The most common complaints a headache (Cephalgia). Almost 70% of the German population suffer from acute or chronic headaches. Some people even suffer from daily headaches.
What is a headache?
Headaches can be divided into primary and secondary headaches. The primary headaches that are much more common include migraines and tension headaches. This type of headache should be viewed as an independent disease.
Most headaches, i.e. secondary headaches, occur as symptoms accompanying various diseases. For example, with colds and flu-like infections. Headaches are either dull, throbbing, stabbing, or pounding. They can be one-sided or distributed over the whole head. Headaches often occur particularly around the eyes, temples, forehead or the back of the head. Headache can be accompanied by other symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, or visual disturbances.
Headaches can have many causes. Statistically, the most common causes of headaches are tension headaches or migraines.
However, dehydration, alcohol, sunstroke, eye diseases, head injuries, psychological or psychosomatic disorders can also be the cause of headaches.
There are almost 220 known causes of headaches in medicine. In addition, headaches can also be triggered by medication (e.g. painkillers), injuries, or menstruation.
Diseases with this symptom
- cold
- Tonsillar angina
- high blood pressure
- Meningitis
- Lyme disease
- Sunstroke
- concussion
- stroke
- migraine
- Brain tumor
- Alcohol intoxication
- heatstroke
Diagnosis & course
Headaches can be immediate or gradual. The diagnosis is simple: Pain that arises directly in the head can be described as headache. An exception is pain in the neck area, because this can very often also be tension in the neck muscles, which are perceived as headaches. See: Neck pain.
The course is uncomfortable because the ability to concentrate clearly suffers, but the symptoms usually only last a very short time. In addition to shaking the head, dehydration is a common cause of simple headaches. If the headache remains intense for more than a day or two and pain relievers such as aspirin or ibuprofen are ineffective, a doctor must be consulted immediately.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medicines for headaches and migrainesComplications
Some problems or complications can arise in the context of headaches. The most common headache-related symptoms are general malaise and the associated decreased performance. It is irrelevant what cause the headache results. The reduced productivity of those affected can also result in incapacity for work.
Furthermore, concentration problems often arise as a result of headaches. Although these are temporary, they sometimes have a strong impact on the person's everyday life. If this complication occurs, the person concerned may not be able to actively participate in road traffic. Furthermore, depending on the cause of the headache, numerous other complications can occur. For example, nausea and vomiting are relatively common complications and problems that result from the headache.
With all of the above-mentioned complications, it is true that they can occur with or without medical treatment. If a headache occurs, it is important to take it seriously and to take care of yourself. Such behavior can, under certain circumstances, reduce or prevent complications. If this should occur, a doctor's visit is necessary in some cases.
When should you go to the doctor?
Some people have frequent headaches. Those affected should see a doctor if the headache lasts for several days, is particularly severe, or is one-sided. A doctor's visit is also advisable if accompanying symptoms such as visual disturbances, dizziness or vomiting occur. The cause of such symptoms needs to be investigated. This can hide serious illnesses.
Fall-related headaches can indicate a fracture, brain swelling, or a concussion. All three are in need of treatment. Self-treatment should be avoided after falling on the head. It is better to see a doctor to be on the safe side so that he can rule out a cerebral haemorrhage.
Overweight women of childbearing age are more likely to have headaches, which can be accompanied by impaired vision. These can be symptoms of a tumor. However, it can also be a so-called pseudotumor cerebri or idiopathic intracranial hypertension. This disease is caused by the lack of drainage of the cerebrospinal fluid. The causes are so far unknown. However, overweight and obese women are strikingly often affected. Not all headaches are harmless in nature.
If the headache persists, the face feels tight or visual disturbances, a frontal sinus infection should also be considered. In addition, inhalation allergies can cause stress on the frontal sinus. Triggers are perfumes, chemicals or smoke. If headaches cannot be traced back to a cause, a medical examination is generally advisable.
Doctors & therapists in your area
Treatment & Therapy
A doctor does not always have to be consulted with a headache, as the headache usually goes away quickly. Headaches caused by colds, stress, lack of sleep, overexertion and alcohol consumption are mostly harmless and go away within a day.
If the headache recurs over a long period of time or if the headache is very severe and sudden, it is advisable to consult a doctor. As part of their diagnosis, the doctor will check in which area of the head the headache occurs. He will also initiate investigations into the intensity and characteristics of the headache. It is important to determine whether the headache is spread over the entire head or is one-sided. If chronic headaches are the cause, it is advisable to keep a diary of the headache. In particular, the duration and occurrence of the headache should be documented.
If necessary, the doctor will also include psychosomatic and neurological abnormalities in his diagnosis. The specialist diagnosis of the ophthalmologist, the orthopedic surgeon or an ear, nose and throat doctor should also be used for further treatment. Depending on the actual cause of the headache, blood tests and urine samples are also important basics of treatment. An electrical examination of the brain waves, computed tomography and ultrasound examinations may also be necessary.
Long-term treatment is particularly necessary in patients with migraines. If the headache occurs in connection with a brain tumor, stroke or meningitis, this must also be treated immediately. However, this cause occurs very rarely. As with all symptoms, treatment for headache depends on its cause.
Headache tablets with ingredients such as paracetamol, ibuprofen or acetylsalicylic acid-containing substances are often bought. However, these drugs should be taken with caution. A consultation with the doctor is extremely useful.
Massages, autogenic training or acupuncture can also provide relief. While these procedures are not always scientifically based, they are considered good headache treatment and prevention.
Outlook & forecast
The further course of a headache depends very much on the type of pain and the patient himself. In many cases, however, headaches are only temporary pain that disappears within a few hours or days. They very often accompany a cold or flu and are therefore perfectly normal. However, if the headache occurs over a long period of time and is relatively severe, a doctor must be consulted.
The treatment itself can be done with pain relievers. However, since pain relievers are relatively difficult for the stomach to digest, the patient should not take too many and should consult a doctor if they persist.
Without treatment, the headache will usually go away on its own. But they can also indicate other symptoms and problems. If the pain in the head arises after an accident or after a blow to the head, a doctor should be consulted urgently. This could be a hazardous situation.
The course of the disease is largely positive for headaches and leads to success. The weather in particular has a major influence on headaches for many people and can cause them in the short term. Should they then disappear again, there is no need to see a doctor.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medicines for headaches and migrainesprevention
As almost always, when it comes to headache prevention, a healthy lifestyle with lots of sport and exercise and a healthy diet are the best guarantees against headaches. Furthermore, little stress, sufficient fluids, lots of sleep and relaxation exercises are excellent preventive measures. Also avoid alcohol and nicotine.
Home remedies & herbs for headache
other home remedies ↵ for headaches For acute headaches, rub the head and forehead gently and intensively with marjoram oil. Another help is to stand in the shower and aim the jet of hot water directly on your neck.
You can do that yourself
Headaches are common, but you don't always need to see a doctor. There are numerous home remedies available to help relieve headaches. Tiger balm or mint oil, which is dabbed on the forehead and temples, is worth mentioning. A potato topping in particular is extremely useful. Here, some raw potatoes are cut into fine slices and placed on the forehead. As soon as the potatoes are warm, they should be put down and fresh ones on top.
Headaches can be treated by yourself with a simple massage. If done properly, it brings extraordinary relief. Massages also help with migraines. The forehead, temples, ears and neck should be rubbed with a massage oil. In the best case scenario, the oil contains essential components. The massage begins on the forehead. Affected people press hard with both index fingers on the bone in the middle under the hairline. From there the fingers are pulled towards the temple. At this point the pressure should ease and be caressed in a circular motion. Afterwards, those affected should apply some pressure to the upper edge of the eye sockets.
Lavender flowers also help against headaches. Here, 150 milliliters of hot water are poured over about two teaspoons of lavender flowers. It is advisable to consume the tea several times a day. It is best to drink this before going to bed.