


We explain what mission is, the meanings it has in various fields and what its general characteristics are.

The business mission refers to the objectives and activities of the company.

What is mission?

The concept of mission is understood as the faculty or power that is given to one or more persons to perform a certain duty or commission. Other times it is defined as the reason for being of something or someone. And, on the other hand, this word is related to the action of sending.

Mission of a company

The mission of a company must be motivating, concrete, broad, and possible.

The mission, in the business field, refers to the objectives of a company, its activities and the way it works. In business missions, the following are established:

  • Planning
  • Features
  • Media
  • Purposes pursued.

The mission that establishes the business It must be motivating, concrete, comprehensive, and possible (realistic, not utopian).

  • For authors O. C. Ferrel and Geoffrey Hirt “The mission of an organization is its general purpose. It answers the question what is the organization supposed to do? ".
  • Professor Rafael Muñiz Gonzales defines mission as "The raison d'être of the company conditions its present and future activities, provides unity, a sense of direction and guidance in making strategic decisions."
  • The 3 authors Stanton, Etzel and Walker define mission as what “It states which customers it serves, what needs it meets, and what types of products it offers. For its part, a mission statement indicates, in general terms, the limits of the organization's activities.

People's missions

There are authors who speak of personal missions.

This concept refers to the journey that each person wishes to take throughout their lives. This plan includes the activities that are carried out daily and the reason for them and what are the goals or objectives main of each. Personal mission is a term linked to values. From these, the goals to be followed will be defined.

There are authors who also emphasize the virtues of each person. They affirm that it is essential to know the passions and gifts to be able to make use of them in this journey of the life.

It is considered that personal missions are not static, but rather personal daily choices, which allow modifications and adhesions, in order to improve and adapt them to specific situations. This orientation about desires and wills are the means to access success.

Religious missions

A religious mission can be the process in which the word of God is transmitted.

When speaking of religious missions, reference is made to the pilgrimage of the faithful in different communities and even countries, with the aim of preaching the sacred word.

Normally two types of missions are distinguished, those that are related to the transmission of the Church as institution and others with the mission of God in concrete and his word. This second is related to the sending of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. One of the bases of religious missions is the dialogue. Not only with other people, but also a dialogue linked to the interior of the missionaries.

There are those who consider missions as a process in which the word of God is transmitted and the teachings of your child, but there are those who interpret it as a medium in which the various cultures they interact and enrich each other.

During the colonial times the religious missions settled in different places of America, Specially in Latin America, to teach about your religion and give an account of their faith to the native peoples. Many times they settled in places that were very difficult to access in those times, for example the jungles missionaries in Argentina and fulfilled the mission of evangelizing the natives.

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