The Milk thistle is one of the most famous herbal medicines used to strengthen liver function. It was already known as a remedy in ancient times and was used for various ailments in the Middle Ages.
Occurrence and cultivation of the milk thistle
This marbling is typical of the milk thistle and gave it its name. According to legend, a few drops of milk fell on the leaves of a thistle when St. Mary was breastfeeding the baby Jesus. The spherical, only about 5 cm large flowers of the milk thistle are purple, the plant blooms in July and August. In August / September, the flowers develop into fruits with seeds, on which a crown of hair (pappus) hangs first, like the dandelion, but which is quickly thrown off and is not used in the manufacture of medicines.
Effect & application
The milk thistle has a long tradition as a medicinal plant. Its healing properties were already known in ancient times and in the Middle Ages it was grown in monastery gardens. In old herbal books, for example with Hildegard von Bingen, you can find recipes for thistle infusions against stabbing abdominal pain, cramps, bleeding, hot flashes and to stimulate the flow of milk.
Paracelsus also knew about its effect against sharp pain. Today it is best known for its beneficial effects on the liver. This was discovered by the doctor Johann Gottfried Rademacher in the middle of the 19th century.
The milk thistle is considered to be one of the most effective natural remedies for supporting the liver function in digestion and detoxification of the body. Various scientific studies prove the positive effect on the liver. The fruits of the milk thistle are used for medicinal products. They contain an active ingredient mixture of silymarin, a flavonoid mixture, fatty acids and protein, which sits directly under the shell. The main active ingredient is the silymarin.
The milk thistle is mainly used as a ready-made preparation. You can get it as a highly concentrated dry extract in pharmacies. They are also available as tablets, capsules or coated tablets with a certain content of silymarin. A daily dose of 200 - 400 g silymarin is recommended. If you have severe liver problems, a higher dose should be taken for about 2 weeks, after which the dose can be reduced again.
In general, a tea made from milk thistle extract is not as effective because the silymarin does not dissolve in water, but it can help with biliary and digestive problems. To prepare tea, take 2 teaspoons of milk thistle fruits, crush them and pour 150 ml of boiling water over them. Then you let the tea steep for 10-15 minutes and then pour it through a sieve. For a 6-week regimen, you can drink 3 to 4 cups a day.
Importance for health, treatment & prevention
The milk thistle is by far the most effective remedy for liver diseases. In terms of its effectiveness, it even surpasses synthetic drugs. The dried herbs and fruits are used. Milk thistle protects the liver cells from toxins, regenerates them, has an antioxidant effect and, by stimulating the flow of bile, improves fat digestion.
Because of its positive effectiveness in chronic liver inflammation, liver cirrhosis and liver damage due to poisoning, which has been proven by scientific studies, it has been approved by the Federal Health Office as an official medicinal plant for internal use.
Milk thistle strengthens the membrane of the liver cells and protects them from the penetration of toxic substances. The silymarin also ensures that the liver recovers better after damage. Some studies have also shown that milk thistle fruit extracts slow down liver disease, such as fatty liver disease. Milk thistle helps with poisoning, for example from mushrooms, and offsets the effects of alcohol consumption.
The use of milk thistle preparations should best be done after consulting a doctor. Ready-made preparations help better than a tea infusion, because the ingredients are difficult to dissolve in water and the concentration in the tea is not high enough. However, tea can help against bloating and gas.
The main areas of application for milk thistle are:
- acute inflammation of the liver due to poisoning (for example from mushrooms, drugs and alcohol)
- chronic liver damage from poisons, drugs, alcohol and viruses
- Liver weakness after acute serious illnesses, e.g. flu, surgery, burns
- Liver weakness in chronic diseases such as rheumatism
- Liver strengthening and detoxification
- Indigestion
There are hardly any side effects. It is better not to take it for people with an allergy to daisy family. Milk thistle supplements are usually well tolerated, but higher doses can cause gas and abdominal pain. Occasionally, diarrhea can occur.
Milk thistle preparations should only be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding after consulting a doctor, even if you are known to have allergies to daisy family. It makes sense to seek advice from your doctor as to which milk thistle preparation makes sense.