treated causally, lifelong monitoring is necessary. In order to ensure that the medication is optimally adjusted and to avoid complications, those affected should speak to their family doctor regularly. Further contact persons are specialists in internal medicine and pulmonologists.
Treatment & Therapy
Therapy at primary Immunodeficiency usually takes place through regular lifelong intake of antibodies (immunoglobulins from healthy donors). Many patients can be treated successfully in this way. Immunoglobulin therapy can be done in two ways. The immunoglobulins are either injected directly into the vein or under the skin.
A higher dose is given for severe infection than for lighter infection. Ideally, this is the way to reach the infection rate of healthy people. Patients also have to take several drugs and antibiotics against bacteria and fungi, since immunoglobins cannot protect the body as strongly as real antibodies.
If the immunodeficiency is caused by the living conditions of the patient, life counseling or psychotherapy should be offered in addition to drugs and vitamins. This can take the form of advice on nutrition, drugs or stress avoidance or in the form of talk therapy. If the defect has arisen due to an illness, the underlying illness should be treated, which is the main cause of the disturbance of the immune system.
In some patients with congenital immunodeficiencies, stem cell or bone marrow transplants can provide a permanent cure. This therapy is only carried out in the case of severe immune deficiencies, without which the patient would otherwise die. A new form of therapy is gene therapy, whereby an intact gene is inserted into the genetic material (DNA) in order to restore the function of the disturbed gene. This therapy is only given to patients with immunodeficiencies in whom all other treatment measures have failed.
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➔ Medicines to strengthen the defense and immune systemOutlook & forecast
In the case of an immunodeficiency, the prognosis depends on the type and severity of the immunodeficiency. In principle, an early diagnosis improves the prospect of a symptom-free life. The more severe infections a patient overcomes, the more likely are long-term effects. Patients who respond positively to antibody treatment often recover completely.
Serious immunodeficiency, on the other hand, can cause serious complications, sometimes resulting in death of the patient. The life expectancy of the affected patients is usually reduced. A pathological susceptibility to infection that is not diagnosed and treated can be fatal even in childhood. During the development phase, permanent heart damage or immune disorders can develop, which represent a permanent burden for the patient.
In order to improve the prognosis, the family doctor should be consulted if the susceptibility to infection is increased. The doctor can quickly diagnose an immunodeficiency and improve the prospect of a relatively symptom-free life. Appropriate measures such as drug therapy and preventive protective measures can prevent the outbreak of a serious infection. In the case of a disease-related infection, such as can occur in the context of leukemia or HIV infection, the focus is on treating the causative disease.
As a preventive measure in congenital Immunodeficiency early warning systems are important to enable timely treatment. In the case of acquired immunodeficiencies, the risk of infection should be kept as low as possible because of the higher susceptibility to infection. A healthy lifestyle with lots of exercise outdoors, adequate sleep, avoidance of stress and good nutrition can have a positive influence on or even prevent many immune deficiencies.
Dealing with an immunodeficiency often extends over a long period of time. Therapy, aftercare and prevention go hand in hand here. The earlier the diagnosis is made, the better the chances of living symptom-free. In the case of frequent infections, on the other hand, there is a risk of long-term effects, which is why a regular check-up with a doctor is essential.
Early warning systems are used to take precautions during aftercare. The patients and their relatives should deal with the topic and closely monitor the increased susceptibility to infection. It is also about reducing the risk of infection.For the families affected, the doctor recommends a health-conscious lifestyle with sufficient exercise and sleep, a balanced diet and avoidance of stress.
This framework has a positive impact on susceptibility and can prevent worse consequences. There are self-help groups for both adults and children. Here, those affected can exchange information and experience and help each other. Children can also learn at an early age to integrate therapy into everyday life and to take on responsibility.
For example, there are relaxation techniques and breathing exercises for aftercare. Social contacts also help to strengthen self-confidence. This makes everyday life easy to cope with and those affected feel more resilient.
You can do that yourself
There are a number of self-help groups that offer support to adults, but also especially to children with immunodeficiency and their parents. In Germany, for example, there is the patient organization for congenital immunodefects e.V. The national contact and information center for the stimulation and support of self-help groups NAKOS provides a database in which interested parties can search for regional self-help groups.
Exclusion from such a disease, especially in children, complicates normal everyday life. In kindergarten and school, an open conversation and the appropriate use of it can offer help. The teaching staff should be informed that the child concerned may experience frequent absenteeism. This increases understanding and the teachers and classmates show consideration.
A sick child should take responsibility for certain areas of his therapy as early as possible. They can use learned relaxation techniques and do breathing exercises. Singing lessons or membership in a choir stabilizes self-esteem and enables social contacts to be made, as does sport. Frequently offered patient training courses are suitable for dealing competently with one's own illness and help to make everyday life easier.