As a side effect of a cold, it is known to everyone: the runny nose. When the infection has subsided, the olfactory organ usually calms down again. But many people also suffer from a chronic runny nose. There are many causes and reasons for this, and there are a number of things that can be done to prevent the annoying runny nose.
What is a runny nose?
A runny nose is the discharge of secretions from the nose and the paranasal sinuses. The secretion is often generated by inflammation in these areas.
With severe or permanent inflammatory reactions, the nasal mucous membranes swell and the secretion production is increased. An acute infection is usually accompanied by a runny nose.
From clear liquid to yellow-greenish mucus to dark crusts, the secretions from the runny nose can have a wide variety of manifestations depending on the cause.
The appearance and texture of the nasal discharge can say a lot about the cause of a runny nose. A bacterial infection produces yellow-greenish, thick secretion (pus).
If, on the other hand, the liquid is thin, whitish or colorless, this indicates an acute runny nose caused by viruses. If a persistently runny nose with clear liquid occurs, this is often a consequence and side effect of an allergy.
In response to an irritant, the nasal mucous membrane then constantly produces secretions. If the allergic stimulus, which in addition to dust, bee pollen or harmful substances in the air can also be incompatible foods, is not eliminated, the runny nose becomes chronic.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medicines for colds and nasal congestionDiseases with this symptom
- allergy
- hay fever
- cold
- Wegener's disease
- flu
- Sinus inflammation
Diagnosis & course
Diagnosing a runny nose as a side effect of a bacterial or viral infection is relatively easy if other symptoms of a cold or flu also occur.
In the case of stubborn infections in the ear, nose and throat area, which are noticeable, among other things, by a runny nose with yellow-green secretions, a bacterial superinfection can be caused by a swab of the mucous membrane, i.e. an additional bacterial attack on inflamed tissue can be detected. The treatment will then be adjusted accordingly.
Detecting an allergy as the cause of a runny nose is a little more difficult because there are many possible allergy-causing substances. The doctor will do an allergy test if it is suspected. If the result is positive, it is a demanding task for the doctor and the patient to alleviate the symptoms through the right treatment and body-strengthening measures and to calm the runny nose.
A runny nose is usually a symptom of a simple cold that heals without complications. In the worst cases, the common cold can spread and infect your sinuses and middle ear. In addition, these normally viral infections can be infected secondarily by bacteria, resulting in a superinfection, which is more difficult to treat.
Wegener's disease can also be the cause of a chronic runny nose. This is an autoimmune disease of the blood vessels. Within a year, around 50 percent die from the consequences of this disease if it is not adequately treated with immunosuppression. The disease spreads over the entire organism and mainly affects the ears, kidneys and eyes.
It leads to hearing loss, which can lead to deafness, poor eyesight which can lead to blindness, and kidney failure (renal insufficiency). If the disease affects the kidneys, any therapy is usually too late, life expectancy is less than 6 months. In addition, a runny nose can also occur as allergic rhinitis as part of an allergy.
Complications that can arise are, for example, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, as well as effusions in the middle ear and tympanic cavity that lead to hearing loss. In the rarest of cases, an allergen can trigger an allergic shock. The affected person suffers a sharp drop in blood pressure and an increase in heart rate. In addition, there is a shortness of breath. In the event of a shock, an emergency doctor should be consulted immediately, as it is a life-threatening emergency.
When should you go to the doctor?
At first glance, a runny nose is not a worrying clinical picture that must be examined by a doctor. However, a cold should subside within a week. Before the affected person see a doctor with a runny nose, they can of course first resort to the medicine cabinet. Nasal sprays, cold ointments, or inhaling anti-inflammatory agents are effective remedies for a runny nose.
If none of these measures lead to any improvement, then going to a doctor is inevitable. Anyone who completely refrains from seeing a doctor or taking appropriate medication at this point must expect a considerable worsening of the individual symptoms. However, if the person concerned seeks a doctor, it should first be the family doctor. A family doctor can prescribe appropriate medication for such cold symptoms, which can achieve a significant improvement in well-being within a short time.
In general, the following applies: A family doctor can effectively treat a runny nose with the right medication. Before that, you can of course use your own home remedies to fight a runny nose. However, if there is no improvement after a few days, a doctor should definitely be consulted. This is the only way to avoid serious complications at an early stage.
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Treatment & Therapy
The runny nose as a side effect of a simple infection is a self-healing and cleaning measure of the body. Therefore, the secretions from the nose should not be suppressed. Immune-strengthening measures, rest, a healthy diet, plenty of fluids (water) and regular nasal baths usually ensure a complication-free and predictable course of the infection, and when it subsides, the runny nose also disappears.
If a bacterial superinfection is causing the runny nose, the doctor will most likely prescribe antibiotics. In the case of a bacterial infection, this treatment is usually the only way to permanently remove the inflammation and thus the runny nose. It is also very important as bacterial infections can be dangerous.
A runny nose as a result of an allergic reaction is more difficult and the prognosis is less favorable. It is very much a matter of perseverance and consistent behavior of the patient whether the allergen can be permanently switched off and thus the problem of the runny nose can be eliminated.
However, since not all allergy-causing irritants can always be banished from everyday life, the prognosis for a complete healing of the runny nose is rather unfavorable.
Outlook & forecast
A runny nose is caused by irritation of the nasal mucous membrane or a bacterial infection. As a result, this clinical picture can take different courses, which in some cases should be treated by a doctor.
Usually, a runny nose should go away on its own within a week. Affected people can breathe very poorly at night and sore spots develop on the nose. There is also a purulent discharge from the nose, which can vary depending on the severity of the infection.
In some cases, however, a runny nose does not heal within a week, but leads to a more severe infection. The nasal mucous membranes are affected at such a moment. They can become very crusty and inflamed. In such a case, the affected person gets very poor breath, so this clinical picture should be treated with medication.
If the cause of a runny nose is not an infection, then in many cases an allergy is to blame. For example, if you suffer from hay fever, you may have a runny nose all year round. In such a case, an improvement can only be achieved with the help of medication.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medicines for colds and nasal congestionprevention
There are a few simple and effective measures that can be taken to prevent a runny nose. A healthy diet, plenty of fluids and fresh air support the whole body and, above all, the defense that is directly related to the mucous membranes of the nose and sinuses.
Special nasal baths with warm water and the addition of sea salt moisturize and strengthen the nasal mucous membranes.
In addition, the use of herbal, essential oils can have a decongestant effect and protect the mucous membranes. If you have problems with a runny nose, dust, synthetic fragrances and too many chemicals should be avoided in the household.
You can do that yourself
With a runny nose, there are relatively many means of self-help that are used. A visit to the doctor is therefore only necessary in rare cases. As a rule, it is sufficient to repeatedly wipe the runny nose with a handkerchief or blow your nose. This frees the nose and the secretion can escape from the nose. There are various sprays for the nose that can stop the runny nose at the pharmacy. These also clear the nose of congestion and other blockages.
Ideally, the nose can be rinsed with salt water. To do this, simply mix water with salt and then spray it into the nose. The salt water clears the nasal congestion and thus also stops the runny nose. Inhalation sticks can also be used to prevent runny nose. These are often soaked with a certain oil, which relieves the blockages in the nose with the help of the smell and thus ensures a clear nose. Ginger and garlic also help against the runny nose. These can be used in tea or soups, for example. If you have the flu or a cold, eating a healthy diet is very helpful in getting rid of the runny nose quickly.