Inner unrest, nervousness or generally a noticeable one Restlessness are states that are in opposition to serenity or inner calm and balance.
What is nervousness & inner restlessness?
The inner restlessness is usually accompanied by trembling of the hands, palpitations, sweating, fear, concentration disorders and insecurity. The physical appearance or body language also gives the impression of inner imbalance. For example, the voice rises and you speak more quickly. This nervous state of inner restlessness can usually be found in stressed everyday life, in which one often seems to be rushed and under pressure. Affected people are also usually irritable and can be subject to strong mood swings
Usually nervousness or inner restlessness occurs in situations full of tension, stress and fear. Examples are interviews or exams. This form of inner restlessness is usually harmless if it breaks down again after the tension phase.
Internal restlessness or nervousness can also be a symptom of an illness. Restlessness often occurs in the case of an overactive thyroid, anxiety disorder or heart attack. Women complain of inner restlessness, especially during menopause, while nervousness in children is often related to an attention disorder (ADHD).
Inner restlessness can also appear as a symptom of alcohol or drug abuse. An inner restlessness is particularly found in people who are on withdrawal, such as Drug withdrawal or smoking withdrawal.
Even after a heat stroke or sunstroke it can lead to pronounced nervousness.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medicines to calm down and strengthen nervesDiseases with this symptom
- Menopause
- rabies
- Pulmonary embolism
- Heart attack
- heatstroke
- Sunstroke
- Nicotine addiction
- Affective disorders
- Heart failure
- Hyperthyroidism
- Sunstroke
- Parkinson's
An inner restlessness leads to increased nervousness and hectic behavior. Spontaneous behavior changes, concentration problems or attention deficits can occur in everyday life. This strains interpersonal relationships and leads to conflicts and misunderstandings.
The inner restlessness prevents the person concerned from being able to keep a sufficient period of regeneration. The necessary sleep is shortened by problems falling asleep. Insufficient sleep stresses the organism and leads to further complaints. They include gastrointestinal problems, listlessness, or general weakness.
If the state of inner restlessness persists, psychological problems arise. Dissatisfaction increases and well-being decreases. In addition, there are other symptoms such as headaches or psychosomatic reactions. Due to the inner unrest, started tasks are not finished. This leads to tension within the social environment. Medicinal treatment can lead to side effects from the administration of medicines.
Sedatives or sleeping pills cause symptoms such as gastrointestinal problems. In addition, they can initiate addiction if taken for a long time. When treating anxiety, the cause is usually complex. Triggers such as stress or overcoming challenges cannot be removed by drugs. It takes cognitive changes that are protracted. An inner restlessness is difficult to differentiate from an anxiety disorder.
When should you go to the doctor?
An inner restlessness does not necessarily have to be treated by a doctor. If the restlessness occurs mainly before difficult situations or important meetings and encounters, this is common and does not lead to further complications. In this case, a visit to the doctor is not necessary. The inner unrest is often triggered by a certain event. Medical treatment is necessary if the anxiety does not go away on its own after a few days.
A visit to the doctor is also recommended if the inner restlessness leads to restrictions in life and in everyday life. These can be both physical and psychological complaints. In many cases, the restlessness is accompanied by insomnia, headache, or nausea and needs to be examined by a doctor. If the restlessness leads to psychological complaints or depression, a psychologist can be consulted. In most cases, however, a visit to the family doctor is primarily recommended to determine the cause of the inner restlessness. Further treatment is then usually carried out by a specialist.
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Treatment & Therapy
If the inner restlessness is accompanied by stomach pain, back pain, cardiac arrhythmias, diarrhea, depression and anxiety, a doctor should be consulted immediately who will determine the cause of the inner restlessness. A doctor should also be consulted if the inner restlessness recurs over a longer period of time.
First, the doctor will talk to the person concerned about their nervousness. He goes into the following points in more detail: When and how does the inner unrest manifest itself? Does it last a long time and to what extent is the nervousness working? Are there any accompanying symptoms and are drugs (including alcohol and tobacco) consumed? Are there any other underlying diseases known?
The further investigation then continues with reference to this survey. All physical complaints are examined and the blood is drawn. Often the blood sugar level and thyroid hormones are also measured. The treatment that follows depends on the cause.An inner restlessness caused by stress or strain can usually be treated well with herbal ingredients. These include valerian, hops, lemon balm and St. John's wort. However, these natural herbs do not help immediately, but only after taking them over a longer period of time.
Autogenic training and lots of sleep can also be very helpful. Additionally, essential oils such as orange oil and sandalwood oil are beneficial for regaining inner calm. Furthermore, a healthy, stress-free life without a lot of excitement and exercise, fresh air, a healthy diet and the renouncement of smoking and alcohol can be a beneficial way of countering nervousness.
If the inner restlessness is based on an illness, this should be treated immediately. If the cause is psychological, the doctor should prescribe further psychotherapy.
Outlook & forecast
The prognosis and the further course of the disease in the case of an inner restlessness is difficult to predict, since both depend very much on the individual results that led to this inner restlessness. As a rule, it is about events from the past or future appointments or appointments in which a person shows an inner restlessness.
This turmoil puts stress on the body and can lead to headaches, loss of appetite, and depression. It is not uncommon for these symptoms to lead to social exclusion, anxiety and severe psychological problems.
An inner restlessness can be treated because it has a specific trigger. Treatment by a psychologist is possible, who can also prescribe medication for the patient to calm the body and thereby remove the states of fear. However, medication alone cannot address the root cause of the symptom.
In civil unrest, it is just as difficult for the person concerned to concentrate on their work, which is why the job can be at risk.
In most cases, the trigger that was responsible for the anxiety disappears over time, so these conditions also go away. If the inner restlessness persists, a psychologist should be consulted, as this is a general psychological problem.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medicines to calm down and strengthen nervesprevention
Home remedies ↵ for restlessness Progressive muscle relaxation, autogenic training, sauna, massages, vacation and lots of sleep can have a very preventive effect. In addition, essential oils such as orange oil and sandalwood oil are beneficial in their prevention. Furthermore, a healthy, stress-free life without a lot of excitement and lots of exercise, fresh air, healthy nutrition and the renouncement of smoking and alcohol can help prevent nervousness.
You can do that yourself
In order to counteract inner restlessness, those affected should avoid drinks containing caffeine. In addition to coffee, black tea is also included. Green tea, herbal tea and juice spritzers are recommended. Experience has shown that it also helps to consume a liter of buttermilk daily. It is said to strengthen the nerves. Warm baths with herbal additives made from lavender have also proven their worth. They have a relaxing effect and help against nervousness and inner restlessness. However, exercise is best. Sports such as boxing or dancing are particularly useful.
There are also numerous herbal preparations available against inner restlessness. Chamomile, valerian, hops, lemon balm and passionflower as well as lavender are worth mentioning. They are available in the form of tablets, drops and teas. However, aromatic oils and bath additives also have an excellent effect.
If those affected suffer from long-term internal restlessness, it makes sense to consult a doctor. This will temporarily prescribe a medicine for nervousness. As a rule, drugs are used here that have a calming and anxiety-relieving effect. These include citalopram, fluoxetine, paroxetine and sertraline. If there is strong inner restlessness, drugs such as bromazepam, diazepam, lorazepam and oxazepam should be taken.