Of the dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) is a daisy family. The bright yellow flowers are among the first flowers in spring and are therefore important food for bees, but also a feast for the eyes for walkers. The plant contains a white milky sap and has a long, strong taproot. The active ingredients of the plant stimulate digestion, have a strong diuretic effect, strengthen the stomach and also strengthen the liver.
Occurrence & cultivation of dandelions
dandelion has the advantage that you don't really have to cultivate it because it grows on its own. When the plant has faded, the wind quickly drives the seeds as light umbrellas of the so-called dandelions in all directions and to new locations for this plant, much to the chagrin of lovers of well-kept gardens and green spaces.
The German name "Löwenzahn" is said to have been coined due to the shape of the leaf, the saw-shaped edges with pointed, uneven teeth were interpreted as a lion's bite. In naturopathy, the flowers, the leaves and the roots are used.
Application & use
The dandelion against springtime tiredness, allergies, fever, rheumatism and loss of appetite. As a spring cure, young dandelion leaves are added to salads and give them a strong flavor.
Or you can harvest the whole plant, clean the roots and use all parts as a salad. Folk medicine says that body and mind are pure again after a 6-week course. As an external use against warts, an old home remedy says that you can dab the wart with the dandelion milk every day and let it dry out.
Here are some suggestions. First the dandelion flowers: they contain bitter substances, vitamins A and C, mineral and essential oils. There are numerous recipes for processing the blossoms, for example as dandelion blossom honey, which children can also make with enthusiasm. To do this, you collect approx. 140 to 150 decolored dandelion flowers for approx. 1 liter of honey, you need 1.5 liters of water and the juice of a lemon.
(The yellow flowers are pulled out of the calyx shell with a jerk with your thumb and forefinger) Bring water and flowers to a boil and then let them simmer for 30 minutes, cool a little, then strain them. Add 1 ½ kg of sugar and the juice of a lemon to the juice, stir in the ingredients and then simmer for an hour. Not too long, because the fresh aroma of the dandelion blossoms should be retained. The syrup or honey should run viscously from the spoon.
You can dry dandelion blossoms yourself or get them in pharmacies and drugstores. The tea helps with biliary complaints and brings pain relief in rheumatism.
A spring regimen for adults is eating dandelion stems. For this you should eat up to ten fresh stems of flowering plants raw daily, chewing them carefully. This cure should last two weeks, during the cure people who are exhausted and tired should experience a quick awakening of the spirits.
Significance for health, treatment & prevention
The root of the dandelion Has extensive healing effects, so applications can relieve pain, relieve coughs, have a bile and diuretic effect, loosen phlegm, stimulate the liver and digestion and also relax.
The bitter substances stimulate the production of digestive juices and thus also the production of saliva. You get hungry and appetite. Anyone who suffers from poor digestion, gas and heartburn, and there are not a few people, can also help themselves with dandelion root and dandelion herb extracts. Taken before a meal can prevent the symptoms. In the case of urinary tract infections, extracts from the dandelion root, also in conjunction with nettle herb, are recommended for flushing the urinary tract. The dandelion has a flushing and draining effect here.
For problems with dry skin, which can result from cold wind, dry air or frequent bathing and washing, dandelion root as a pressed juice also helps. The elasticity of the skin is increased, healthy skin and hair are the result of such an application.
If you don't have time to collect the dandelion yourself, you can of course also buy it in a dried form or as a ready-made preparation.