Also called leprosy known disease leprosy is one of the bacterial infectious diseases. It is highly contagious and is not infrequently fatal if left untreated. However, through early detection and treatment with antibiotics, leprosy is now curable. In Germany, leprosy only occurs very rarely due to the very good hygienic conditions. In tropical countries like India, however, leprosy sufferers are even more common.
What is leprosy
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The leprosy is referred to as the disease of the poor because of its global geographic occurrence. Due to the habitat of the disease carriers, it can be observed mainly in warm climates.
Basically, leprosy is an infectious disease. As a result, it can be transmitted through infection and its cause and symptoms can be treated well with today's modern medical methods.
Since leprosy can affect many people at the same time and around 12 million patients worldwide are affected by leprosy, the disease belongs to the category of epidemics. The disease is limited to certain areas of the human skin. The leprosy pathogens trigger the typical symptoms mainly on the nerve tracts and nerve endings, the mucous membranes and the skin of humans.
The cause of the leprosy lies in a pathogen that causes disease, which in bacteriology is called the bacterium Mycobacterium leprae. This pathogen is related to the tubercle bacterium, the causative agent of tuberculosis. People become infected through constant contact with people who are already sick. It is assumed that a weakening of the immune system due to poor nutrition, inadequate hygienic conditions and limited existential supplies make the organism susceptible to the onset of the disease.
The nasal secretions excreted by infected patients and the purulent skin irritations contain a massive amount of leprosy bacteria. For this reason, contact is enormously contagious. Open wounds on the surface of the skin and the absorption of droplets through the respiratory tract allow almost unlimited transmission of the leprosy pathogen.
Symptoms, ailments & signs
The symptoms and discomfort at leprosy are very different and varied. Of course, the most visible are the symptoms around the face. One of the first symptoms is characterized by numbness in the sense of tactile sensory disorders. In the further course, typical skin spots appear, which can appear darker or lighter depending on the skin type.
Typical symptoms of lepromatous leprosy are bacterially infected nodules caused by leprosy in the skin. This then leads to the well-known mutilations and scars or entire losses of individual body parts. In later stages, internal organs can also be affected by the disease, so that the person affected can become crippled without treatment. These are often accompanied by symptoms of paralysis.
In tuberculous leprosy, the symptoms and symptoms are rather local. The skin is often discolored in the form of spots. Here, too, paralysis occurs later on. In contrast to lepromatous leprosy, this form can heal on its own.
Course of disease
When the disease progresses leprosy is differentiated between the tuberculoid and the lepromatous form. The disease, which has become so terrible as a result of the mutilations, shows this characteristic picture only in the tuberculoid form. Because of the impairment of the nerve tracts, those affected have no sense of touch in their fingertips. In addition, the terminal limbs are no longer adequately supplied with blood. Due to the insensitivity to pain, numerous injuries occur on the limbs, which lead to the symptoms of mutilation.
In contrast to the tubercoloid leprosy the lepromatous course of the disease is much more serious. The skin and mucous membranes show massive symptoms of the disease. Knot-like hardening occurs and the extremities are partially paralyzed by the impairment of nerve functions. As the leprosy progresses, the nodular tumor forms appear on the face, back, hands and feet. The patients suffer from reduced perspiration, high fever in batches and lose weight rapidly. Hair loss is also a result of diseases affecting the skin and nervous supply systems.
Whether there are complications with leprosy depends on the particular form of the disease and the time at which therapy begins. While tuberculoid leprosy has a milder course and usually heals on its own, lepromatous leprosy, which is considered to be the most severe form of leprosy, can even be fatal.
Without appropriate treatment, there is a risk of serious consequences of leprosy. Often the patient's eyes are affected by complications. For example, madarosis (loss of eyelashes and eyebrows) can occur, but this does not affect the eyesight.
However, this is endangered by other effects such as iritis, iris atrophy or facial paralysis (facial paralysis). There is also a risk of hair loss. Muscle weakness is also possible. The most serious effects of leprosy include disfigurements and mutilations, which are secondary changes.
They are the result of the destruction of sensitive fibers, which leads to a sensitivity disorder. Because of this, the patient no longer has any sense of touch. He cannot feel cold, warmth or pain. Sometimes there is complete anesthesia. Furthermore, rhagades are formed, which represent a high risk of secondary infections. Abscesses and necrosis can result from minor injuries. As the disease progresses, the necrotic fingers or toes may fall off.
When should you go to the doctor?
If numbness or the characteristic nodules under the skin are noticed, a doctor is recommended. Leprosy is a serious disease that, if left untreated, can result in the loss of fingers and toes. People who have a specific suspicion should therefore seek medical advice. If mutilations or scars develop, see a doctor immediately. The relatives must monitor the person concerned closely and call the emergency doctor or the medical emergency service in the event of serious symptoms.
Since leprosy occurs very rarely nowadays, the symptoms should be clarified first. People who suffer from tuberculosis often also develop leprosy and should therefore consult a doctor closely. Loss of eyelashes and eyebrows indicates advanced leprosy that needs immediate treatment. Affected people should consult their family doctor or an internist. Other contact persons are the hepatalogue or the gastroenterologist, depending on the symptoms and the cause of the disease.
Basic medical therapy to combat leprosy represents the use of highly dosed and effective drugs. These are not administered individually, but mostly in combination to increase the therapeutic effectiveness. Doctors almost exclusively use antibiotics. These should stop or reduce the division and thus the multiplication of the pathogens. In order to treat tuberculoid leprosy, it is necessary that the therapy must last for at least six months.
For the more aggressive and severe form, the therapy must be continued for two years in order to achieve healing success. So-called reserve leprostatic drugs are offered by the pharmaceutical industry in order to be able to continue the treatment in case of insufficient healing. The treatment of leprosy also includes the care of the wounds and active exercise treatment in order to minimize and stop the occurrence of paralysis at an early stage.
Outlook & forecast
The occurrence of the disease leprosy is directly linked to poor living conditions. Currently, the infectious disease occurs mainly in South America, South Asia and India. The World Health Organization has achieved the goal of nearly eradicating new diseases by the year 2000. Leprosy disease is virtually impossible in industrialized countries. A strong immune system makes infection comparatively unlikely.
After illness, the prognosis depends on the type of leprosy and when it is diagnosed. So tuberculoid leprosy mostly heals on its own; Without medical treatment, the lepromatous form leads to death. An early diagnosis is usually associated with a favorable outlook. However, patients have to accept long-term treatment, which is sometimes associated with side effects. Defense reactions of the body are not uncommon. If those affected only begin treatment after mutilations and paralysis have already set in, these cannot be reversed.
If the leprosy does not heal on its own without medical supervision, it continues to advance. The skin and nerves are permanently damaged. Disabilities that lead to a life in need are common.
Since leprosy shows different forms, both the course of the disease and the follow-up care can vary in intensity. This mostly focuses in the form of prevention on containing the symptoms for as long as possible. Without medical treatment, those affected suffer considerable consequential damage. Most of the time there are discomforts in the eyes that lead to complications. The everyday life of those affected is difficult to cope with alone, which is why the help of relatives is essential.
In addition, those affected should make sure that they are as careful as possible in their actions in order to reduce their risk of injury. Even the smallest injury can lead to the development of an abscess. Sufferers should see a doctor regularly to review medication settings and possible side effects. Psychological support for relatives can also be recommended.
You can do that yourself
If leprosy is suspected, a doctor should be consulted immediately. Under no circumstances should the symptoms, which initially seem harmless, be treated yourself. Since leprosy is extremely contagious, the patient usually needs intensive care and isolation.
Most leprosy infections are recorded in India and the neighboring states of Bangladesh and Myanmar, formerly Burma, as well as in Brazil. Tourists and business travelers are usually not at risk as long as they are in the tourist areas and business centers of major cities. Expeditions to the poor districts of Indian metropolises are, however, not recommended for medical reasons. Leprosy and a number of other epidemics that have already died out in Europe are still common here. When confronted with leprosy sufferers, any physical contact must be avoided. Because of the risk of droplet infection, mere physical proximity to infected people is dangerous. Anyone who notices symptoms such as numbness in the limbs or dark spots on the skin after such an incident should seek medical attention immediately and advise them of the possibility of a leprosy infection.
It is believed that a weakened immune system, particularly due to malnutrition, increases susceptibility to leprosy. Measures that strengthen the immune system, in particular a healthy, vitamin-rich diet, can therefore reduce the risk of infection or contribute to faster recovery.