


We explain what freedom is and its characteristics. Also, what are the types of freedom and the difference between freedom and debauchery.

"Only those who know how to conquer it every day are worthy of freedom." - J.W. Goethe (1749-1832)

What is the Liberty?

Freedom is that faculty that the persons to be able to act according to their own Will. Due to thehistory of the humanity, this concept can also be used to refer to those who are not imprisoned or in a state ofslavery.

The term freedom is used in various human aspects, so it charges more specific definitions. Freedom can be both physical and emotional or ideological.

The exercise of freedom involves a large share of responsibility, because it is important that the individual is aware of their own actions, to assume the consequences and the results of the decisions. An individual can act freely as long as he does not exceed or restrict the freedom of others.

Be possessor ofinformation, look and reflect, investigate, and know yourself are important points to have more possibilities when choosing and making use of personal freedom.

See also:Liberalism

Characteristics of freedom

Some of the most representative characteristics of freedom are:

  • It is an inherent faculty of the human being.
  • It is recognized as a right and a value.
  • It takes into account the personal will or of a group.
  • It is related to different areas of the human being: it can be physical or psychic.
  • It has limits, since you must respect your own freedom and that of others. There is no absolute freedom.
  • It assumes the ability to choose.
  • There are different types that relate to different aspects of the individual.
  • There are obstacles that can prevent or make your exercise more difficult.

Types of freedom

Freedom of worship allows you to practice whatever religion you want or not to practice at all.

There are different aspects of individuals, both in their personal and social life, in which the term freedom is used, many of them refer to human rights fundamental.

Some types of freedom are:

  • Freedom of association Faculty that people have to conformorganizations, associations or groups withobjectives licit to reach.
  • Freedom of movement Right of human beings to move freely in different parts of the planet, either from one country to another or within it territory.
  • Freedom of expression. Right of people to express themselves, investigate, spread, receive information and give an opinion.
  • Sexual freedom Right of people to be able to choose their ownsexuality.
  • Freedom of the press. The ability of individuals to organize themselves in order to create amedia in which the published content cannot be censored or controlled by theCondition and its powers.
  • Freedom of worship. Freedom that people have to choose onereligion, not to choose any or to believe or not in the existence of some divine being. At the same time, this freedom implies that people can openly and publicly practice this choice without being oppressed, persuaded or discriminated against.
  • Freedom ofusufruct of the property. Freedom that people or business entities have to have, obtain, use, dispose or control objects, capital, land or other types of property.
  • Academic freedom. Faculty of practicingteaching with absolute freedom when teaching and discussing without limitations or restrictions.

More in: Types of freedom

Examples of freedom

Balance allows for better decisions.
  1. His father attends the temple every day (freedom of worship).
  • We are gathering supporters to form the school cooperative (freedom of association).
  • The children studied the composition of the cell at school (freedom of study).
  • He is setting up a food business for celiacs (freedom of business).
  • The journalist wrote an opinion article in the zonal newspaper (freedom of expression).
  • I expressed my political opinion in front of everyone present (freedom of thought and opinion).
  • We went to the market to buy a cake for his birthday (freedom of trade).
  • We will go for a walk this weekend (freedom of movement).
  • She signed up for a silverware course (freedom of choice).
  • The teacher prepared today's class and brought a new bibliography (academic freedom).

Difference between freedom and debauchery

When talking about the term freedom, it is necessary to differentiate it from debauchery, which refers to those behaviors or acts that are characterized by being carried out without taking into account how they will affect the rest of society, which violate thelaw or that they are immoral.

Therefore, the concept of debauchery, although it implies the exercise of freedom, has a negative connotation because of its immorality and because it implies the exercise of freedom in an unrestrained or abusive way.

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