Mineral deficiency occurs when the body is not supplied with sufficient minerals. The deficiency symptom is particularly diverse. It can best be treated with special preparations and a healthy diet.
What is a mineral deficiency?
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In order for our body to function properly, we have to provide it with sufficient minerals. However, our organism cannot produce this itself.
So we have to ingest it with our food. With these vital substances, a distinction is made between trace and bulk elements. Trace elements are for example iron, fluorine, iodine or zinc. They are only found in “traces” in our organism. So our body only needs tiny portions.
It is different with the bulk elements, such as calcium, potassium, magnesium or sodium. We have to take in much more of this through food.
If some minerals are not available in sufficient quantities, one speaks of Mineral deficiency. Our body then reacts with complaints.
Unilateral nutrition can quickly become one Mineral deficiency to lead. With a longer diet, we often do not provide our body with all the minerals it needs. In the same way, the permanent consumption of ready-made meals is in no way advantageous. Here too, important vital substances for the human organism are usually missing.
In different phases of life we simply need more minerals than usual. For example in the growth phases as a child and adolescent, in pregnancy or in old age.
The organism can also lose important minerals through diarrhea, vomiting or excessive sweating. Eating disorders and alcoholism also have no beneficial effects on the body's mineral balance. A mineral deficiency can also be triggered by various diseases, such as diabetes or kidney diseases.
Symptoms, ailments & signs
A mineral deficiency often only becomes noticeable when the mineral has fallen below a certain value in the blood or in the cell. Which symptoms then arise depends on the mineral that is deficient. For this reason, some examples of symptoms of deficiency in typical minerals are given here.
Magnesium and potassium are particularly relevant for the function of nerves and muscles as well as for the heart. Deficiencies can be particularly noticeable in the form of cramps in the muscles. For example, leg cramp at night is a typical symptom of a magnesium deficiency. Potassium also has an impact on digestion, so a deficiency may be indicated by constipation or diarrhea.
In the area of the heart, mineral deficiencies (also known as electrolyte deficiencies) can be seen in palpitations, clearly noticeable palpitations or an irregular heartbeat sequence ("heart stumbling" = extrasystoles). In the nerve area, a magnesium deficiency can lead to overexcitability, restlessness and insomnia, while fatigue is typical for a potassium deficiency.
Zinc deficiency is closely linked to a weak immune system. A zinc deficiency can therefore be the reason for an increased susceptibility to infections or a general poor performance. Iron deficiency is closely linked to anemia and is often noticeably pale. Fatigue, headache, shortness of breath, or palpitations may also indicate an iron deficiency.
Diagnosis & course
At a Mineral deficiency we often feel dull, tired and struggle with muscle ailments. However, the symptoms are usually very different - depending on which important element our body is missing. Here are some examples:
If there is a calcium deficiency, the bones build up more slowly or gradually break down again. If there is too little iodine or fluorine in the organism, the bones soften. Muscle cramps occur more often when the body is not supplied with sufficient potassium or magnesium.
If there is a lack of sodium, blood pressure drops, among other things, a too low concentration of iron in the organism restricts the oxygen supply through the blood. In addition, zinc deficiency disrupts the metabolic process, among other things.
A mineral deficiency can lead to a wide variety of complaints and complications. However, these depend very much on the severity of the deficiency and the lack of minerals, so that a general course of this disease cannot be predicted in most cases. However, those affected suffer from disorders of concentration and coordination.
Digestive disorders or sleep problems can also occur, which have a very negative effect on the patient's quality of life. Those affected also suffer from reduced resilience and permanent fatigue. Blood breathing also occurs, and it is not uncommon for those affected to feel exhausted or depressed.
Furthermore, it can also lead to various psychological upsets, so that the everyday life of the patient is restricted by the mineral deficiency. The bones and muscles break down if the disease is not treated. Bone fractures can also occur more frequently due to the mineral deficiency. Treatment of this deficiency depends on its cause.
As a rule, the mineral deficiency can be counteracted relatively easily with the help of supplements, so that there are no particular complications. If the mineral deficiency is successfully treated, there are no further complications or a reduced life expectancy for the patient.
When should you go to the doctor?
If the person concerned suffers from various symptoms that gradually creep in and increase in intensity over several weeks or months, a doctor is needed. A mineral deficiency is characterized by the continuous increase in complaints that slowly spread in the organism and lead to a constant deterioration in health. Only at a later stage do sudden changes and irregularities appear. Therefore, a visit to a doctor is advisable even with diffuse symptoms and discrepancies. Those affected often complain of digestive problems, a general malaise or a loss of normal performance. The forces dwindle and exhaustion sets in faster than usual in everyday life.
If you are tired, have trouble sleeping or have irregular heartbeats, you should see a doctor. If there is an increase in infectious diseases, an increased body temperature or unusual paleness of the skin, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Palpitations, headaches, inner restlessness and irritability are further indications of the organism for an existing illness. A lack of concentration, breathing disorders and strong palpitations should be presented to a doctor and clarified. In the event of breathlessness or fears that arise, the cause should be investigated as soon as possible so that treatment can be initiated. Loss of well-being, mood swings and behavioral problems indicate disorders and should be investigated.
Treatment & Therapy
Who at a particular Mineral deficiency suffers, the missing element should definitely be supplied separately in the form of special mineral supplements.
However, it is important to ensure that the minerals used are organically usable. Otherwise the body can only convert the supplements with moderate success. In addition, slag is deposited in the connective tissue. This is an additional burden for the organism.
The missing vital substances can also be taken together with vitamins as (effervescent) tablets. There are also special drinks in stores that specifically balance the mineral balance after sporting activities.
But before you make an appropriate diagnosis yourself, it is always important to consult a doctor. This can identify possible deficiencies more specifically and diagnose them more quickly. He then prescribes certain mineral supplements. In the case of very severe deficiency symptoms, an infusion may even be necessary.
In addition, a doctor clarifies the causes of the mineral deficiency in detail. In some cases, the patients suffer from certain diseases and have to take the preparations for a long time. If you have severe diarrhea or vomiting, it is particularly important to see a doctor. Any risks to the cardiovascular system can be prevented immediately.
Outlook & forecast
In many cases, a mineral deficiency can be treated well, so that the symptoms often regress. It has a positive effect on the prognosis if the deficiency is recognized and treated at an early stage. What is decisive, however, is the cause of the deficiency. If a person is not getting enough of the necessary minerals in their diet, it may be enough to adjust their diet accordingly or to take the supplements prescribed by their doctor. However, if the deficiency persists, the symptoms may worsen.
However, the medical problem can also be related to other physical and mental illnesses. A mineral deficiency that occurs, for example, as a result of an eating disorder, cannot be viewed in isolation. In this case, the eating disorder should also be treated to avoid further complications. In this case, the prognosis for the mineral deficiency depends on the treatment options for the primary disease.
This also applies to physical illnesses that mean that the body cannot absorb the minerals even though the person concerned actually consumes enough minerals through food. The underlying illness often has to be treated here - possibly in addition to a change in diet and / or food supplements. Which measures are necessary and which are useful, however, always depends on the individual case.
One Mineral deficiency can be prevented with a balanced diet. Whole grain products, fruit and vegetables are particularly important. Fish and meat should only make up a small part of the diet. Drinking a lot is just as important, but please no cola drinks or alcohol! Mineral water, teas and fruit juice spritzers are much more beneficial against mineral deficiencies. In addition, sweets should only be consumed in small quantities.
Since mineral deficiency can be remedied relatively easily with a corresponding change in diet and substitution, no aftercare is necessary. Should the signs such as diarrhea or severe constipation, palpitations or even severe restlessness and sleep problems reappear to an unusual extent, it is advisable to consult the attending physician immediately. Light, sporting activity can be beneficial to strengthen the weakened body, gentle exercises such as those practiced in yoga are suitable for this. If the mineral deficiency has led to depression or other psychological complaints that still occur after the acute treatment period, this should be clarified with a psychologist. Therapy can sometimes help to bring the mental balance back into balance.
You can do that yourself
The best prevention against a mineral deficiency is a healthy diet, which, in addition to plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, is based primarily on whole grains, seeds, seeds and nuts. However, practical life constraints such as stress, overtime, business trips and, last but not least, the often still very unhealthy, fatty and meat-heavy menu in many canteens make such a diet extremely difficult. Many people are also plagued by allergies or other intolerances that make a balanced diet even more difficult.
Anyone who observes signs of a mineral deficiency should therefore see a doctor as soon as possible and have this suspicion clarified. Iron deficiency, which manifests itself in tiredness, exhaustion and hair loss, is very common, especially among women. Anyone who takes iron supplements should know that certain substances such as caffeine inhibit the absorption of this mineral. Iron tablets should therefore be taken in the evening. Vitamin C, on the other hand, promotes the absorption of iron from food, which is why iron-containing foods such as oat flakes should be fortified with a pinch of ascorbic acid (vitamin C).
There is an increased need for minerals especially during physical exertion, especially during heavy physical work and during sport. A particularly large number of minerals are lost through heavy sweating. A mineral deficiency can be prevented in such situations by using isotonic drinks such as juice spritzers or non-alcoholic beer. In the case of permanent physical exertion or during pregnancy, the use of dietary supplements may also be indicated.