The Eyelid edema, also Eyelid eczema called, is a swelling of one or both eyelids, which can have very different causes. In principle, lid edema can occur suddenly and acutely at any age, but chronic courses have also been reported.
What is eyelid edema?
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That is why there are patients who have already consulted several doctors in order to cure their eyelid edema permanently.
The Eyelid edema is defined as an allergic reaction to various environmental factors. Because it affects the eye directly, eyelid edema is mostly treated by ophthalmologists, but later also by allergists or naturopaths.
Lid edema is one of the most sensitive areas of the body. The suffering of patients who may have been affected by it for years is correspondingly high in the case of chronic courses.
As with all allergological diseases and symptoms, so must also with Eyelid edema sensitization with a so-called allergen took place before the onset of the symptoms.
The immune system then forms specific antibodies against the allergenic substance and with the appropriate disposition and renewed exposure to the allergen, the symptom of lid edema then occurs.
Allergens that are primarily responsible for the development of eyelid edema are cosmetics such as make-up or hair dyes. However, it is by no means only substances that are used directly on the eye area that can be used as triggers, because studies show that on average a person involuntarily touches his eyes with his hands more than a hundred times a day.
Thus, a large number of so-called contact allergens from the environment can also contribute to the development of lid edema.
Symptoms, ailments & signs
Individual symptoms, complaints or signs of eyelid edema are usually quite clear, so that this appearance can be diagnosed very easily. Probably the safest symptom or sign of eyelid edema is puffy eyes. This leads to severe swelling of the eye, which in some cases can only affect the lid of the eye.
If eyelid edema is caused by an allergic reaction, it will not only result in swelling of the eyelid. In certain cases, there is also severe reddening of the eyes and long-lasting itching. Skin irritation is the result, so that it can also lead to reddening of the skin. If you do not visit the dermatologist in this context, the course of the disease can become much more difficult.
The flow of tears is also significantly increased in eyelid edema. In this context, there is also a burning sensation in the eyes. If left untreated, the swelling may take about a week to subside. The severity of the swellings is also significantly increased if medical treatment and medication are not used. The following applies: eyelid edema is usually noticeable as a swelling of the eyelid. Other signs depend on the cause, such as an allergic reaction.
Diagnosis & course
The skin of the face in general, and the skin on the eyelid in particular, is very sensitive. Various detergents, therapeutics, personal care products and cleaning products come to be responsible for one, especially when used excessively and excessively Lid edema in question.
Even patients who suffer from so-called neurodermatitis are affected more than average by eyelid edema, so there seems to be direct correlations here. It is assumed that neurodermatitis sufferers are particularly predestined for the development of eyelid edema due to their generally particularly dry skin.
Because dry skin around the eye area causes additional itching and so the number of involuntary touches of the eye area with the hands in people with neurodermatitis is many times higher. If there is also a contact allergy, the condition of the eyelid eczema can worsen dramatically, so that an inpatient stay may even be necessary.
As a rule, however, the lid edema is treated with a wide variety of outpatient measures. A specialist should always be consulted in the case of eyelid edema, as the inflammation can spread to the eyeball over time.
In most cases, eyelid edema does not lead to any particular complications, nor does it lead to a serious course. Those affected mainly suffer from swollen eyes. This can also lead to visual problems, so that the visual field of those affected is significantly restricted due to the lid edema. Especially in children, the eyelid edema can lead to restrictions in development.
It is not uncommon for patients to suffer from sudden problems with their eyesight, from depression or from anxiety. Furthermore, the skin becomes dry and itchy, which spreads over the skin. In the case of allergies in particular, there can be considerable restrictions in everyday life and a reduction in the quality of life. In the worst case, the inflammation can spread to the eyeball, so that those affected can go completely blind.
Treatment for this disease is usually based on the root cause. This allows the complaints to be limited relatively well. In any case, the person concerned must avoid contact with the triggering substance. Medicines can also be used in acute emergencies. The eyelid edema does not usually reduce the life expectancy of those affected.
When should you go to the doctor?
If the eyelids or one of the eyelids swell, a doctor should be consulted. If there is impairment of vision, sensitivity to light or reduced vision, it is advisable to consult a doctor. If there are changes in the skin, reddening of the eyelids, itching of the eyes or a feeling of pressure, a doctor is recommended. If the symptoms persist for several days or if they continue to spread, a doctor's visit is necessary to determine the cause. If there are disturbances in handling the necessary visual aids, the observations should be discussed with a doctor.
A medical examination is advisable in the event of psychological problems, general malaise or a feeling of heaviness on the eyelid. If ulcers develop on the eyelid, pain or discomfort through the eyelashes occurs, the symptoms should be examined and treated professionally by a doctor. Numbness and sensory disturbances in the eye should be assessed by a doctor.
Changes or disturbances in the usual flow of tears are warnings of the organism for existing discrepancies. A doctor visit is necessary as soon as the eye feels very dry or the flow of tears cannot be stopped.A burning sensation in the eyes also indicates an existing disease that requires medical attention.
Treatment & Therapy
The therapy of the Lid edema is always strictly based on the underlying causes, which are not always easy to find out, even for experienced therapists. If the triggering factor for eyelid edema is known, the therapy consists primarily of avoiding this allergy-causing substance in the future. Various blood and skin tests can provide information about an allergy-causing substance that causes lid edema.
Many patients say that eyelid swelling is worst in the morning after waking up. In order to provide a quick and effective remedy, chilled compresses in the form of pads soaked with black tea or so-called cold packs, but also the application of cucumber slices, have proven themselves. All therapeutic measures are aimed at cooling the eyelid swelling. For oral therapy, the doctor will also prescribe various antiallergic drugs, so-called antihistamines.
Which dosage has to be chosen here always depends on the severity of the severity of the symptoms. Lid edema that has existed for a long time can also be tackled surgically, although such a cosmetic operation will of course not remove the cause.
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Often the lid edema is an allergic reaction. This basically goes as not curable. Nevertheless, freedom from symptoms can be achieved if the triggering stimuli are completely avoided. Changes in personal care and the use of cosmetic products can be changed so that the symptoms are alleviated and no new education occurs in the long term. The eyelid edema does not normally trigger any further complications or secondary diseases.
If the treatment is successful and the disease triggers are avoided in the course of life, no long-term impairments or disturbances are to be expected under optimal conditions. The likelihood of developing inflammation in the area of the eyeball is nevertheless increased. This is especially true for patients whose immune systems are weakened and who show an increased susceptibility to inflammatory diseases. In rare cases, due to the visual abnormalities, emotional states of stress can be documented. This increases the risk of a mental disorder breaking out.
If the disease becomes chronic, cosmetic surgery should be considered. During the surgical procedure, the unwanted tissue changes are removed, so that after the wound healing process there is also no symptoms. If complications arise, the patient may develop unwanted scarring or develop sepsis. The latter represents a potential threat to human life.
For the prophylaxis of Eyelid edema Experts recommend avoiding cigarette smoke and alcohol, especially in the evening hours. Especially in the case of eyelid swellings that are not allergic in nature, the use of special make-up techniques with rather dark colors for covering is recommended.
Lid edema can lead to various complications, the further course of which usually depends very much on the exact cause and the time of diagnosis. These factors also determine the type and urgency of follow-up care. The disease primarily leads to severely swollen eyes. With the help of eye drops or ointments this can sometimes be alleviated, but it is advisable to discuss this with the doctor in charge beforehand.
Self-healing cannot occur, so that the person affected is always dependent on treatment by a doctor. In many cases, lid edema is triggered by an allergy, so the person affected should avoid the triggering substance. However, the lid edema can usually be treated relatively well again, so that this disease does not lead to a reduced life expectancy for the patient.
You can do that yourself
The measures the patient can take themselves in the event of eyelid edema always depend on the underlying causes. Basically, you should try to avoid the substance that triggered the allergy in the future. An allergy test provides information about the triggering substance. After the diagnosis, the patient should have an allergy ID issued so that first aiders can react quickly if an anaphylactic shock should occur.
The eyelid edema itself can be treated with the help of classic home remedies. Cooling, for example, in the form of chilled compresses or pads with black tea has proven itself. In addition to the antihistamines prescribed by the doctor, globules from homeopathy are also available for oral therapy. The use of alternative remedies should be discussed with a doctor beforehand.
In the case of chronic lid edema, surgery is usually necessary. After the procedure, rest and rest are indicated. The affected eyelid should not be exposed to major stresses such as cold or wind in the first few days after the operation. Cooling and pain relievers from nature also help with aftercare and can support the medical follow-up treatment well.